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Sydney Fialkow, 10, and her mother Stacy, 41, of Atlanta were named the grand prize winners of the Ben’s Beginners™ Cooking Contest. The playful nationwide competition, sponsored by the UNCLE BEN’S® Brand, the number-one selling brand of rice in the United States, was designed to empower and encourage parents to connect with their kids one meal at a time. Sydney Fialkow was selected from a field of more than 700 contestants (ages 5-12) who videotaped themselves preparing a kid-friendly rice dish and discussing the experience of cooking with their parents. The contestants were narrowed to four finalists, from which the Fialkows were selected as the grand prize winners. The Fialkow family has won a $20,000 cash prize and a $50,000 cafeteria makeover for The Epstein School, located in Sandy Springs, Ga., where Sydney attends as a fourth grade student. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Event and Party  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4689 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 4120 | Comments: 1
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sunstrider guild dwoning gruul for first time, frapsed by kaoka
Tags // neyvon  kaoka  unavoidable  wow  gruul 
Categories // Games 
Added: 6376 days ago by kaoka
Runtime: 4m5s | Views: 6111 | Comments: 1



UGG Australia is excited to launch its first-ever global brand marketing campaign titled “THIS IS UGG.” for the fall 2014 season. The campaign explores the theme that life’s biggest moments are actually the small ones – a place where the brand lives in consumers' lives. Whether personal or intimate, reflective or celebratory, it's often the smaller moments where life's most important interactions and connections occur. As a part of the initiative, UGG for Men will launch a series of three spots throughout the season featuring brand ambassador Tom Brady, with the first spot “Time Out,” launching on September 2, 2014. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3836 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 931 | Comments: 0
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U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: USX) ("U.S. Xpress" or the "Company"), a leading, national trucking company, today announced the launch of “Full Ride,” a college scholarship program for drivers and their families that is the first of its kind in the trucking industry. The U.S. Xpress Full Ride scholarship program provides U.S. Xpress drivers the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited school, Ashford University, at no cost in one of dozens of disciplines ranging from business and logistics to accounting or behavioral science. And, in a first for the trucking industry, children of U.S. Xpress truck drivers may earn their bachelor’s or master’s degrees from Ashford University as well, at no cost and courtesy of the company. Each driver may have a total of two family members enrolled in school at one time (either two dependents or the driver and one dependent). Dependents must be aged 17 to 26. The benefit will also be available to drivers working for Total Transportation of Mississippi, LLC, a subsidiary of U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2367 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 886 | Comments: 2
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Today,®, the largest provider of lodging worldwide, released their biannual Hotel Price Index (HPITM ) illustrating an increase in average hotel room rates for the first time since the end of 2007. Despite the 2% increase, hotel room rates are still markedly lower than rates at the peak of the market. As the 2009 HPI predicted, 2010 continues to be another great year for great travel values. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5284 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 5542 | Comments: 0
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To celebrate today’s digital release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, two Jedi performers ascended to new heights to engage in an epic lightsaber challenge on the 152nd floor of the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai City – the world’s tallest building. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is available to download from iTunes and broadcaster OSN. Captured on video by an aerial film crew, the two Jedi performers practised a series of complex lightsaber battle moves at a height of over 550m above sea level, while the sun set over Dubai. The record-breaking release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in December 2015 achieved the highest grossing global opening weekend of all time ($528.967M), surpassing $1B in a record 12 days and became the top grossing film of all time in the US, surpassing the $760.5M lifetime gross of Avatar in a record-shattering 20 days of release. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3253 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 1048 | Comments: 0
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Categories // Music  Pets and Animals  Funny 
Added: 6217 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 11561 | Comments: 1



The 2010 holiday season is expected to be one of the greatest on record. Why is that? Well, for one thing, the annual holiday party is going to get a facelift, thanks to a partnership between Pepto-Bismol and actor Ken Jeong, which aims to eradicate holiday party under-indulgence. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 5192 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 9152 | Comments: 1
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This took a really long time to make
Tags // Me... 
Categories // Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 5573 days ago by Alee_END
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 4464 | Comments: 0



Trojan®, one of the leading brands of sexual health products in the U.S., is giving American women and men a reason to spend more time in their bedrooms with the launch of TROJAN® VIBRATIONS, a new line of high quality vibrators with pleasure-enhancing, high-performance features. Powerful with soft textures and designed with a woman’s body in mind, the first product, Trojan® Vibrating Tri∙Phoria™, is the result of extensive consumer research and is helping women and men reach new sexual heights. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5270 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m38s | Views: 6344 | Comments: 1
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Trick Roper Gun Spinner Will Roberts is an internationally renowned performer and speaker known for his high-energy and insightful content spiked with humor. He prides himself on bringing back the common sense and simplicity of America. Along with being a masterful trick roper and gun spinner, Will finds time to be a Cirque du Soleil artist on the Las Vegas Strip, business owner, social networking consultant, author, television segment host, and certified performance coach. Now donʼt be fooled, Will is a Cowboy. The values and skills of the West are in his blood and are his true passion. He apprenticed with world-renowned Mexican charros and Hawaiian paniolos to help him achieve his current level of success. Since 2000, Will has been working with leading corporations, like Ebay, Anthony Munoz Foundation, Wells Fargo, and Ford Motor Company. He shares the western arts of trick roping, gun spinning and whip cracking with a good dose of humor. Willʼs performance is perfect for motivating a crowd and adding excitement to an event. His presentations are always extremely energetic and highly interactive.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4560 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 1915 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated to get quote! Trick Roper Gun Spinner Will Roberts is an internationally renowned performer and speaker known for his high-energy and insightful content spiked with humor. He prides himself on bringing back the common sense and simplicity of America. Along with being a masterful trick roper and gun spinner, Will finds time to be a Cirque du Soleil artist on the Las Vegas Strip, business owner, social networking consultant, author, television segment host, and certified performance coach.Now don't be fooled, Will is a Cowboy. The values and skills of the West are in his blood and are his true passion. He apprenticed with world-renowned Mexican charros and Hawaiian paniolos to help him achieve his current level of success.Since 2000, Will has been working with leading corporations, like Ebay, Anthony Munoz Foundation, Wells Fargo, and Ford Motor Company. He shares the western arts of trick roping, gun spinning and whip cracking with a good dose of humor. go to to get quote! - 702-481-5829
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4256 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 1998 | Comments: 1
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