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18 Teams, die sich in ihren Heimatländern bereits mit einem leichten Gasfuß als beste Spritsparer durchgesetzt hatten, fuhren jetzt an der Westküste der USA um den Word-Champion-Titel. Genau 647 Kilometer quer durch Kalifornien auf einem Kurs mit unterschiedlichem Streckenprofil. Von Stadtdurchfahrten bis hin zum kurvigen Pacific Coast Highway war alles dabei. Die Teilnehmer starteten mit identischen VW Jetta Hybrid. Eine ideale Voraussetzung für beeindruckende Verbrauchsergebnisse möchte man meinen, gehört das Fahrzeug von Hause aus doch zu den sparsamsten Autos. Gewinnen konnte jedoch nur, wer das Potenzial der Hybridtechnik für sich auch zu nutzen wusste und möglichst viele Kilometer mit elektrischer Zuarbeit zurücklegte.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4498 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 1473 | Comments: 2
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Se mere på vores website med vakuumløsninger - En vakuumløfter fra Fyns Kran Udstyr og Schmalz er den mest sikre måde at håndtere emner, uanset om de er af plastik, metal, træ eller pap. En vakuumløsning både rationaliserer og forenkler produktionsprocessen, ved at gøre håndtering af emner lettere og mere effektivt. I denne video kan du se eksempler på løsninger til vakuumløft af : - Træ, - Metal, - Glas, - Plastik, - Pakpasser, - Dunke og tønder. Fordelene ved at vælge Fyns Kran Udstyr som leverandør at jeres næste vakuumanlæg: - En leverandør, - en komplet løsning, - Mulighed for serviceaftale, - Service inden for 24 timer, - 17 mobile værksteder, - Stor know-how siden 1969, - Kendt tysk kvalitetsprodukt
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4740 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 4405 | Comments: 0
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Wine connoisseurs and novices alike can experience the art of winemaking at BLEND aboard Holland America Line’s new ms Koningsdam when the ship debuts in April 2016. In collaboration with Chateau Ste. Michelle, Washington State’s oldest and most acclaimed winery, the intimate venue will enable guests to blend their own wine and enjoy it at dinner or in the privacy of their stateroom. BLEND — the first of its kind for Holland America Line and the only purpose-built wine-blending venue at sea — will have a tasting table that accommodates 10 guests who can create their own blend from a selection of five barrels of single-vineyard red wine. In addition to participating in the blending process, guests also will learn about wine from the ship’s wine expert, who leads the blending session. “At the core of every Holland America Line cruise is our desire to offer unique, immersive and innovative experiences, and BLEND by Chateau Ste. Michelle is all of those things and more,” said Orlando Ashford, president of Holland America Line. “The BLEND experience on Koningsdam is designed to appeal to everyone, and it will be exciting for our guests to create an exclusive wine tailored to their personal taste that they can enjoy onboard with our exceptional cuisine.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3465 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 1554 | Comments: 0
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Mere info på Hos Fyns Kran Udstyr har vi et udvalg af forskellige kransystemer. Vores udvalg inkluderer: Lette kransystemer - op til 5 tons, Industri Traverskraner - op til 20 tons, Vægsvingskraner, Søjlesvingskraner. Kransystemerne er modulært opbygget. Det betyder, at der er mulighed for lave et kransystem, der passer til den enkelte kundes behov. Kundetilpassede løsninger er i høj grad baseret på standardkomponenter, hvilket betyder at omkostningerne og leveringstiden kan holdes nede. Vægler du os som leverandør af de næste kransystem, er vi behjælpelig under hele processen -- fra projektering, montering og efterfølgende service. Vores mange års erfaring betyder, at vi er i stand til at give den korrekte rådgivning og løsning til vores kunder, således det optimalt udbytte opnås. Denne video viser projekt med opsætning af et 5 tons Erikkila Spartan Industri Travers Kransystem.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4647 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 2983 | Comments: 0
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Zum Start der neuen Radsaison führt die Deutsche Verkehrswacht (DVW) die bundesweite Aktion „Ich trag´ Helm“ fort, mit der sie für das freiwillige Tragen von Fahrradhelmen wirbt. Um modebewusste Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrer für das Helmtragen zu begeistern, setzt die DVW aktuell die Akzente auf das Thema „Mode und Fahrradhelm“. Als prominenten Paten für die Aktion konnte die DVW den Modedesigner Guido Maria Kretschmer gewinnen. Er zeigte sich von der Idee begeistert, Fahrradhelme mit Mode-Outfits zu kombinieren und nahm die künstlerische Herausforderung an, dies mit seinen Models umzusetzen. Besonders medienwirksam für die Kampagne war das Engagement des Stardesigners auf seiner After-Show-Party während der Berliner „Fashion Week“. Dort trugen seine Models handelsübliche Fahrradhelme zur Abendgarderobe. Auf der Party wurde ein Video-Podcast produziert, der die Models und die Reaktion der Gäste, zum Beispiel von Jorge Gonzalez, zeigt.
Tags // fahrradhelm  fahrrad  helm  kunst  dvw 
Added: 4383 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 4m45s | Views: 1017 | Comments: 2



Nach rund vier Jahren Bauzeit hat der Frankfurter Flughafen heute den Flugsteig A-Plus – die 800 Meter lange Westerweiterung des Terminals 1, planmäßig eröffnet. Mit seiner Inbetriebnahme kann das größte deutsche Luftverkehrsdrehkreuz nun sechs Millionen zusätzliche Passagiere und somit insgesamt rund 65 Millionen Fluggäste pro Jahr abfertigen. Das 700 Millionen Euro teure Gebäude steht exklusiv der Deutschen Lufthansa AG sowie ihren Partnern des Luftfahrtbündnisses Star Alliance zur Verfügung und ist insbesondere auf die Abfertigung von Großraumflugzeugen wie dem Airbus 380 oder der Boeing 747 ausgelegt.
