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Lisa Nichols, contributing author of The Secret and one of the great inspirational speakers of our time, believes the best way to stay motivated when continuing your education is to “begin with the end in mind.” Pushing forward through challenges is what makes accomplishment so gratifying. Every accomplishment leads to personal growth. Nichols believes that making the completion of your degree “non-negotiable” means that you will not settle for anything less. Kaplan University’s online degree programs cater to the busy lifestyle of today’s working professional. The distance learning programs available at Kaplan University could help you further your career, potentially lead to advancement opportunities, and assist in creating a different lifestyle for you and your family.* Nichols relates her own life experiences as a single mother working full time in this inspirational video that address the challenges Kaplan University students may be facing. She encourages students to recognize how important pursuing a degree can be to their professional success. Perhaps one of the most powerful messages Nichols relays is to focus on the positive outcome continuing education can bring. She urges students to “stay motivated by not checking into how difficult it might be” but to “check in with how sweet it gets to be.” *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “I would say to a Kaplan [University] student, ‘You’ve really made a decision to take your life by the reigns, to give yourself a second, third, fourth, fifth chance. That this season is your season and that you’ve served everyone else and this gift is a gift for you.’ When you serve yourself you allow yourself to then begin to serve everyone else from your overflow. But one of the things I would mainly say is that when you’ve been good to you, this is a gift, when you’ve been good to you then you’ll serve with more gratitude to everyone else so hold on to this. Hold on to this moment; carve out time. There’s never enough time. There are a hundred people that are going to pull at you- carve out this space for you. Say, ‘You know what? I’ve nurtured everyone, I’ve served everyone, this is my moment. This is my time to shine. This journey with Kaplan [University] is super important to me and it’s non-negotiable.’ When you say ‘no matter what,’ graduating should be ‘no matter what.’ ‘No matter what’ means I’ve removed every other option off the table. Graduating and taking advantage of this opportunity is something that nothing else can happen but this; this is non-negotiable. When you move everything else off the table other than making it, the only thing left is making it and so I would say to the Kaplan [University] student, ‘you’ve already jumped in, now say ‘no matter what’.’ I think one of the ways to stay motivated is to begin with the end in mind. See yourself on graduation day, see yourself with a certificate saying, ‘I completed. I did it. It’s done.’ See yourself in the lifestyle that this accomplishment will award you to have. When you being with the end in mind and you get so viscerally and emotionally connected to the outcome. Steven Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, says, ‘Begin with the end in mind.’ See it, believe it, taste it, walk it, talk it, feel it and then go every day just getting to that feeling in reality. Have such a barometer to show you where you’re going and know what it looks like to be there and then become non-negotiable on it. Stay motivated by not checking into how difficult it might be, check in with how sweet it gets to be. I believe that my life today is a result of hunkering down and seeing myself in a place where I wasn’t; seeing myself in a lifestyle th
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4891 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 4m38s | Views: 6634 | Comments: 2
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In diesem Video können Sie sehen wie Kanzi Feuer macht um sich Etwas zu braten. Am Ende vergißt der Affe auch nicht das Feuer zu löschen.
Added: 4339 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 813 | Comments: 1
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In diesem Film sehen Sie, wie Kanz, der Bonobo, mit Menschen kommuniziert und in der Küche ein Gericht aufbereitet. Er versteht Alles was ihm gesagt wird auf Anhieb.
Added: 4481 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 4188 | Comments: 0
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In diesem Video sehen Sie wie der Kakadu einen Werkzeug zurechtmacht und dann benutzt um ans Futter zu gelangen. Vögel sind intelligenter als viele denken.
Added: 4318 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 4m55s | Views: 1082 | Comments: 1
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Nisa 34.Ayet: Allah´ın insanlardan bir kısmını diğerlerine üstün kılması sebebiyle ve mallarından harcama yaptıkları için erkekler kadınların yöneticisi ve koruyucusudur. Onun için sâliha kadınlar itaatkârdır. Allah´ın kendilerini korumasına karşılık gizliyi (kimse görmese de namuslarını) koruyucudurlar. Baş kaldırmasından endişe ettiğiniz kadınlara öğüt verin, onları yataklarda yalnız bırakın ve (bunlarla yola gelmezlerse) dövün. Eğer size itaat ederlerse artık onların aleyhine başka bir yol aramayın; çünkü Allah yücedir, büyüktür.
Tags // video  super  ilginc  yasam  film  filim  tanri  hayat  allah  insan  din  ayet  nisa  dovme  kadin  erkek  koruyucu  itaat  namus  nikah 
Added: 2548 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 707 | Comments: 5
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Music video by K-Victoria performing Feel The Love. (c) 2010 Tris Storm Entertainment Inc.
Tags // vocalist  underground  artist 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4101 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 2313 | Comments: 0



Music video by K-Victoria performing Apology. (c) 2009 Tristorm Entertainment
Tags // victoria  kvictoria  singer 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4136 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 4m33s | Views: 2644 | Comments: 0



K-Praize releases his latest music video featuring \
Tags // k-praize  zg  bout  it  bout  it  kingdom  certified  reinforced  rap  gospel 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4981 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 5114 | Comments: 0



I AM Records recording artist K-Praize demonstrates in a fun and entertaining way how thankful we all should be by releasing his latest music video entitled
Tags // k-praize  rap  holy  hip  hop 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5046 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 5445 | Comments: 0
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Wenn Du und alle Deine Facebook Freunde sich treffen würden, was würdet Ihr machen? HTC gibt Dir die Chance alle Deine Facebook® Freunde für einen Tag zusammenzubringen. Du musst uns nur sagen was Du mit ihnen machen würdest und wir könnten es wahr werden lassen
Tags // jim  day  htc  wildfire  erlebnis  htc  wildfire  erlebnis  tower  of  london  facebook 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5349 days ago by themrgiuse
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 7272 | Comments: 0



John Hancock Financial Network (JHFN) today launched a new defined contribution consulting program to help JHFN financial advisors of all experience levels expand their retirement plan business and provide the best service to their clients. Elements of the program include training, practice management consulting, a dedicated retirement sales support team and in-depth expert resources for those interested in becoming plan fiduciaries. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5001 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 5903 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Stort udvalg af frækt JBS undertøj til manden. Boxershorts, t-shirts, pyjamas til laveste pris. Køb idag.
Tags // jbs  jbs  herreundertoj  jbs  undertoj 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4818 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 4165 | Comments: 0
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