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Search // natural
Results 145-156 of 320 for ' natural ' (1 seconds)
check out our new website: The Krav Maga In No Time home study video course consists of 27 high quality HD format videos teaching you how to react and get out unharmed from a violence situation. You will learn to use the natural movements of your body to defend yourself and move to a counterattack.
Categories // People and Blog  Sport  Business 
Added: 4482 days ago by 972KravMaga
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 1063 | Comments: 1
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check out our new website: The Krav Maga In No Time home study video course consists of 27 high quality HD format videos teaching you how to react and get out unharmed from a violence situation. You will learn to use the natural movements of your body to defend yourself and move to a counterattack.
Categories // Sport  Business 
Added: 4482 days ago by 972KravMaga
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 1561 | Comments: 1
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check out our new website: The Krav Maga In No Time home study video course consists of 27 high quality HD format videos teaching you how to react and get out unharmed from a violence situation. You will learn to use the natural movements of your body to defend yourself and move to a counterattack.
Categories // People and Blog  Sport  Business 
Added: 4482 days ago by 972KravMaga
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 1305 | Comments: 1
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check out our new website: The Krav Maga In No Time home study video course consists of 27 high quality HD format videos teaching you how to react and get out unharmed from a violence situation. You will learn to use the natural movements of your body to defend yourself and move to a counterattack.
Categories // People and Blog  Sport  Business 
Added: 4482 days ago by 972KravMaga
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 1488 | Comments: 1
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Together with comedienne Heather McDonald, Kotex Natural Balance, from Kimberly-Clark Corporation, is asking women to stand up and share their thoughts about what’s real and what’s not so real about the claims, innovations and storylines they see in today’s feminine care advertisements. Starting May 7, McDonald will star in a new web video series on the Kotex Natural Balance Facebook page ( and YouTube channel ( that calls out the jargon in the category (what does nano-breeze maxi pad technology even mean?) and invites women to join in the conversation. Women can upload their videos and comments on the Kotex Natural Balance Facebook page to let McDonald and Kotex Natural Balance know what’s real and what’s not. Their submissions will help inspire five more videos starring McDonald and influence material for a live Stand Up For What’s Real comedy tour that will visit major cities later this year. McDonald will perform live at select stops. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 4687 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 5881 | Comments: 1
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The Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism has successfully completed its Templestay and Temple food exhibition, experience and lecture on the theme of 'Pyeongchang Winter Olympics with Templestay' in New York, the city of global culture, from September 24 through 30, 2017. In addition to the New York citizens, this event introduces Templestay and temple food to the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York, Korean Cultural Center New York, Korea Tourism Organization New York Office and related officials in Korea, cultural arts associations, local media in New York. Over 100 participants experienced various Templestay activities and temple food tasting at the Astor Center, New York. Among them, the lotus flower lantern making was the most popular activity, and Ssambap and natural potato chips were particularly among the food favorites. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2710 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 779 | Comments: 2
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Superstar model, producer, television host and designer, Heidi Klum is known for her cutting-edge style and trademark tresses. Now Unilever is tapping the sophisticated fashion icon to help launch new CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™, a revolutionary line of nourishing shampoos and conditioners that turns the conventional hair care discussion on its head. This new approach “feeds scalp,” not just the ends, and gives women stronger, more beautiful hair in just seven days. “When it comes to women’s hair care, the emphasis has traditionally been on the ends, yet 99 percent of hair’s natural strength and beauty comes from the scalp. Scalp is skin and it is important to care for and nourish it just as we care for our skin. NEW CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™ feeds the scalp and creates the right foundation for stronger, more beautiful hair in just seven days,” says David Rubin, U.S. Haircare Marketing Director for Unilever. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4686 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 6133 | Comments: 1