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4557 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1709 | Comments: 1
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Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc. continues to innovate and redefine the barbecue experience with the opening of a completely redesigned concept store in Dallas, and plans to roll out nationwide with all future locations. The model features a modern, rustic technology-driven experience while offering the same authentic, slow-smoked barbecue that Dickey’s Barbecue Pit has been known for over the last 74 years. From the design and décor to square footage and improved efficiencies, the location based in Dallas at 2525 Wycliff Ave. Ste. 130 is now open. Many existing Dickey’s Barbecue Pit locations will also be retrofitted with aspects of the new model. The redesign features a holistic sensory experience, from décor made largely of sustainably-sourced, reclaimed wood to the hand-crafted design elements highlighting Dickey’s history on the walls paired with a specially curated Texas singer/songwriter playlist heard from a Bose surround sound speaker system. The new design showcases an open kitchen floor plan so that guests have full visibility into where and how their high quality meals are smoked on-site. A custom glass butcher case displays fresh meats behind the cashier while the pit sits directly behind the block, where Dickey’s seven featured meats are pit-smoked low and slow daily on-site, in a real hickory wood pit, unlike much of the competition. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3448 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 1072 | Comments: 0
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For two decades, Chateau Ste. Michelle’s Artist Series wines have celebrated the inspired collaboration between artisan winemaking and fine art. To commemorate the 20th vintage, Chateau Ste. Michelle is partnering with Dale Chihuly, the first artist to present artwork on the Artist Series label with the 1993 vintage. The 2012 Artist Series featuring Chihuly will release nationally in August with a suggested retail price of $65. The Artist Series red blend is a unique, collector’s wine that represents the highest quality and pedigree from Chateau Ste. Michelle. Each Artist Series vintage features the work of renowned artists on the label, from blown glass to bronze sculptures to paint on canvas. “I’m honored to have my artwork on the 20th vintage Artist Series label,” says Chihuly. “This piece is one-of-a-kind and very special to me. I couldn’t think of a better use than portraying it on this significant wine project.” For the 20th vintage label, Chihuly selected his Cast Silver Venetian. This unique sculpture was created by Chihuly, and then cast in sterling silver at the Walla Walla Foundry in Washington State. Inspired by Italian Art Deco, Chihuly started his Venetian series in 1988 with Italian glassblower Lino Tagliapietra. Chihuly is known for his artwork and ambitious architectural installations around the world in museums, historic cities and gardens. To view the multimedia release visit:
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Added: 3513 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 1057 | Comments: 0
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In honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Judgment of Paris this May, Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars will release the 2013 vintage of its iconic S.L.V. Estate Cabernet Sauvignon with a commemorative label replicating the original 1973 S.L.V. Cabernet Sauvignon which took top honors among the red wines at the 1976 Paris Tasting. Triumphing over two first-growth and other renowned wines of Bordeaux, the 1973 S.L.V. Cabernet Sauvignon brought international recognition to Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, Napa Valley and the American wine industry as a whole. To mark the historic event, the commemorative 2013 S.L.V. Cabernet Sauvignon carries a small gold band saying “40th Anniversary Vintage,” and releases at the winery May 1, 2016. “The surprise win in 1976 by Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars – and Chateau Montelena Winery with their Chardonnay – truly changed the course of history,” said Ted Baseler, President and CEO of Ste. Michelle Wine Estates and Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars. “What the Judgment of Paris did was give credibility. It was a trigger event that gave validity to the quality of American wines. It set a high benchmark and legacy for the winery, and one that we work every day to respect and take to new heights.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3309 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 821 | Comments: 0
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Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6392 days ago by Saritalive
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 5738 | Comments: 1
    With the media portraying celebrities as having the perfect image, it's resulted in an increased demand for the general public to have this perfect image, too. Where else better to start than with your smile? At the Smile Studio LA, Marilyn Calvo and our team of expert dentists have numerous procedures to improve your smile. At the Smile Studio, our cosmetic dentistry plans needn't cost the Earth, and it's relatively inexpensive to have the work done. Even better, many of our procedures are covered by your health insurance, so it won't cost you anything at all. Marilyn R. Calvo DDS, 16311 Ventura Blvd Ste. 527 Encino CA 91436 Tel: 818.922.8411
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Added: 4810 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 6292 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated For decades, the experienced accountants at Tuller & Associates have provided highly-effective services to individuals and businesses throughout Ventura County. Our Newbury Park accounting firm is fully committed to assisting each and every client with their specific financial needs. No matter if you require general accounting services, tax preparation services, bookkeeping or something similar, our exceptional team is always here to help. We are equipped with the experience, skills and knowledge necessary to successfully manage even the most complex or challenging tasks. Clients in and around Newbury Park rely on our accounting services time and again because our work is consistently accurate and handled in a time-efficient manner. Tuller & Associates - Accounting Thousand Oaks 925 Broadbeck Dr Ste 225 Newbury Park, CA 91320 (805) 375-1429
Tags // accountant  thousand  oaks 
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Added: 2179 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 855 | Comments: 1
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