ANIMAL ATTRACTION is a special romance anthology where all author and agent proceeds go to the no-kill shelter, the Animal Adoption Foundation, The novella by Lori Foster is a continuation of the popular BUCKHORN series, featuring Shohn Hudson. Learn more at Romance
His search to understand the Lord of the Arctic, Ursus maritimus, the polar bear, has taken him to one of the harshest environments in the world – a frozen seascape where temperatures plummet below zero and the sun isn’t seen for months on end. Dr. Steven C. Amstrup, the most influential person working on polar bear conservation today, has been selected from among a group of six outstanding finalists to receive the 2012 Indianapolis Prize – the world’s leading award for animal conservation.
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From a four-ton elephant to tiny fly larvae, American Humane Association was on the set of “Water for Elephants” ensuring that every animal in the production was treated humanely and kept safe. American Humane Association awarded this 20th Century Fox film its highest rating, “Monitored: Outstanding - ‘No Animals Were Harmed’ ®.”
“It’s a big endorsement to get from the American Humane Association,” said lead actress Reese Witherspoon. “They’re very conscious of how the animals are treated. They’re on set every day, making sure the animals were provided safe facilities and safe transportation and that they can only work a certain amount of hours. They are just the happiest animals — you can tell!”
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Every cat owner knows how difficult it can be to impress their furry feline. Taking on one of his toughest challenges, celebrity chef, restaurateur and animal lover Richard Blais teamed up with Fancy Feast® to show cat lovers that there’s no better way to wow their cats than with Fancy Feast® Broths. The gourmet cat food brand is revolutionizing the cat food category with the introduction of eight recipes that offer a delicious combination of delectable broth with real seafood and veggies, crafted without by–products or fillers. Blais helped introduce Broths at an exclusive launch party at the Tasting Table Test Kitchen & Dining Room in New York City on Tuesday, July 22, where he premiered the product and a new video starring himself opposite the iconic Fancy Feast cat.
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The Form: 9 Tigers of Five Animal Kung Fu - Gau Fu Kuen or 9 Tigers Form is a fundamental form of the Ng Ying Kungfu systems of Southern China. Performed here by shifu Patrick van Steen.
Five Animal Kung Fu is a traditional southern Chinese form of Martial Arts. The style was taught by Christopher Fournier who passed on the lineage to master Patrick van Steen aka Long Juan Feng.
Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ: WFMI) is providing shoppers with a new level of transparency about how farm animals are raised by now offering beef, pork and chicken certified under 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating system (
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3rd Hong Kong International Pet & Aqua Accessory Expo will be held on 25-27 at Asia-Expo. Ambassador of Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR), Supermodel Rosemary, attends ribbon-cutting ceremony.
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Meet orphaned animals that found happy homes!From cats and dogs to pigs and sheep, the amazing animals featured in 125 Pet Rescues have had awesome adventures. Their heartwarming true tales are sure to inspire the next generation of animal caretakers. Hear from canine adoptee Bob Barker and get a peek inside the book in this video! Buy the book at:NG Store:…Amazon: animals and kids