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The National Bone Health Alliance (NBHA), a public-private partnership with 42 member organizations, is urging a simple solution to a big problem: if it’s 50+ fracture, request a test. This is the call-to-action for the NBHA’s new public and healthcare professional education campaign – 2Million2Many ( The campaign reflects the two million bone breaks that occur in the U.S. each year that are caused by osteoporosis and urges the public and healthcare professionals alike to take action and request a test for osteoporosis when someone age 50 or older breaks a bone. Despite the fact that 50 percent of osteoporosis-related repeat fractures can be prevented with existing treatments, only two in 10 initial bone breaks get a follow-up test or treatment for osteoporosis. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4700 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 8609 | Comments: 0
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As part of an ongoing commitment to support life sciences innovators and the development of integrated, cross-sector solutions to prevent, intercept and cure diseases, Johnson & Johnson today named cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, Ph.D., of the Tokyo Institute of Technology the winner of the 2016 Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research for his pioneering discoveries concerning the molecular basis of autophagy. Dr. Ohsumi was honored today during an event at the 2016 BIO International Convention in San Francisco. A video of his acceptance comments can be viewed here. “Dr. Ohsumi’s curiosity led him to become the first person in the world to determine the molecular mechanism and regulation of autophagy, shedding light on one of the most basic functions of all living cells,” said Paul Stoffels, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Johnson & Johnson. “Dr. Ohsumi’s discoveries hold promise for better understanding, preventing and treating many diseases. It is with great pleasure that we celebrate his contributions, which remind us of the innovative spirit Dr. Paul brought to the lab every day.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3214 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 889 | Comments: 0
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Despite increasing regulatory requirements for hedge funds, only 10% of investors feel that regulations effectively protect their interests, and 85% of investors do not believe these requirements will help prevent the next financial crisis, according to Ernst & Young’s sixth annual survey of the global hedge fund market, Finding Common Ground. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4525 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 1085 | Comments: 1
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Today, the Ad Council and national nonprofit Futures Without Violence launched a national public service campaign called #TeachEarly highlighting the pivotal role that men play in preventing domestic and sexual violence. The campaign launch coincides with the release of the Ad Council Domestic Violence Prevention Continuous Tracking Study, which was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Of the men surveyed, 89 percent agreed that it’s important for men to talk to boys about violence against women and girls, while only 37 percent reported speaking to a boy they know about violence against women in the past six months. The campaign encourages men to recognize this dissonance between their beliefs and actions, and teach boys to respect women with the same enthusiasm and dedication in which they teach them other things. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3572 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 817 | Comments: 1
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