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Search // embedded
Results 13-22 of 22 for ' embedded ' (1 seconds)
EE Times Group, a UBM company and the daily source of essential business and technical information for the electronics industry decision makers, today unveiled the new EE Times website, which can be found at, an innovative media platform that is the first professional community linking everyone in the global electronics industry to drive technology sales. The completely restructured website combines the power of the 1+ million monthly visitors to the website with the EE Times Group’s extensive portfolio of online brands – EE Times,, TechOnline and Designlines, eeProductCenter as well as must attend events – ESC and DesignCon, ARM Technology Conference and online education and training such as the popular Fundamentals of Design courses. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5331 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m51s | Views: 6118 | Comments: 3
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With iExplorer (HD) , you can manage/view files on your remote servers (Windows sharing server/FTP server/WebDAV server/SkyDrive/Live Mesh/Google Docs/CloudMe/DropBox/Box.Net ...) in home, office and anywhere. iExplorer also is a good eBook reader, media player, and work assistant. You can read CHM, ePub, PDF and large text/PDB files with outline/bookmark/annotation support, play musics and movies without copying them to your device, edit spreadsheets on your Google Docs and save them as different formats, print any viewable documents. Features (version 2.2) General * Access files on iPhone/iPad or Windows Sharing Files/NAS server/FTP Server/Cloud server (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive, Google Docs ...) * Transfer files/folders/subfolders between iPhone/iPad and remote servers * Transfer files with Bluetooth between iOS devices * Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and PC with USB cable * Manage files on local or remote server (Rename/Delete/Move/Email/...) * Sort files by Name/Size/Date/File Type * Zip & Unzip files on local or NAS server/FTP server * Edit text file * Edit Google spreadsheet, download google docs as pdf, Microsoft office document, zip, image, open office document, text files and so on. * Open files in other apps. Open file from Safari, Mail and other apps. * Stream html/Microsoft office files/keynotes/numbers/pages from NAS/FTP/Cloud servers * Search files in folder/subfolders (support both local and remote servers) * Sync files from NAS/FTP/Cloud server. View offline files if the server is not reachable * Adjust priorities for transferring file tasks * Print & tweet any viewable documents/ebooks (Printer needs support AirPrint). Media * Stream photos from your NAS/FTP/Cloud servers (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive ...) * Support large images * Smoothly zoom/scroll photos, view thumbnails * Stream Audio/Video from NAS/FTP/Cloud servers (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive ...) * Support subtitle files (ssa/ass/srt) for video playback * Multitasking supported for Audio stream File Viewer * Embedded PDF viewer, support outlines, bookmarks and annotations. * Embedded CHM viewer, support outlines and bookmarks. Optimized for iPhone/iPad * Embedded ePub reader, support outlines ,bookmarks, font style, fast scroll, auto scroll * Fast large text/PDB reader, support font style, fast scroll, auto scroll, multiple encodings * Remember last read position for PDF, CHM, ePub, large text/PDB files * Microsoft Office files, iWork files, Web files ... * Code viewer, syntax highlighted for C, C++, Objective C, C#, Java, Php, JS, CSS ... * Fullscreen mode for viewer in iPad (iExplorer HD only)
Tags // iphone  ipad  ios  file  manager  skydrive  google  docs  webdav  nas  ftp  smb 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4670 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6325 | Comments: 3
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Dallas-based Chafie Creative Group, LLC, announced today its revolutionary app for Fiction, Immersedition. Extraordinarily more than a regular or even enhanced eBook, the pilot Immersedition, The Survivors Series, authored by innovative transmedia storyteller Amanda Havard, has been crafted specifically to embrace the possibilities of interactivity inside a novel. In its print form, Havard’s book encapsulated specific detail to place and person, anchoring its surreal premise in a very real world, making the interactive transmedia nature of the Immersedition concept the perfect platform for her story. In its print form, The Survivors is a 283-page book, but in its app version, there are over 300 touch-points that call up over 500 frames of relevant additional content embedded in the pages of the book. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4819 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 7488 | Comments: 2
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GREAT instructional video showing 1st-time Uber riders how to download and use the Uber passenger app. Uber Promo Code. How to use Uber. Click this link for FASTEST install of the Uber app with Ride Credits already embedded in the link: Why not try Lyft’s app while you’re at it? Get your Lyft Ride Credits HERE:
Tags // how  to  download  the  uber  app 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2593 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 7m10s | Views: 695 | Comments: 1
