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Search // lp
Results 13-16 of 16 for ' lp ' (0 seconds) Denne demonstrationsvideo viser hvordan du anvender den manuelle styring, EFC16, til røgsugere. Der vises hvordan man styrer røgsugeren ved hjælp af styringen og der gives tekniske informationer omkring installationen af styringen.
Tags // styring  efc16 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3049 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 630 | Comments: 0
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Piano legend Byron Janis releases Byron Janis Live on Tour, an album of never before released live recordings of performances by the internationally celebrated pianist. It is Maestro Janis’ first release of new material in twenty years and celebrates the 70th anniversary of his very first RCA LP recording in 1947 at the age of 19 titled Bach/Liszt, Chopin. Byron Janis Live on Tour is an exclusive compilation of twelve works composed by Haydn, Chopin & Liszt. Also featured are two pieces composed for stage and screen by Janis himself, a “hot” collaboration on two pianos with Cy Coleman and, finally, a song he composed, “David’s Star,” for which his son Stefan wrote the lyrics. This album is dedicated to him, who died tragically of a heart attack in February of this year. The album is due to be released by Janis Eleven Enterprises, LTD on May 23 in honor of his 89th birthday which was celebrated on March 24, 2017. Each Volume will have a limited edition pressed vinyl release. This release is the first of a three CD release musical journey. In the fall, Maestro Janis will release “Live from Leningrad,” a recording made in the early sixties in Russia. This was recorded unbeknownst to him while he was serving as a US Cultural Ambassador to the Soviet Union and surreptitiously presented to him nearly sixty years later. Then, just in time for the holidays, Byron Janis Live on Tour, Volume II will be available. Similar in format to Volume I, it will include a compilation of live recordings of performances of Mr. Janis from all over the world. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2865 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m21s | Views: 783 | Comments: 1
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Today at the AgVocacy Forum in New Orleans, Bayer recognized the 2016 Young Farmer Sustainability Award and Produce Innovation Award winners. The Young Farmer Sustainability Award was presented to Tyler Wegmeyer of Wegmeyer Farms, a commercial wholesale, u-pick and agritourism operation in northern Virginia. Amy Machamer and Hurd Orchards, a family-owned fruit farm in upstate New York, received the Produce Innovation Award. “We are proud to recognize two farmers who are committed to modern, sustainable agriculture and focused on strengthening the public’s connection with agriculture,” said Jim Blome, president and CEO of Bayer CropScience LP. “It’s an honor to work alongside people who are so passionate about their profession and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3313 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 760 | Comments: 0
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Am Vorabend der Auto Shanghai 2013 hat der Volkswagen-Konzern bei seiner traditionellen Group Night nicht nur die automobilen Highlights seines Markenspektrums gezeigt, sondern auch seine Verbundenheit zum Standort China unterstrichen. Ist es doch genau 30 Jahre her, als im April 1983 der erste in China gefertigte Santana vom Band rollte. Eingerahmt von zahlreichen künstlerischen Darbietungen, die begeistert beklatscht wurden, wurden aber auch die auf der Messe zu besichtigenden neuen Modelle gewürdigt. Angefangen von den beiden Weltpremieren des VW CrossBlue Coupé, mit dem die Wolfsburger einen Ausblick in die SUV-Zukunft geben, und der Audi A3 Limousine führte die Autoparade über den XL 1, den Bentley Flying Spur, den Skoda Superb, den Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse, der Seat Leon SC und den Porsche RS bis hin zum Lamborghini Aventador LP Anniversario. Und auch der Motorradbereich fehlte natürlich mit einer Ducati Chavel ebenso nicht wie Lkw von MAN und Scania, die aus Platzgründen allerdings vor der Halle geparkt werden mussten.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4361 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 2880 | Comments: 1
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