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Search // fist
Results 13-14 of 14 for ' fist ' (0 seconds)
The Crane Fist Form of Ng Ying Kungfu aka Five Animal Kung Fu by grandmaster Patrick van Steen. Five Animal Kung Fu is a traditional southern Chinese form of Martial Arts. The style was brought out to the public by grandmaster Christopher Fournier. Dutch martial artist Patrick van Steen was a personal student of Christopher Fournier and earned the warrior name Long Juan Feng aka Long Feng. Shifu Patrick van Steen opened his martial arts school in the year 2016. In June 2020 Christopher Fournier awarded master Patrick van Steen the title Da Shi.
Tags // crane  fist  ng  ying  five  animal  kung  fu  kungfu  christopher  fournier  patrick  van  steen  mma  martial  arts  kwoon  karate  kick 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 1530 days ago by 5_Animal_Kung_Fu
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1160 | Comments: 0
      Bender midiman playing Christmas song Silent Night on his Gibson SG.Bender Midiman is the guitarist of Nobodies and Iron Fist.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5599 days ago by nobodiesmusic
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 10324 | Comments: 0



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