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World Design Capital (WDC) Helsinki 2012 is one of the world’s largest ever expeditions into design. With it’s year-long program that consists of 300 events, projects, and initiatives Helsinki will examine the ways in which design is embedded in everyday life. During 2012 Helsinki will offer a unique program exploring the benefits and value of design, and showcasing the various ways it can improve all our lives. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4854 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 4896 | Comments: 0
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The American College of Emergency Physicians is dedicated to advancing emergency care and to advocating on behalf emergency physicians and the 124 million emergency patients cared for each year. To accomplish this, ACEP is using a new tool to communicate. This TV portal can be embedded on websites and blogs and will automatically be updated as new content comes available! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4904 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 6692 | Comments: 0
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Bringing developers advanced integration, scalability and peripherals all in one chip, Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) today announced the Sitara™ AM57x processor family, the highest performance devices in this processor platform. Sitara AM57x processors are designed for a broad range of embedded and industrial applications through their unique heterogeneous architecture including ARM® Cortex®-A15 cores for high-performance processing and running a high-level operating system (HLOS). Additionally, AM57x processors integrate TI’s C66x digital signal processors (DSPs) for analytics and real-time computation, programmable real-time units (PRU) and ARM Cortex-M4 cores for control functions, and video and graphic accelerators for advanced user interfaces and multimedia applications, making the AM57x processors unmatched in their class. The new Sitara AM57x family of processors was designed from the ground up with high performance and integration in mind. As a result, the processors bring developers unparalleled performance of more than 40 percent greater than quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 processors and 280 percent greater than standard dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processors found in the broad embedded market. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3419 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 696 | Comments: 0
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Digital Lover is a video that was done with many layers of images to illustrate how the web can create unrealistic expectations about life by flashing in front of us this opulent, synthetic and fabricated virtual world. This is a single released by MoonDaze Productions from the album Utopia. It features a few images from the shelved movie Utopia combined with new footage shot exclusively for this production. This video can be embedded, posted and linked on any web site without restrictions.
Categories // Music 
Added: 6284 days ago by breckstewart
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 17034 | Comments: 0



A whopping 80 percent of enterprises are investing today in AI, but one in three business leaders believe their company will need to invest more over the next 36 months to keep pace with competitors. At the same time, enterprises are anticipating significant barriers to adoption and are looking to strategize against those issues by creating a new C-suite position, the Chief AI Officer (CAIO), to streamline and coordinate AI adoption. These results come from a survey of 260 large organizations that operate globally, conducted by leading technology industry market research firm Vanson Bourne on behalf of Teradata (NYSE: TDC), the leading data and analytics company. “There is an important trend emerging evident in this report — enterprises today see AI as a strategic priority that will help them outpace the competition in their respective industries,” says Atif Kureishy, Vice President, Emerging Practices at Think Big Analytics, a Teradata company. “But to leverage the full potential of this technology and gain maximum ROI, these businesses will need to revamp their core strategies so AI has an embedded role from the data center to the boardroom.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // bank  danske  ai  fraud  crime  technology  safety  money  multivu  8075951 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2690 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m27s | Views: 844 | Comments: 2
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Saxo Bank, the online trading and investment specialist, today releases their Q3 outlook that views Europe as insolvent, in a phase of denial of the actual problems and without a credible path forward. The Bank’s analysts also predict that growth in China will decrease to 6.5 percent, marking the next quarter as the low point for China and for world growth in general. For the current crisis, Saxo Bank operates with a three-phase model that includes; Denial (which prompts policy-makers and central bankers to rely on quantitative easing and financial stimulus); Protest (where the public votes new governments which still fail to address the real problems) and; Mandate for Change (which forces policy-makers to take real action). According to the Bank, the EU has remained embedded in the first and second phases, having yet to arrive at a mandate for change. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4595 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m58s | Views: 3740 | Comments: 1
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