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Results 169-180 of 201 for ' fitness ' (0 seconds)
The Freestyler Exercise Equipment was designed to be a true bodyshaper and fatburner at the same time. We used elastic tubes because they are much more similar to the muscle structure than any other equipment which makes the workout feel more natural and enables lean looking muscles. The Freestyler will help you shape a healthy and perfectly toned body with exercises that include slow controlled movements. There are many different attractive body types, but many women want to achieve the curvy look that is so fashionable and appealing these days. Such a look requires the right group of exercises, and the Freestyler Exercise Equipment is designed so that women can work their way to a curvy body with a little bit of hard work and effort. The Freestyler is compact, effective and affordable, and it offers everything a person needs to achieve the curvy look. Connect with us online! Youtube: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Facebook: Visit our shop:
Tags // functional  fitness  machines 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4425 days ago by Freestyler
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1038 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Recumbent exercise bike offers a ergonomic sitting position. You sit lower to the floor and you have your legs stretched out in front of you with your back, in a slightly reclining position, being supported with a backrest.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4818 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 4239 | Comments: 0
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Over the last decade the world has experienced a fitness boom. Where personal trainers were once an A-list exclusive, they are now in great demand by the new breed of fitness fanatics. Reaping the benefits of a personal trainer may be a great way to boost your self-confidence and change the way you look; but what about the way it feels becoming a personal trainer? To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4193 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 880 | Comments: 2
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Get your Baltimore Fitness DVD here! No other Baltimore Fitness Boot Camp offers over 45 Boot Camps per week! We are also the only Baltimore Fitness Boot Camp that offers a 30 day 100% money back guarantee! Baltimore Fit Body Boot Camp is for all fitness levels. Let our certified personal trainers help you get the results you want.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4784 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 6003 | Comments: 1
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Get your Baltimore Fitness DVD here! No other Baltimore Fitness Boot Camp offers over 45 Boot Camps per week! We are also the only Baltimore Fitness Boot Camp that offers a 30 day 100% money back guarantee! Baltimore Fit Body Boot Camp is for all fitness levels. Let our certified personal trainers help you get the results you want.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4773 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 6047 | Comments: 0
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Shaolin Jian Straight-Sword Form - He Yong Gan Martial Arts in Apeldoorn the Netherlands. 自分で剣を学ぼう!武術少林剣型 Shaolin Jian Form - He Yong Gan Martial Arts #heyonggan #martialarts #shaolin #jian #shaolin #kungfu #wushu #sword
Categories // Sport 
Added: 147 days ago by Shaolin_Martial_Arts
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 117 | Comments: 0
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Spending 30 minutes on a treadmill or an elliptical machine a few times each week is not the key to a healthy lifestyle. What’s more important is getting out of your chair, or off the couch, and moving throughout the day – preferably at least once an hour. That’s the logic behind Anytime Fitness’ new “Every Step Counts” campaign – which features reserved parking spots for its members as far away as possible from the gym, in the far corners of the parking lot. “We care what you do outside the gym every bit as much as when you’re inside one of our facilities,” said Chuck Runyon, CEO and co-founder of Anytime Fitness. “Three hours of rigorous exercise a week is great. But what you do during the other 165 hours each week will really determine whether you’re healthy or not. If you sit in a chair and stare at a computer screen for eight hours a day, without moving every hour or so, then research* shows you’re much more likely to develop a long list of preventable chronic diseases. Sitting too much is the new smoking.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3026 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 747 | Comments: 0
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Red Hawk Elementary’s Red Hawk Movement, Erie, Colo. – Movement and exercise are more than activities at Red Hawk Elementary, they are foundational elements of the school culture. As a new public school in the St. Vrain Valley School District located outside of Denver, Red Hawk built physical activity into the plan from day one. Using a rotating daily “movement calendar,” students gain 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on a daily basis, in addition to scheduled PE class and recess. These structured routines are taught by the professional PE staff outdoors or in the gym, and can be repeated in the classroom with student leaders taking charge. Strategically placed 20-minute blocks occur once in the morning to increase energy and attentiveness at the start of the day, and once in the afternoon immediately before math and science, the most challenging academic subjects. Favorite activities include the ‘Red Hawk Walk,’ in which students power-walk along designated routes throughout the building, as well as in-class cardio and dance breaks. Each Friday the week ends with “All-School Movement,” when all 460 students, faculty and staff head outside to participate in a coordinated fitness routine set to popular music. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4656 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 7425 | Comments: 0
