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Search // alone
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Most of these means of transportation won’t take you a few kilometers from home to work but they’ll do just fine for a stroll in a city park or moving around the office in any case they look unusual and for that alone deserve your attention: so here are the 10 craziest means of transportation. №1 Double- round skate Unlike a conventional skates the double round model allows you to freely manage your feet turn and spin at the heart of the skateboarder two wheels with a diameter of 25 centimeters and a comfortable platform for the feet. No 2: Hoverboard Levitating an inch above the ground the hendo borders for disc straight motors that create a magnetic field repelling the board from the ground or rather from a non ferromagnetic material over which it harbors. No 3: One wheel electric Skateboard The one-wheel skate is a self-balancing unicycle electro mechanical skateboard in simple terms it’s a new toy for adults, boys and girls it reaches speeds of about 19 km/h. No 4: Aeyo Segue started a flood of developments in the field of devices for personal mobility and some designs are quite crazy. Aeyo is a cross between a scooter a bike and a pair of roller skates which falls in the middle of the scale. No 5: Half-Bike Riding a half bike is a combination of running and cycling because you’re in a standing position and so the bike responds better to your body’s movements and turns more agility more fun and the surprise looks of passes by.No 6: Air Bike Aero-X
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