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Search // sheets
Results 1-12 of 21 for ' sheets ' (1 seconds)
What impact would an ice sheet have on a Swedish final repository for spent nuclear fuel? And how does a final repository affect the surroundings if the ground is constantly frozen? The answers to these questions can be found in Greenland. The nuclear fuel repository has to function and be safe for very long periods of time. SKB’s safety analyses investigate what will happen to the repository during as long a period of time as one million years. That’s the equivalent of as much as eight ice age cycles. By examining existing ice sheets, like the one in Greenland, climatologists can learn enough to be able to model what could occur in the far future. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4410 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m29s | Views: 2624 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Upset with Cheap Printing? Get Fast Turnaround High Quality Low Cost Full Color Printing for Your Business or Organization. At you get quick turnaround, high quality printing, low cost color printing for your business cards, postcards, rack cards, brochures, flyers, posters, catalogs, door hangers, rolodex cards, table tents, CD jackets and inserts, stationary, scratch out marketing, coupon sheets, event tickets, notepads, and calendars.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5442 days ago by BobPairan
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6938 | Comments: 1
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UBM Electronics, a UBM company and the daily source of essential business and technical information for the electronics industry's decision makers, today announced, a new website created for design engineers and electronics purchasing professionals to quickly and easily find electronics parts and inventory. UBM Electronics created in conjunction with SiliconExpert Technologies, a leading provider of electronic component management tools. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4990 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 6286 | Comments: 1
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This video Top 20 Best GOALKEEPER Clean Sheets In The Premier League - Last Season is about the best goalkeepers who have tried their best along with the help of their players to keep clean sheet in the Premier League last season.
Tags // clean  sheets 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1822 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m43s | Views: 634 | Comments: 0
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You've spent months slogging over mock tests and practice sheets and now that CAT is just 2 weeks away. These two weeks are the last lap of preparation in a long journey. Handle it right and you will be in peak form for the mother of all tests.
Tags // utvi  news  bussiness  education  exams 
Added: 5980 days ago by anglekyra
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 12948 | Comments: 3
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Star Micronics is happy to invite you to visit our newest microsite for NRF 2018 Retail’s Big Show. The microsite will be updated frequently throughout NRF and the rest of the 2018 year. Here you will find information about all of Star’s new products that are to be displayed at the tradeshow. Read the newest spec sheets when they come out as well as the release dates for all the products. Be sure to keeping coming back, because the Star Micronics team will be updating the page as we roll out more news during the year. Videos from Retail’s Big Show will also be added to the page in the months following. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2629 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 916 | Comments: 2
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Click: Sarantos is keeping his promise as he kicks off 2015 with his sophomore album. This album will reflect the style the fans and fellow musicians felt best suited Sarantos as he veers into a classic mixture of 80s rock merged with today's soft rock and pop music. But before fans fantasize about the other songs that fit his unusual style, Sarantos thought he'd make the first song and album title a new age song. With his background as a youngster in the church choir, this Enya-type of song is a soothing and relaxing venture. Close your eyes and feel Sarantos powerful vocal reverb literally vibrate one's entire body as fans become vested into the pure emotion of this new song. “This is a calm but inspirational relaxing song that is perfect to help erase the stress from your mind, body and soul," says Sarantos. “I think this is what heaven would sound like. Hopefully on your way to heaven, the angels will be singing this song! I'm so excited to start releasing my sophomore album and I have listened to what the fans want. By the end of this CD, I feel like the fans will know so much more about me. So here we go...” 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to Cystic Fibrosis. Sarantos was nominated for 2 awards for the 2014 International Music & Entertainment Awards for the categories of "Rock Song of the Year" and "Pop Album of the Year." *Remember, fans can always find all of Sarantos songs, lyric sheets, videos and books on his website for free at Share his downloadable song mp3s for free with anyone you want via email or any of the social media platforms.
Tags // sarantos  close  your  eyes 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3719 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m9s | Views: 1333 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Your Source For High Quality Low Cost Four Color Printing Fast! Save on your full color printing. 5 ways we dramatically reduce our overall costs, and we pass the savings direct to you! We will save you money on your business cards, postcards, rack cards, brochures, flyers, posters, catalogs, door hangers, rolodex cards, table tents, CD jackets and inserts, stationary, scratch out marketing, coupon sheets, event tickets, notepads, and calendars. We are Direct Mail Marketing Experts.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5456 days ago by BobPairan
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 4859 | Comments: 0
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Visit for more information on where to find the best deals for Perspex Sheet in the UK. Also more tips, advice and information on different types of Perspex Sheet at the link above.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4819 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 5943 | Comments: 0
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Clean, soft sheets are now less than 60 seconds away. After more than three years in development, Peel Away Labs’ 100% waterproof multilayer sheet makes it easy for consumers and healthcare personnel to change the bed sheets. By simply pulling down the sheet from one corner, a soiled sheet is “peeled away” in seconds to reveal a fresh one underneath. The fitted sheets are 32% softer than traditional sheets and have a breathable membrane allowing for a cooler night’s sleep. Health experts say sheets in the home should be changed every seven to 10 days due to bacteria, fungi, animal dander, pollen and other microbes found on beds. Peelaways’ fitted sheets are available for the home, with sizes from crib to king, ranging from $15.99-$39.99. Peelaways is especially ideal for home caregivers taking care of someone with incontinence issues or children who wet the bed, to new moms who are constantly changing their newborn’s mattress protectors. Peelaways offers sheets with five to seven layers per package. With one Peelaways multilayer sheet, people can sleep on a clean and healthy sheet for up to two months. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2427 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 772 | Comments: 1
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LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:LF), the leader in educational entertainment, today announced Tag™ Human Body Discovery Pack, a unique two-sided interactive chart and game board that helps kids learn about the human body through discovery, exploration and play. Today elementary schools do not place enough emphasis on topics of science, healthy habits and nutrition, making it increasingly important to give kids the tools to make smart choices. LeapFrog’s highly experienced team of learning experts partnered with external medical professionals to create and refine the Tag Human Body Discovery Pack. This award-winning tool provides compelling learning experiences as kids learn human body facts, body systems, health and nutrition in a fun and engaging way. The Tag Human Body Discovery Pack works with the #1 selling Tag™ Reading System and includes a jumbo two-sided chart and game board, interactive growth chart, three interactive sticker sheets with glow-in-the dark bone stickers, and more than 300 interactive responses and 40 learning activities. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Games  People and Blog 
Added: 4569 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 4316 | Comments: 0
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Swingline®, a worldwide leader in delivering workspace tools for the business, home and mobile office, announced the new Stack-and-Shred 60X paper shredder, the best choice in its class for personal use. With the ability to shred up to 60 stacked sheets of paper at one time, waiting in front of the shredder is a thing of the past. The new Stack-and-Shred 60X is an intuitive and cost-effective device that allows users to simply load a stack of paper, shut the lid and move on. Now, spending less time feeding the shredder and more time checking off your “to-do” list is easy. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4806 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 5111 | Comments: 1
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