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Earth, 2144. Jack is an anti-patent scientist turned drug pirate, traversing the world in a submarine as a pharmaceutical Robin Hood, fabricating cheap scrips for poor people who can’t otherwise afford them. But her latest drug hack has left a trail of lethal overdoses as people become addicted to their work, doing repetitive tasks until they become unsafe or insane. Find out more at- Fantasy/scifi
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Added: 2530 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 763 | Comments: 3
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A Limited Novella Series by S. Lynn. Behind The Scenes Nine-Year Journey of A Published Author! Urban Fiction. Order Here!
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Added: 1107 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 586 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Books by Sherrie Lynn Books by S. Lynn ORDER YOUR BOOKS BELOW! INSIDE A WRITER’S LIFE / (fictional memoir) 5-Episode Series-Novellas… Facebook Page:
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Added: 1913 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 877 | Comments: 0
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Welcome to the ARe Cafe, a unique on-line community for passionate bibliophiles. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, curl up in a comfy chair, and join in the conversation. We are so glad you dropped by for a byte. Learn more here, Tweet us, Join us on FaceBook,
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Added: 5115 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 6259 | Comments: 2
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The world has changed. In Management: A Focus on Leaders (Prentice Hall, 2011), New York Times bestselling business book author, Annie McKee, broadens her reach from business leaders to include students and young managers—combining the best of the old with the best of the new. This book prepares today’s students and young managers to become the leaders of the future. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 5112 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 5726 | Comments: 2
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The quaint Irish village of Ballybucklebo is full of colorful characters and eccentric patients that two country doctors must tend to, but with love in the air each doctor has their hands, and hearts, full. NY Times bestselling author Patrick Taylor transports us back to the Ireland of the 1960s with his beloved Irish Country Books series. Find out more at Fiction, historical fiction
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Added: 4526 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 1722 | Comments: 0
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An Eye for Glory follows the historical exploits of the 14th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War and deals with the war experiences of a Christian soldier who loses his faith and himself in the heat of battle. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, Historical fiction
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Added: 5120 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 6233 | Comments: 2
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An Extra-Ordinary Beginning, the debut novel by A.D. Winch about a new kind of superhero, is out now. Children and adults around the world who are tired of the stereotypical superhero – white adult male with his underpants outside his trousers – will find this story is for them. Ursula and Eric are characters readers can relate to and whose super powers are within their reach. Ursula is originally from Africa and promises to be the first significant superhero for girls regardless of colour, nationality or race. In a genre in which girls are seen as side-kicks or sub-plots, along comes a female character who is central to an entire series of books. This is not to say that the internationally educated Eric is irrelevant. There are more than three million students being educated worldwide who now have a hero who shares their experience and can truly be described as a global citizen. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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Added: 4492 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m54s | Views: 4880 | Comments: 1
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Any chef will tell you the choices you make in the grocery store can impact the quality of your output in the kitchen. According to TV chef personality and cookbook author Aida Mollenkamp, the first step to becoming a great home chef is to first be a responsible one – and that means knowing where your food comes from. “You wouldn’t drive a car without the keys, so you shouldn’t cook without first having keys to the kitchen,” says Mollenkamp, author of the acclaimed cookbook Keys To The Kitchen (Chronicle Books, 2012). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4338 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 3093 | Comments: 1
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AAAAAAAAA1 Tom Jones Tribute Act AAA TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT a1 aba ace act tom jones tribute act by IAN SCOTT the NO 1 International Tom Jones Tribute Act and Celebrity Impersonator. Since appearing on THE OFFICIAL Granada TV Stars in their eyes live THEATRE tour Ian has become the WORLDS NO.1 Most Popular Fly-Back Tom Jones Tribute Show. He is also the favorite Tom Jones Tribute act with DUBAI & BAHRAIN Hotels, MILLENNIUM STADIUM, ALL THE MAJOR FOOTBALL AND RUGBY STADIUMS, CRUISE SHIPS ( Caribbean & Mediterranean), VILLAGE - McDONALD - AND ALL THE VERY EXCLUSIVE LUXURY HOTELS SUCH AS THE SHANGRI-LA HOTEL - DUBAI, MAYFAIR HOTEL LONDON, ST. DAVIDS HOTEL - CARDIFF, HILTON HOTEL - SWANSEA, CARDIFF INTERNATIONAL HOTEL and many many more. Ian performs across the globe at Weddings, Birthdays and all major corporate events and Open Air concerts. He is also the most booked Tom Jones Tribute in Wales being on the books of 13 Welsh Tribute Agencies. Ian has played all the clubs around Pontypridd where Tom Jones performed with his band THE SENATORS in the early 60's!!!! Ian is also the only Soundalike/Lookalike who has that VOCAL POWER & ABILITY & DELIVERY to do Sir Tom Jones justice in this age of weak voices trying to emulate him!! Ian is used extensively by the TV companies and radio when they want a TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT who can REALLY sing. Ian has been used on GMTV with the LEGEND Keith Chegwin, BBC, SKT TV ( Hull Kingston Rovers - 20,000 Super League crowd ), CHANNEL 5 ( Christmas Advert)and GRANADA TV ( London Marathon Charity Event and You've Been Framed). Ian is the only Tom Jones Tribute act that is a true soundalike for Sir Tom Jones and indeed the only Soundalike that actually has that wonderful powerful,warm vocals that set him apart from all other TRIBUTE Acts. Checkout As quoted by all the discerning and leading clients, venues and agencies...THE VOICE and still....THE VERY BEST!!! SEEN HERE SINGING CLIPS FROM HIS TOM JONES TRIBUTE SHOW ON BOARD THE OCEAN VILLAGE CRUISE SHIP IN THE CARIBBEAN FOR JLP EVENTS WITH RESIDENT BAND THE JETSETS ON CLIPMOON PREMIUM. JUST TURN UP THE VOLUME AND STAND BACK. IAN IS THE NO.1 FOR TOM JONES 90's PERIOD WHEN HE MADE HIS COMEBACK WITH THE HIT SINGLE
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Added: 5615 days ago by TOMJONESTRIBUTE
Runtime: 9m59s | Views: 9551 | Comments: 2



Epic fantasy novelist, Fred Chappell brings us his new book A SHADOW ALL OF LIGHT—which has been compared to a Jack Vance classic and is, at times, Gothically romantic. Shadows are commodities and wearing them lets you experience the life of someone else. A young man from the country comes to learn the art of stealing shadows from the master. Find out more at A Shadow All of Light Fantasy
Tags // fred  chappell  a  shadow  all  of  light  epic  fantasy  shadow  thief  jack  vance  princess  bride  book  trailer 
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Added: 3268 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1018 | Comments: 0
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Join this celebration of ten years of romance as we look at Lucy Monroe and her happily ever afters. From books to conventions and signings, see the fans, the covers and a very happy Lucy as she shared this milestone with those who made it possible, her readers. Find out more about Lucy and her novels at Romance/News
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Added: 4062 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 942 | Comments: 0
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