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Blue Plate® Mayonnaise, one of the country’s oldest and most beloved condiment brands, is shaking up the mayonnaise aisle with the industry’s first mayonnaise made with Greek yogurt. Blue Plate Light Mayonnaise with Greek Yogurt (Blue Plate Light Greek) features creamy, tangy Greek yogurt for a full-flavored light mayonnaise with half the fat and calories of traditional mayonnaise, plus one gram of protein per serving. The new Blue Plate Light Greek is in stores now, available in a 30-ounce jar and a 12-ounce squeeze bottle. This is the first major product innovation in real mayonnaise since the introduction of olive oil more than five years ago. Consumer research shows that Greek yogurt has come into its own as a food super trend, and U.S. consumption is expected to reach $4 billion by 2019. Blue Plate Light Greek features a flavor that is perfectly proportioned to pair with sandwiches, salads and more. The added protein is yet another nutritious benefit not found in any other mayonnaise. To view the multimedia release go to:
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