     kettering weight loss solutions - kettering weight loss solutions - treating chronic conditio Top Tips kettering weight loss solutions whipp road for weight loss do they work :-) Appetite Suppressant - Garcinia Cambogia 1300 - Natural Fat Burner -2B 120Ct with alternate day fasting weight loss results Also, learn about natural supplements that are sometimes recommended in alternative medicine for weight loss OPTIFAST® as an Alternative to Weight Loss Surgery 20 Healthy Food Alternatives For Weight Loss Looking for alternatives to weight loss surgery Alternate day fasting weight loss calculator Kettering weight loss solutions - transform your life. You Should Know About It kettering weight loss solutions whipp road,Fat Burning Kitchen - REVIEW. 2018 - A new study found that you can use alternate day fasting to lose weight and still eat on your fast day alternate day fasting weight loss results. Check out this alternate day fasting weight loss technique. Before you do, here are some alternatives to weight loss surgery. Food list; Healthy junk food recipes; Healthy food substitutes; Junk foods that are actually healthy; Healthy food alternatives for weight loss. Risk factors, many individuals seeking effective weight loss programs find Cenegenics to be an attractive alternative to weight loss surgery. 2018 - Researchers develop pill alternative to weight loss surgery. The tapping solution weight loss and body confidence. Metabolic weight loss solutions reviews. Beck diet solution weight loss workbook. Medical weight loss solutions birmingham.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 2406 days ago by businessantony7
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 840 | Comments: 1
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Fight for the hungry, fight for the homeless and fight for the hopeless. Newly appointed Commissioner David Hudson, National Commander of The Salvation Army, has issued a call for action as the holiday season approaches. As one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the country, with a presence in every ZIP code and a structure akin to the military, The Salvation Army is asking supporters to join the Fight for Good, the official theme of the 2017 Red Kettle Campaign. “With the holiday season on the horizon, now more than ever we see the challenges of those faced with hardship,” said Commissioner Hudson. “There are families who don’t know where their next meal will come from, parents choosing between Christmas presents and the utility bill, and the recent natural disasters have displaced hundreds of thousands of people who don’t know where they will have a warm bed, if at all. It is more important than ever that we lift others up during the holidays.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2676 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 740 | Comments: 3
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John Frieda® Hair Care invented the frizz-fighting category with Frizz Ease®, the game-changing hair smoother. Gina Rodriguez happens to be really gifted at taming her own naturally wavy, frizz-prone hair. So they’ve teamed up for a new movement – the #FrizzFreeHairGoals campaign – designed to teach women everything they need to know about styling any curl, wave or ringlet. To kick off the partnership, Rodriguez will appear in a series of engaging how-to videos, to be posted on John Frieda’s social channels starting this month. In each one, the popular young actress tosses vanity out the window, talking openly about her biggest hair issue—frizz—and demonstrating easy ways to achieve the most beautiful, flattering styles of the moment. “I’ve been a devotee of John Frieda® Frizz Ease® for years,” says Rodriguez. “Since my hair’s naturally wavy, I’ve spent more than my fair share of time fighting frizz. Frizz Ease® is the only thing that can help tame frizz and leave my hair looking smooth, so this partnership feels like a natural fit. I’m excited to have the chance to show women that they don’t have to suffer from frizzy hair forever — there’s a better way to style.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3245 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 830 | Comments: 1
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Helzberg Diamonds is proud to announce a partnership with leading jockey, Javier Castellano, rider of Gemologist in the 2012 Kentucky Derby on May 5, 2012. Castellano will drive awareness for Helzberg’s featured products in advance of the 138th Run for the Roses. “Our customers consider us their gemologist, so it was a natural fit since Javier is riding Gemologist in the 2012 Kentucky Derby,” said Beryl Raff, chairman and CEO of Helzberg Diamonds. “We are thrilled to partner with Javier, who is an incredible athlete and a true success story. He has worked his way to the pinnacle of racing success after years of dedication and hard work.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 4695 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 5m45s | Views: 7534 | Comments: 1
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Nuorilang Waterfall, located in Sichuan province’s Jiuzhai Valley, recently took the top spot in an online poll for China’s Top 10 Most Beautiful Waterfalls. The 270-meter wide, 24.5 meter high Nuorilang Waterfall, at 2,365 meters, is an expansive travertine waterfall and the widest waterfall in China. Nuorilang means “male god” in Tibetan and symbolizes both majesty and sublimity. The waterfall freezes in winter, creating the rare phenomenon of blue ice under warm sunshine, making the waterfall an unusually distinctive stop among Jiuzhai Valley’s many attractions. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4085 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 979 | Comments: 1
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