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Dr Jay Carter talks about how Harold The Bully Caterpillar came to be.
Tags // animation  family 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Cartoon  Family 
Added: 5624 days ago by jaycarter
Runtime: 5m44s | Views: 4759 | Comments: 2
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Recently, aspiring country music artists, Richard and Robert Fay, also known as R&R Double Take, came to New York to record Paul Val's latest hit, The Silent Majority Is Silent No More. This song celebrates the fact that average Americans, who are usually silent, are finally exercising their First Amendment rights to voice their concerns about Government and are getting involved in the electoral process in a big way. Their main concerns are that their elected representatives are ignoring the will of the people, government is becoming too big & powerful, and spending way too much while catering to special interest groups at the expense of the average, law-abiding, tax paying American citizen.
Tags // silent  majority  paul  val  black  rose  productions  rr  double  take  freedom  of  speech 
Categories // Music  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5374 days ago by BlackRose
Runtime: 4m29s | Views: 8127 | Comments: 0



It is time for a new New Testament. In February of 2012, a council of scholars and spiritual leaders, convened by religious scholar Hal Taussig, came together to discuss, debate, and reconsider which books belong in the New Testament. They talked about dozens of newly found texts, their lessons, and how they inform the previously bound books. Reading the existing New Testament alongside these new texts—The Gospel of Luke with The Gospel of Mary, Paul’s letters with The Letter of Peter to Philip, The Revelation to John with The Secret Revelation to John—offers the exciting possibility of understanding both—the new and the old—better. What were early Christians’ concerns? What was daily practice? What was a woman’s place? How was Jesus remembered and his message promoted? In this imaginative reframing, Taussig presents explanatory introductions and additional historical background alongside the traditional New Testament books and ten newly included scriptures, all bringing us closer to a full appreciation of these documents and their impact on spiritual life. Learn more at Religion
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4381 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 1194 | Comments: 0
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Icelandair helped alleviate the long days of darkness last night with the launch of their Aurora Borealis-themed plane, the Hekla Aurora. The launch, part of Icelandair’s #MyStopover campaign, culminated in Reykjavik as the plane flew over an illuminated Hallgrimskirkja church - a prelude to the city’s annual Winter Lights Festival which begins tomorrow. The Hekla Aurora is part of Icelandair’s transatlantic fleet, providing passengers an experience of the Aurora Borealis while on board, both with its interior mood lighting, and the new Aurora Borealis livery on the exterior. As the Boeing 757 flew over Reykjavik city yesterday, passengers experienced the dancing lights of the on-board Aurora Borealis, with Icelandic music as the soundtrack, and, adding to the experience, a unique birds-eye view of Hallgrimskirkja church. The plane landed at Reykjavik’s domestic airport to a fanfare welcome as the locals came out in force to celebrate. They were also able to experience the plane for themselves as it was opened to the public. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3679 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1143 | Comments: 1
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The Devil Came Doon Tae Farfar
Tags // party  drunk  forfar  scotland  sexy  scottish  britain 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 3264 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 736 | Comments: 2
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In the 1960’s, Richard O’Barry was the world’s leading authority on dolphin training, working on the set of the popular television program Flipper. Day in and day out, O’Barry kept the dolphins working and television audiences smiling. But one day, that all came to a tragic end. THE COVE, directed by Louie Psihoyos, tells the amazing true story of how Psihoyos, O’Barry and an elite team of activists, filmmakers and freedivers embarked on a covert mission to penetrate a hidden cove in Japan, shining light on a dark and deadly secret. The mysteries they uncovere ...
Tags // cove 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5607 days ago by moweenstar
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 4832 | Comments: 0
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God came to get me this time!
Tags // god 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4313 days ago by theghost
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 652 | Comments: 0
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ARTIST: The Beat Corporation TITLE: Slaving ForThe System RELEASE: 11/12/2015 LABEL: Supersonic Media (c) 2015 Supersonic Media Ltd The Beat Corporation are Manchester duo Jody Spence and Tyler Daly. They came together to create music with no limitations and to share a common goal, to make music with no boundaries. 2014 saw The Beat Corporation have releases on legendary dance label Champion Records (Robin S, Faithless) and they have now teamed up with Supersonic Media to present their “Slaving For The System” EP.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3410 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 1158 | Comments: 0



For a long time, Thailand, as well as many countries in the world, had have the perception that women’s place is in the home, or rather, in the kitchen. But when it came to national or international achievements regarding gastronomic art and skills, women chefs always played second fiddle to men ones. The fact, which was and is still true, seems to be proved by the smaller number of acclaimed Thai female chefs when compared to males. However, there is an emerging trend that female chefs are rising to the top, claiming their management position in and out of the kingdom. Take this lady as a sample Ms. Navamas Lakanankoon
Added: 4450 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 3067 | Comments: 2



The Odyssey of Pioneers, the first world tour of an electric roadster, ended in Paris, at the LVMH Headquarters, with a cortege of artists and celebrities who came together for the occasion. Amongst them, Leonardo DiCaprio, who launched the tour six months ago in Basel, HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco and Bernard Arnault, President of the LVMH Group, all committed to the same sustainable development goal. The festivities organized for TAG Heuer’s 150th anniversary were brought to an impressive close. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5267 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m53s | Views: 8774 | Comments: 2
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The lead singer from staind came to the diner an played for our guests on opening night
Tags // staind  motorcycles  food  diner 
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5374 days ago by suckerpunchsallys
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 5227 | Comments: 1
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In the wake of recent tragedy, the Newtown community came together to show the nation the true meaning of “Newtown strong.” It was inspiring to see such overwhelming support for a small, quiet town in the face of such extreme adversity. The Strides for Sandy Hook 5k memorial run/walk was created as a way for local residents to continue the healing process. The 5k took place on Saturday, January 19, 2013. The unofficial community run honored the lives of victims lost in the December 14, 2012 tragedy. While there was a suggested donation of $25 for participants, any amount was accepted—no matter how big or small. Strides for Sandy Hook attracted nearly 200 walkers and runners and raised over $3,600 on January 19 alone. All donations and proceeds were given towards a memorial fund established by Newtown Parks and Recreation, the Newtown Park Gift Fund. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4395 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2637 | Comments: 1
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