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Sıcak bölgelerde doğal mumyalar oluşabiliyor ve hiç bozulmadan korunabiliyormuş fakat sizin firavun bunun örneklerinden biri değil, üstelik o bir firavun da değil bir köylü.ıcak bölgelerde doğal mumyalar oluşabiliyor ve hiç bozulmadan korunabiliyormuş fakat sizin firavun bunun örneklerinden biri değil, üstelik o bir firavun da değil bir köylü.
Tags // video  allah  super  kuran  meshur  secde  firavun  masal  mumya  sicak  koylu  hikaye  dogal  din  perisan  muze 
Added: 3025 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 692 | Comments: 3
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Wordpress theme installation video by Quality Web Solutions ( ) Leading Web design and development company and Blog Design, Customization Service Provider.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5598 days ago by webmasterqws
Runtime: 5m27s | Views: 5929 | Comments: 2
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http:/// - Wordpress Theme For Book
Tags // wordpress  theme  for  book  book  author  theme 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4635 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 3895 | Comments: 0
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Check out this video to learn how to install Breadcrumb Plugin on Wordpress Blog manually. It is developed by Quality Web Programming ( ) with meticulous care and cautions. Follow the steps carefully and you will be able to install this plugin without taking any external assistance.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5358 days ago by webmasterqwp
Runtime: 7m14s | Views: 4152 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Sie koennen mit Google - Drive online Dokumente und pds's erstellen und diese dann auf Ihrem PC/Netbook speichern. Und diese dann als eBook bei Amazon hochladen. Mehr dazu, wie Ihr eBook erfolgreich vom Markt whargenommen wird und wie ich passiv mit Amazon Kindle Books monatlich verdiene auf meiner Seite, wenn Sie sich mit Ihrer E-mail eintragen. Von Entrepreneur, iPhone -- Facebook -- und Android Appreneur, Autor, Coach, Consulter Soeren Gelder - Ein Gratis Audio-Ebook und eine Gratis Leseprobe, wie Sie online Geld verdienen: seit 2008 helfe ich Leuten aus allen Schichten ein selbstbestimmteres Leben ohne Boss vom Internet weltweit per Laptop zu machen. - Mehr als 50 Werke vom Autor seit 2008 - Der Blog des Autors seit 2009 - Mehr als 50000 follower seit August 2008 - Der YouTube Kanal des Autors mit mehr als 400000 Videobesuchern seit Maerz 2008 - Updates abonnieren zu eBook News - Seit 2011 gefaellt es mehr als 5000 - Mehr als 1000 follower seit 2012 - Mehr als 6000 follower seit 2012 -- das mobile iPhone und Android Fotohobby des Autors - Mehr als 60000 Blogfollower
Tags // online  geld  verdienen 
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Added: 4328 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 1028 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated “It will never happen to me!” These words have often been spoken moments before a business owner’s site gets hacked – as if the hackers were listening in on their conversations. The fact that 20 WordPress sites get hacked every minute (1 hack every 3 seconds) should wake up most people to the fact that their website could get compromised if they aren’t protecting it with PCI compliant security scans and killer passwords. Need a free scan to see how you’re doing? Visit
Added: 2952 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 671 | Comments: 2
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Set in the near future, V.E. Schwab exciting debut novel VICIOUS brings to life a gritty comic-book-style world in vivid prose: a world where gaining superpowers doesn’t automatically lead to heroism, and a time when allegiances are called into question. Learn more about this book and author Fantasy
Tags // vicious  tor  fantasy  comic  book  superheroes  v  e  schwab  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4196 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1396 | Comments: 0
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At last, add zing to blogs and emails with hand written words and pictures. Create, format, view, email, and BLOG HTML documents with images. Enjoy COMPATIBILITY with GOOGLE DOCS formatting, including images, text formatting, colors, etc. Take notes. We want all of our customers to be happy. If you have any questions about this app before you purchase it (and after!) feel free to email us at We would be happy to answer your questions. ALSO, please see videos at for a quick overview of using Blog Docs. BLOGGING Create great looking formatted blog posts online (or offline and post later) that include * Handwriting * Drawing * Images and backgrounds * WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and any blog that supports email Upload, Download & Edit Google Docs and Microsoft Office Word with Blog Docs ipad app. Edit and create HTML and Blog Post with with Blog Docs ipad app.
