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Search // hide
Results 13-24 of 32 for ' hide ' (0 seconds)
A new survey commissioned by Mucinex, the number one over-the-counter brand* in America, reveals that more than 158 million Americans (63 percent of the adult population) would try to hide being sick so they wouldn’t have FOMO (fear of missing out) on doing things they wanted to do. However, more than 206 million Americans (82 percent of those surveyed) would agree that when they see people out and about when they are sick, they wish those battling cold and flu symptoms stayed home instead. While this time of year is full of fun autumn activities and outings with family and friends, it’s also the beginning of cold and flu season, and the last thing people want to do is stay at home and battle a swarm of sick symptoms.
Categories // Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 2362 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 1119 | Comments: 3
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A new survey commissioned by Mucinex, the number one over-the-counter brand* in America, reveals that more than 158 million Americans (63 percent of the adult population) would try to hide being sick so they wouldn’t have FOMO (fear of missing out) on doing things they wanted to do. However, more than 206 million Americans (82 percent of those surveyed) would agree that when they see people out and about when they are sick, they wish those battling cold and flu symptoms stayed home instead. While this time of year is full of fun autumn activities and outings with family and friends, it’s also the beginning of cold and flu season, and the last thing people want to do is stay at home and battle a swarm of sick symptoms.
Categories // Funny  Science and Technology 
Added: 2362 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1057 | Comments: 1
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The incredible ministry of Michael Brewer for the rejects of Haiti, the Haitian street kids...restaveks, runaway slave children that hide and live on the streets and city drainage pipes, many of them 4 and 5 year olds, that have now found love and refuge in the open arms of Michael Brewer. This is a photo and music compilation of the ministry through his eyes.
Added: 5842 days ago by judahbenhuer
Runtime: 5m40s | Views: 9583 | Comments: 1



Vintage Reggae
Categories // Music 
Added: 6044 days ago by gaynor25
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 13516 | Comments: 0



Jaden Emma hide and seek
Tags // jaden  emma  hide  and  seek 
Categories // Family 
Added: 5042 days ago by alibobo
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 7973 | Comments: 0



Now on Amazon- . Jackson is about to start Kindergarten, and he's desperate not to! He tries to hide in his bed so he doesn't have to, but it's no use, he still has to go. His mom tells him how much fun he's going to have, but he doesn't believe her. Until he gets there and he has so much fun he doesn't want to go home! This book will help kids realize that kindergarten can be fun and help ease their first day jitters.
Tags // children  book 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4334 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 816 | Comments: 1
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How do you get rid of dark spots? This cute puppy tries his best to get rid of his spots but sun spots, age spots, dark spots aren't always easy to hide. This puppy might have a little more trouble, but now with Garnier Dark Spot Corrector, our daily moisturiser that visibly corrects all dark spots for an even skintone -- helps correct Sun spots, Age spots & Acne marks. Visit our page to learn more
Tags // get  rid  of  dark  spots  reduce  sun  spots  sun  spots  age  spots  acne  marks  hormonal  pigmentation  look  younger 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4582 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 4183 | Comments: 0



Houston Undercover Cops cartoon series will resume with a brand new episode on June 28, 2013 after being on hatius hold for three months since the last episode. Creators of the cartoon series successfully make changes to Houston Undercover Cops by changing the stick figure animation world to 2d animation world. Undercover Police officers: Magic Simpson and Chad Holland are back on the streets after returning from vacation in Brazil. Yes Magic and Chad is the 5 0 and if you are caught committing a crime they will get you. If you step to them that will be suicide. Yeah we know that you have been in trouble with the law before. But have you ever been in trouble with Magic and Chad? You can run but you can't hide because the universe demands justice and the people who are out to serve and protect going to get you one way or another. Think twice before you make bad decisions shoot at them and you're dead. We didn't write the law nor we didn't make the rules. We have to enforce the law and breaking the laws will not be tolerated. The undercover officers are back on the streets so all the thugs better watch out because you never know when they will creep up on your set. Tell me what you going to when they come for you! MagicSimpson1 Productions 2013
Categories // Cartoon  Family 
Added: 4295 days ago by Magic123
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2860 | Comments: 4



After escaping from Evernight Academy, the vampire boarding school where they met, Bianca and Lucas take refuge with Black Cross, a fanatical group of vampire hunters. Bianca must hide her supernatural heritage or risk certain death at their hands. But when Black Cross captures her friend...the vampire Balthazar...hiding is no longer an option. Hourglass Claudia Gray Book Trailer Find out more about The Evernight series and Claudia Gray here YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5517 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 10018 | Comments: 1
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Upset sweet girl try forgetting and passing the day on chat line
Tags // cute  brunette  blonde  red  hair  brown  girl  girls  online  chat  up  leisure  beautiful  room  fun  sweet  heart  want  like  pretty  tu 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4331 days ago by rachelosussman
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 953 | Comments: 1
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To hide drugs
Tags // drugs 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 661 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m29s | Views: 344 | Comments: 0



Give a listen! God’s Omniscience - Psalm 139 – God knows all about you! Our thoughts are known to Him before we are created! We cannot hide from God anywhere as He infinity knows all our ways! For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret!
Tags // gods  omnipresence  gods  omnipotent 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 2212 days ago by forhimforever
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 831 | Comments: 0



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