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PR Consulting at - Get an inside look at Mynewsdesk, a PR consultant and brand engagement platform used by 30,000+ companies around the world. The power of great Public Relations and brand engagement is big for your marketing strategy, and by choosing Mynewsdesk it can become great! 30-Day Free Trial On Any Account. No strings attached. No credit card required. You will never be charged for your first 30 days. And unless you tell us not to, your trial account will automatically revert to the Free subscription level. YouTube:
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Added: 4777 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 4904 | Comments: 0
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Visit for more information on Pittsburgh SEO. If you are looking for SEO in the Pittsburgh area, check out Mozo Marketing at our website above.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4813 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 6845 | Comments: 1
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Visit for more information on Pittsburgh Search Engine Optimization. If you are looking for search engine optimization in the Pittsburgh area, check out Mozo Marketing at our website above.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4813 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 5677 | Comments: 1
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Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: PNK) today announced it is reshaping casino industry rewards with the re-launch of its mychoice™ guest loyalty program. The new mychoice offers guests the opportunity to earn annual lease payments on Mercedes-Benz vehicles, cruises on Royal Caribbean International® and stays at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore, two of Las Vegas’ premier resort properties, through an innovative cross-marketing agreement with Wynn Las Vegas, LLC. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5088 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 5540 | Comments: 3
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Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, but the biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers’ increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion. This Barometer is conducted amongst the wealthiest Chinese women, and is about the 30 luxury brands in ready-to-wear/handbags/shoes/accessories that have invested the most in communication (source: Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise and BNP Exane already conducted the same survey amongst French women in May 2015 ( ”This barometer in association with BNP Exane reflects our determination to move closer to the marketing and cross-section financial analysis. Our Monitoring Brand Assets® approach itself features very complementary analyzes with those conducted by BNP Exane’s experts. Hence, the obtained results from our joined barometer are based on two different angles of expertise, marketing and financial, which brings a unique added value to the managers and decision-makers in the Luxury sector. More concretely, our measure of the exclusivity of a brand takes into account the upper and more constant quality of products, the strong and unique valuation of the customer, the brand’s prestige, but also a matchless “savoir-faire” that justifies a very high price premium associated with top luxury. Finally, our measure of desirability synthesizes the dimensions of attractiveness of an intimate, social and symbolic nature, which are the strengths of exclusive brands, and characterize the particular relation that they maintain with their customers. In this respect, our Barometer synthesizes, in two proven scales, the numerous criteria to establish a ranking between the high-end brands from their customer’s point of view", states Pr. Philippe Jourdan, Promise’s CEO. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3330 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 985 | Comments: 0
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Mit einer Weltpremiere vor wenigen Tagen auf der IAA in Frankfurt erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt, war der neue Peugeot 308 nun am Samstag bereits bei den deutschen Peugeot-Händlern zu besichtigen. Nach ersten Erhebungen des französischen Importeurs war das Interesse an den Sonderschauen groß. Dabei stand nicht nur die obligatorische Bratwurst oder der Erbseneintopf im Vordergrund, sondern ebenso der neue Kompakte der Löwenmarke. Interesse fand der Peugeot 308 dabei nicht nur bei den von den Kölner Marketing-Strategen definierten Hauptzielgruppen junge Ehepaare und junggebliebene Senioren, deren Kinder schon lange einen eigenen Hausstand haben, sondern auch bei Familien mit Kindern. Augenscheinlich, dass das klare Design des 308 bei der potentiellen Kundschaft ankommt. Über die weiteren Vorzüge wie effiziente Motoren und moderne Technologien sowie das innovative Innenraumkonzept wird dann wohl erst nach einer Probefahrt entschieden werden.  Zur Markteinführung stehen drei Benziner und zwei Dieselmotorisierungen von 60 kW/82 PS bis 115 kW/155 PS zur Auswahl. Sie sind besonders effizient und verbrauchsarm. So kommt der 1.6 l e-HDi Diesel mit 85 kW/115 PS, STOP & START-System und rollwiderstandsoptimierten Reifen auf einen Verbrauch von kombiniert nur 3,7 Liter je 100 Kilometer. Der CO2-Ausstoß liegt bei 95 Gramm pro Kilometer. Die Preise für die Benzinversionen beginnen bei 16.450 Euro, die Diesel bei 19.550 Euro, jeweils zzgl. Überführungskosten.