Tags // google  docs  google  docs  editor  wordpress  blogger  tumblr  app 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4351 days ago by blogdocs
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 1575 | Comments: 0



India derives her roots from a rich past both culturally and traditionally. India’s has a 26 states holds virtually every kind of landscape imaginable. Magnificent historical sites and royal cities, cloudy mountain retreats, colorful people, rich cultures and festivities. Never-ending secrecy and beauty of this prehistoric land can be experienced only by Travel India.
Tags // travel  india  travel  and  tours  tourism  air  india  travel  agents  tour  packages  tourism  travel  what  is  travel  and  tourism  so 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4420 days ago by RishikeshPandith
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 790 | Comments: 0
      More businesses are taking their products and services online than ever before. Consumers, for the most part, are feeling safer about completing online transactions – especially with businesses they trust. But some entrepreneurs in the e-commerce world have never started their own business. Many are unfamiliar with how to run an e-commerce store. There’s no doubt that this is an exciting time to explore the e-commerce marketplace – especially for people who are testing it out while keeping their full-time jobs. Having said that, business owners new to the online world should understand from the get-go that the e-commerce industry is one of the most lucrative targets for cyber criminals. News of the recent eBay hack is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities associated with online businesses. But big businesses aren’t the only ones getting hacked. More than 20 WordPress sites are hacked every minute of every day. But there are a few basic things you can do to help prevent losing control of your website and your customer’s private information. Choose a Secure eCommerce Platform More than two third of all active e-commerce sites are using either Magento or WordPress’ WooCommerce. Why? Mainly because of their sophisticated security features. There are other factors as well, but what makes them stand apart is the extensive security. PrestaShop can be yet another choice with a proven security framework. Keep your software up-to-date and, it should go without saying, keep your passwords unique and secure. Educate your clients, as well as your workforce, about your information security practices. Let them know how you are protecting customers’ credit card information and what they should do from their end to keep the financial information secure. Implement SSL Certificates SSLs (secure socket layers) are the de facto standard when it comes to securing online transactions. An SSL certificate authenticates the identity of users and encrypts data while at store and transit. Implementing SSL is essential for E-commerce websites to establish secure connectivity between the end-user systems and your website. For tech-savvy buyers, the padlock icon with HTTPS in the address bar is an essential prerequisite for providing their personal details and credit card information. If the consumers believe that a vendor is doing everything possible to secure their transactions, they are more likely to do business with them. Scan Your Site for Security Vulnerabilities Although SSLs protect your transactions, they don’t protect your website. No matter which platform you decide to use, ensure that your server maintains PCI compliance requirements by running PCI scans on your server to validate whether you are compliant or not. Companies like Trust Guard not only scan your site for more than 75,000 known vulnerabilities, giving you detailed reports about its safety, but they also provide users with trust seals. These small, digital images, when placed on your home page and checkout page, have been proved to drastically increase sales and conversion rates. They show potential buyers through accompanying certificates that you are serious about their privacy and security. It gives them the peace of mind they need to make the buying decision. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just are getting started, you should understand that keeping your site safe is your most important endeavor. Hackers can (and do) cause economic, legal and reputational damage every day. Keep your site safe and protected by following these three simple website security tips for your online business.
Added: 2875 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 870 | Comments: 2
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Hard working cruise staffer Meg Antille has no time for romance. Former Special Forces soldier Red Thomsill hopes a stopover on a nature preserve planet will change her mind. But the ranger station is deserted, the defensive perimeters are down…and the shuttle abandons them. Will their lives end before anything can begin? Find out more at – #StarCruise SciFi/romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3513 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1018 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Photographers, artists, architects, models, and designers! This WordPress (WP) theme with a full-featured image slider was designed for you. The theme's fluid design, intuitive interface, broad compatibility, and elegant effects make it an ideal theme for a portfolio of any kind, photo album, and photoblogging site.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4712 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m46s | Views: 5202 | Comments: 0
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