In this darkly comedic road trip novel, seventeen year-old Vivian Apple returns home after the alleged "Rapture" to find her devout parents gone and two mysterious holes in the roof. Vivian never believed in the Rapture, or the uber powerful Church of America. Now that she has been left behind, Vivian's quest for the truth begins. Find out more at YA
Description: - New discoveries hidden within ancient texts and scripture, reveal fascinating, never-before-known secrets concerning The Tribulation. Go now and learn what no scholar can tell you about this epic end of the world event! - New discoveries hidden within ancient texts including the Bible, expose powerful, never-before-seen secrets about The End Time Tribulation. Go now and learn what no Pastor or Theologian knows about this astonishing end of the world event!
Solid Rock (Adventure)!
When a nation spirals into abyss, as a death star gravity of a black hole, whereby the conscience can’t discern good and evil, its numbness allows all wickedness to excel, and the church can’t rescue because it’s lifeless! And when perhaps even the mercy of God is blocked and can’t be extended. Who can you turn to?
Approximately 7 years after the Rapture or disappearance of all christians Jesus will return to earth with the saints to judge the nations and all people in the 2nd Coming of Christ.