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Belfast is set to mark the 100th anniversary of the launch of one of the city’s most famous creations – RMS Titanic. On May 31st 1911, Titanic was launched into Belfast Lough by Harland & Wolff – then the largest shipyard in the world. It took three years to build and just 62 seconds to complete the launch. To mark the occasion, there will be a special slipway event attended by the Lord Mayor of Belfast, dignitaries of Cherbourg and Titanic societies to reflect Belfast’s maritime heritage. There will also be a flare set-off to mark the moment exactly 100 years ago when the Titanic was launched. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 5046 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 5872 | Comments: 0
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PSI, a leading international health organization with programs in 67 countries, launches the latest issue of its development magazine Impact, which tackles the world population reaching 7 billion. A planet with 7 billion people presents complex challenges related to family planning, climate change, poverty alleviation, food security and gender equality. Actions taken now will have serious implications on societies and ecosystems for generations to come. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4936 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 8231 | Comments: 0
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oin the conversation at The International Herald Tribune has launched a year-long series called The Female Factor, which examines the most recent shifts in women's power, prominence and impact on societies around the world. The Female Factor aims to take the reader on surprising journeys where women's worlds intersect, whether they are in the western or the developing worlds, and answer the question: How are women influencing early 21st century development?
Added: 5495 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 7085 | Comments: 0



According to a new report, How Can We Avoid a Stroke Crisis in the Asia-Pacific Region?, urgent coordinated action is needed to avoid millions of preventable strokes, which leave many patients who have atrial fibrillation (AF) both mentally and physically disabled, or dead, every year. The report, launched today during the 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology (APCC) by Action for Stroke Prevention, a group of health experts from across the globe, proposes urgent measures to prevent stroke in Asia-Pacific patients with AF, the most common, sustained abnormal heart rhythm and a major cause of stroke. The report’s recommendations are endorsed by 32 leading Asia-Pacific and other global medical societies and patient organizations, reinforcing and recognizing the need for a call to action. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5068 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 5463 | Comments: 0
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Urgent coordinated action from national governments, medical societies and patient organizations is needed to avoid a public health crisis resulting from the tide of preventable strokes that leave many people with atrial fibrillation (AF) mentally and physically disabled or dead, every year. How Can We Avoid a Stroke Crisis in Latin America?, a report from Action for Stroke Prevention – a group of health experts from around the world - reveals the huge economic, social and personal burden of AF-related strokes across the region. Launched today at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 3rd Latin America Conference, the report proposes measures to tackle stroke in patients with AF, the most common, sustained abnormal heart rhythm and a major cause of stroke. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4946 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 5696 | Comments: 0
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Stiefel, a GSK company, announced today that Hats On For Skin Health, its global campaign with the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), has raised enough funds to produce 15,000 sun-protective hats for albinos living in East Africa and has already distributed more than 2,000 hats. The hats are being distributed from Tanzania, where estimates are that 98 percent of albino children will die before the age of 40 from cancers of the skin – a direct result of the sun’s damaging rays. Worldwide, albinism affects about one in 20,000 people. However the incidence of albinism in Sub-Saharan Africa is significantly higher than in the rest of the world, specifically in Tanzania where the incidence is one in 1,429. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4757 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 4181 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated The “Combatants for Peace” movement was started jointly by Palestinians and Israelis who have taken an active part in the cycle of violence How your donations help us · Hire and set up Bi-National media teams, which will work to get our story out and to act in order to influence public opinion in Israel, Palestine and the rest of the world. · Bring consciousness to both publics regarding the hopes and suffering of the other side, and to create partners in dialogue. · Educate towards reconciliation and non-violent struggle in both the Israeli and Palestinian societies. · Create political pressure on both Governments to stop the cycle of violence, end the occupation and resume a constructive dialog. · Reach beyond the region and connect with people around the world who believe in non-violence and the importance of allowing a new story to emerge - one of peace, coexistence and interconnectedness.
Tags // combatants  for  peace 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2898 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 659 | Comments: 0
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Bohemian Grove artist Bohemian Grove and Alex Jones from Info Wars seem to be inseparable whenever the topic of conspiracies come up in conversation. I saw a show called Brad Meltzer's Decoded on The History Channel with an episode about the Grove in California. I had heard of it but not familiar with the secrets and conspiracies surrounding the place and it's members. Likewise with Jones, I had heard of him but that was about it. Ten minutes into this show, I was hooked! I couldn't believe I didn't know more about this story being the sucker that I am for a good conspiracy theory. After watching the entire show and becoming fixated on the story, I also watched the Alex Jones documentary
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4279 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m54s | Views: 1487 | Comments: 1



This book of poetry is written to encourage a better dependence upon God and a greater solidarity to the poor and needy people of the world. It takes the risk to approach the problems of the poor from the viewpoint of the Sovereign God, and it does so with the intent to encourage a sense of compassion in our human societies. While the book speaks about the problems of the poor countries, it is a book for all people who love and value the teachings of God. For what gift is greater than teaching t. . .
Categories // Music 
Added: 6308 days ago by idcfilmcenter
Runtime: 6m47s | Views: 11482 | Comments: 0
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