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Search // morgan
Results 13-24 of 25 for ' morgan ' (1 seconds)
Vintage Reggae
Categories // Music 
Added: 6026 days ago by gaynor25
Runtime: 3m34s | Views: 10707 | Comments: 0



A gripping and authentic thriller by an author with personal experience in Black Ops—Leo Maloney. New danger has been brought to the world of Zeta Division, and it’s up to ex-CIA agent Dan Morgan and his team to stop a criminal mastermind that would destabilize the world’s balance of powers. Find out more here- and here For Duty and Honor by Leo J Maloney Military thriller, spy thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3029 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 688 | Comments: 0
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A woman in a warrior’s world Captain Morgan Boland is a sniper and bound for combat. Navy SEAL Jake Ramsey is not happy to be paired with her on a dangerous mission, especially since they share a heated past. Passion and heartache must be set aside if they are to stay alive because first you fight for your life, then you fight for your heart when you’re Down Range. Military romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4107 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2291 | Comments: 1
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Diversity Performs on the live final of Britains Got Talent 2009 And Win
Categories // Family 
Added: 5761 days ago by littlemisssoccer
Runtime: 6m17s | Views: 7591 | Comments: 1
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Morgan Stanley Managing Director of Marketing & The Client Experience Craig Pfeiffer, a veteran financial services executive, will deliver the keynote presentation about how large financial institutions are integrating social communications into their marketing and communications platforms across the organization. The conference will be held on November 18, 2010 at the Graduate Center of The City University of New York and is produced by Business Development Institute and PR Newswire. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5253 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 8462 | Comments: 3
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EXTRAIT du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 sans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit des associations humanitaires : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d\\\'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) - Graines d\\\'avenir (Pour le parrainage d\\\'enfants tibétains exilés) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN (France 2 \\\Télématin\\\ \\\C\\\'est au programme\\\...) - Fabienne THIBEAULT (Starmania...) - STONE - Mario D\\\'ALBA (Comédies Musicales, Mise en scène Beatles Story...) - FRAMBOISE (Starmania, La bande à Basile, Patrick Sébastien) - Alain CHANONE (Film \\\Quand j\\\'étais chanteur\\\ avec G. Depardieu) - Morgan ROYER (Vainqueur \\\graines de stars\\\ M6) - René JOLY (Starmania, disque de platine avec \\\Chimène\\\...) - Tenzin GÖNPO (Chanteur/Musicien Tibétain, Star de la Musique Tibétaine de part le monde) La Star Academy La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Categories // Music  Street  News and Politics 
Added: 6106 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 15401 | Comments: 1
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EXTRAIT du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 sans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit des associations humanitaires : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) - Graines d'avenir (Pour le parrainage d'enfants tibétains exilés) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN (France 2 "Télématin" "C'est au programme"...) - Fabienne THIBEAULT (Starmania...) - STONE - Mario D'ALBA (Comédies Musicales, Mise en scène Beatles Story...) - FRAMBOISE (Starmania, La bande à Basile, Patrick Sébastien) - Alain CHANONE (Film "Quand j'étais chanteur" avec G. Depardieu) - Morgan ROYER (Vainqueur "graines de stars" M6) - René JOLY (Starmania, disque de platine avec "Chimène"...) - Tenzin GÖNPO (Chanteur/Musicien Tibétain, Star de la Musique Tibétaine de part le monde) La Star Academy La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Added: 6062 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 16170 | Comments: 2
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Pour Noël, découvrez l'intégralité du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 dans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit de l'association humanitaire : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN - Fabienne THIBEAULT - STONE - Mario D'ALBA - FRAMBOISE - Alain CHANONE - Morgan ROYER - René JOLY - Tenzin GÖNPO La Star Academy 7 La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Added: 5922 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 17894 | Comments: 2
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In response to the destruction and devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti, The Advertising Council and the American Red Cross today launched a national television public service advertisement (PSA) featuring Morgan Freeman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tim McGraw, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and Reese Witherspoon. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5525 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 7608 | Comments: 0
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Millennials have replaced Boomers as America’s most populous and most influential generation, with more than 75.4 million in the US alone. Ranging from 21-34, some of our country’s most important technological, creative, and economic advancements can be directly attributed to this age group. Yet the very people who are changing the face of the nation are ineligible to hold the nation’s highest political office. Today, Captain Morgan announced a petition for Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution to be changed, which states that “neither shall any person be eligible to [the office of President] who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years.” True to its namesake’s pioneering and adventurous spirit, the Captain Morgan brand will unite everyone to bring a new voice to the election, in an attempt to pave a way for Under 35s to be President of the United States. More than half (52%) of 21-34 year olds say lowering the presidential age requirement would be beneficial for the country, and a clear majority of those polled – 56% - say they would be willing to act on this idea by supporting an amendment to lower the age requirement.* To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3154 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 881 | Comments: 0
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when someone badly wants to listen to eminems new single, youd kill TO HEAR IT
Categories // Music  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4212 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 838 | Comments: 3
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In this gripping and authentic thriller by an author with personal experience in Black Ops, it’s up to ex CIA agent Dan Morgan and his team to stop a criminal mastermind who has launched a violent plot to destabilize the world’s balance of powers. Find out more at Thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3295 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 830 | Comments: 1
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