Tags // auto 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4190 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 985 | Comments: 2
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In 2011, PetSafe® brand launched its nationwide Bark for Your Park program to help communities build their own off-leash dog parks. In order to help even more communities this year, PetSafe brand is restructuring the contest into a grant-giving program and increasing the number of awards from five to 25. “In the past five years, we’ve given away over $850,000 to communities to build dog parks of their own, but now we want to help communities during every stage of development,” said Tracy Mulder, marketing manager, PetSafe brand. “Our new Bark for Your Park program is expanding to not only help break ground on new parks, but also help fund maintenance and improvements for existing parks.” Communities can submit a grant application now through June 30, 2016 on The applications will be reviewed by an internal committee and PetSafe brand will award five new park grants valuing $25,000 each, 10 park makeover grants valuing $10,000 each, and 10 park maintenance grants valuing $5,000 each. This year’s award recipients will receive a combination of funds and commercial-grade dog park equipment from UltraSite, a PlayCore Company. The winning communities will be announced over a 5-week period during August through September. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3230 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 1015 | Comments: 0
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Christmas is celebrated all over the world and is an ideal opportunity to learn about a country’s customs. With its culture, countryside and culinary delights, Peru is one of the most attractive destinations in which to celebrate Christmas in a completely different way. It is also one of the top 10 destinations in the world for German travellers. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4484 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 2707 | Comments: 1
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Starting March 26, cola lovers everywhere will be invited to get a first taste of new Pepsi NEXT, a game-changer in the cola category and the first to deliver real cola taste with 60% less sugar than Pepsi-Cola. “We’re on a mission to get consumers to experience the real cola taste of Pepsi NEXT for themselves,” said Angelique Krembs, Vice President TM Pepsi Marketing. “We’re excited that after years of research and development, we’ve unlocked the great taste of Pepsi NEXT, the choice for consumers who want real cola taste with less sugar.” Research has shown that there is a segment of consumers who are resistant to both regular, full-sugar cola and diet cola offerings. These consumers love the taste of Pepsi but they don’t believe you can achieve full-flavor taste with a diet cola. The launch of Pepsi NEXT is intended to fulfill this unmet need in the category. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4751 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7602 | Comments: 0
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In a multimedia marketing campaign that launches today, Pepsi MAX boldly invites American consumers to taste for themselves that when it comes to maximum taste and zero calories, Pepsi MAX conquers the competition. That’s the message in a remake of the iconic “Diner” commercial that aired during Super Bowl XXIX, where two soda delivery truck drivers go head-to-head over a can of the best tasting cola on the market. In the 2010 version, the truckers are back; and they both want the zero calories and maximum taste that only Pepsi MAX can deliver.
Tags // pepsi  max  coke  zero  calories  diner  diner  2  truck  driver  consumer  multivu  45210 
Categories // Business 
Added: 5354 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 8607 | Comments: 2
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This is a quick clip giving an overview of the PayLoadz Affiliate System for selling and promoting downloadable products. Useful for both sellers and promoters of affiliate goods.
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Added: 4742 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 4055 | Comments: 0
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Paragon Casino Resort launched a new property wide positioning initiative today themed “The Way Louisiana Plays.” The new positioning is highlighted by a new marketing campaign featuring celebrity alligator hunters Troy, Jacob and Chase Landry, who star in the top-rated cable TV show, ‘Swamp People.” The Landrys recently announced their exclusive Louisiana casino endorsement partnership with Paragon Casino Resort. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4819 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 6079 | Comments: 1
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