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ChildObesity180 today announced the two National school program winners of its nationwide innovation contest. The competition was designed to identify and reward the most creative, impactful, and scalable school-based programs and technologies to promote children’s physical activity. Among the many schools nationwide employing running and walking programs, the 100 Mile Club in Corona-Norco, CA is a true pioneer. Inspired by the 1992 Summer Olympics, special education teacher Kara Lubin had a dream that kids would be motivated to stay fit by the simple goal of “winning the gold medal.” These medals, based on dedication and effort, not speed and fitness, could reward students of all abilities, including Lubin’s special education students. Lubin took action and founded the 100 Mile Club in 1993. Elementary school students are presented with a straightforward challenge, run 100 miles over the course of the school year. Students log miles before school, after school, during recess, and at sanctioned community events. Milestones are rewarded with simple tokens – wristbands, pencils, and medals. A year-end assembly celebrates and recognizes students who have achieved 100 miles, and those still with miles to go. Nearly 20 years later, the 100 Mile Club has stood the test of time, and been adopted by schools in California and across the nation. The program is highly scalable and with Lubin’s help, is now in place in more than 115 schools across eight U.S. states, reaching more than 30,000 students. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4657 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 5629 | Comments: 0
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Whether looking to get slimmer and leaner or healthier and stronger, it is now more rewarding than ever with ViSalus’ PROJECT 10 Challenge. Developed to recognize and motivate people to achieve their health goals, PROJECT 10™ will award $10,000 every week in 2014 to 10 people ($1,000 each) who lose 10 lbs. or add 10 lbs. of lean muscle during their Body by Vi Challenge™. Beginning today, people can visit to start their PROJECT 10 Challenge by choosing a category and uploading a video. Every Monday, ViSalus will reveal the 10 weekly winners, and for each 10 lbs. lost, the company will donate 30 Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake meals to a child in need through their PROJECT 10™ Kids program. Representing an entire month of nutritious breakfast, lunch or snack options, the donation puts an at-risk or overweight child on the path to a healthier life. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4055 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 1326 | Comments: 2
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Anytime Fitness, the world’s fastest growing fitness center for 10 consecutive years, will celebrate the opening of its 4,000th gym March 16th in Shanghai, China. Additionally, after formalizing an agreement to open gyms in Morocco, Anytime Fitness will pursue plans to open at least one new gym in Antarctica – which would make Anytime Fitness the first franchise in history with locations on all seven continents. “Our mission is to ‘Improve the self-esteem of the world,’” said Chuck Runyon, the CEO and co-founder of Anytime Fitness. “It may sound like an audacious goal, but we’re very serious about it. We’ll soon have 4,000 gyms open in more than 30 countries on all seven continents. Each of those gyms supports a small community of like-minded individuals who are determined to enjoy healthier, happier and more active lifestyles. That’s what we mean by ‘Improving the self-esteem of the world.’” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2557 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 865 | Comments: 4
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Anytime Fitness, the world’s largest and fastest-growing co-ed fitness club chain, announced today the opening of its 2,000th club in The Netherlands. Founded in 2002, it took Anytime Fitness only 10 years to reach the 2,000-unit mark, less than half as long as other well-known franchises like Subway (23 years) and McDonald’s (32 years). “Some businesses focus on quick growth and others specialize in earning customer loyalty,” said Chuck Runyon, Anytime Fitness CEO and co-founder. “We take great pride in having achieved both of those accomplishments simultaneously. We’ve done so by focusing first on the needs of busy people who simply want to lead a healthier lifestyle and then by providing our franchisees with the practical tools, technology and educational support to help members achieve their goals.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4484 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 1164 | Comments: 1
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