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Search // pull
Results 1-12 of 31 for ' pull ' (0 seconds) - Wide Grip Lat Pull-Downs | Back Exercises - Wide grip pull-downs serve as an alternative to pull-ups and are useful for all weight-lifters - beginner to advanced. Being able to adjust the weight is very useful because the beginner can reduce the weight lifted - if their own weight is too heavy for them to lift when doing pull-ups and the advanced lifter can increase the weight beyond their own body weight. Most experts suggest that pull-ups are a superior exercise, so wide grip pull-downs should take back seat to pull-ups when possible. A problem with pull-downs in general is that some users can't isolate the lats and end up using their biceps to do a lot of the work. To isolate the lats, use a wide grip and when you're pulling down, focus on your lats pulling inwards as they go down. Imagine them pulling down in a semi-circle motion. The wider grip promotes the width of the upper portion of the lats. Never try to pull the bar down using your forearms. The forearms will simply be used to hold the bar. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4720 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 4302 | Comments: 1



In SEDUCTION, the fourth novel by Geneva Holliday, ugly-duckling Mildred Johnson thinks she is the last woman on earth that gorgeous Tony Landry would want. That is, until Tony decides to pull a scam on the company where Mildred works, and gives her a taste of romance like she has never experienced before. On their wedding day, Tony skips town with the stolen money, but with the help of friends, Mildred devises a plan of wicked revenge-proving once and for all that SEDUCTIONS works both ways.
Tags // romance  passion  seduction  love  sex  groove  heat  holliday 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6232 days ago by AuthorBytes
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 5379 | Comments: 2



What would possess a man to try this - his whole mouth should have been ripped out!!
Tags // teeth  redneck  pull  tug  tug-o-war  atv  quad  bike  axle  strong  amazing 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5900 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 14109 | Comments: 1



Welcome to the New Year. The time where women (and men) everywhere vow to lose weight, work out more and take better care of themselves — and their appearance — in general. The holiday season means holiday parties, which also means “holiday hair.” This usually means more styling — hair dryers, curling and/or straightening irons, color, pull it back or pile it high. Add tight ponytails, braids, relaxers, color, heat, tight curlers, and your hair will be screaming for mercy. Don’t despair—it is possible to get your hair on a healthy post-holiday regimen, with a few tips from BIOTA Botanicals, the herbal care experts. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3716 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 877 | Comments: 0
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Guys are using a cell phone smile detection to test the pull effect of puppies
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Business 
Added: 5832 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 7526 | Comments: 4



Originally, this recording was never meant to be presented as a actual song but just with me goofing around with my music gear and my guitar "The DOG" just after I picked him up from the music pound. It started soon after my new friend at the time who hooked me up with the gear that I now use, must have thought that I was telling dog tales when I told him that punks used to brag that they would know someone who could blow me away with their guitar skills and I have never seen the day to which that has happened. I don't possess any particular guitar skills but when I put the Dog on my lap, he doesn't act like a traditional lapdog and he doesn't take kindly to strangers. Especially to cats who try to invade and rule the house. Well, a few days later he brought a 16 year old cat going by the name of Brandon...or Brendon along with some other cats to watch the event as B Boy was supposed to blow me away with his PRODIGY SKILLS. It was amazing to watch the boy perform Beethoven stuff and the kind of stuff you see on Youtube. After he played his act with my Dog, he then handed the Dog over to me..."Hey hey..chuckle chuckle" ...I don't walk the Dog...He walk's me...I just tickle his neck and belly and then he'll pull off his Dog tricks to which I have no control over. I explained to my friend later that there's more to playing the guitar than just sitting a dog on your lap to perform tricks. You've gotta have some music to back you up to see how your dog keeps up with the beat and so I made this song up to show him how that's done. I made this one up real fast and tried singing for the first time and arranging vocal parts and just talked about whatever came to mind and just let the Dog do whatever he wanted to do. This is about as raw as it get's. The whole song took me about a week to do.
Categories // Music  Pets and Animals  Funny 
Added: 3518 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m45s | Views: 1498 | Comments: 3



More @ When this martial artist tries to pull off a karate backflip move in front of a camera, it only spells fail. Get a load of this ninja backflip fail as the afro fighter faceplants on the ground, becomes dizzy, and then falls down again. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5900 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 13509 | Comments: 1
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Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today announced the next generation of smart building technology, Command and Control Suite, which turns complex facility data into recommendations and easy-to-implement changes that help boost business outcomes — lowering costs, minimizing risk and reducing downtime. By combining intelligent automation, advanced analytics and visualization with the simplified user experience of today‘s home and mobile electronics, Command and Control Suite links building automation and the enterprise. It can provide a holistic view of a connected building‘s video feeds, access control and fire alarms, for example, and pull in relevant information from human resource applications. Integrating data from these disparate systems could help security personnel track occupants and make sure they exit the facility in the event of an evacuation, improving employee safety. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3598 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 1097 | Comments: 2
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NBC UNIVERSO, the modern entertainment and sports cable channel for Latinos announced the premiere of “The Riveras,” its new celeb-reality series that follows the children of late Mexican- American music icon and reality star, Jenni Rivera on Sunday, October 16 at 10pm/9C. On this new reality show viewers will get to see Jenni’s five children: Chiquis, Jacqie, Mikey, Jenicka and Johnny as they step up and pull together to pursue their biggest dreams with humor and love. To download images, click here: To view the “The Riveras” official trailer click on: “We want to show the world you can continue moving forward despite adversities. Yes, life without our mother has been painful and difficult. We have weak moments but at the end of the day we come together as family to figure it out,” stated Chiquis, the eldest daughter of Jenni Rivera. “Our goal is to represent our mother as the great woman she was and viewers will get to see that through all of us. It’s important to show the public who we are and to discover the truth …a lot has been said on the news and tabloids,” she added. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3108 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 962 | Comments: 0
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A tough, multi-use adjustable strap designed primarily to assist in holding and/or advancing hose lines of various sizes. Firefighters have found many uses for this versatile strap, including as an emergency “bail-out” strap for two-story applications, and as a drag strap for rescuing downed firefighters and civilians.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4561 days ago by paulkrogman
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 2447 | Comments: 0
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Ceiling Stagehands Have Tech Problems With The Fake Cable Pull-up of The Lunar Module in The Nevada Fake Moon Bay. NASA video as you hear & see it, is located for download at NASA site: Apollo 17 Video Library Return to Orbit Journal Text: 187:33:14 Journal Text: 187:38:44 Journal Text: 187:44:24 ALL NASA FOOTAGE USED IN THIS FILM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN. THE USE OF ANY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS USED UNDER THE GUIDELINES OF "FAIR USE" IN TITLE 17 § 107 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. SUCH MATERIAL REMAINS THE COPYRIGHT OF THE ORIGINAL HOLDER AND IS USED HERE FOR THE PURPOSES OF EDUCATION, COMPARISON, AND CRITICISM ONLY. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED.
Added: 1691 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 838 | Comments: 0
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This truly is one of the best demos ever of our Overhead line of travel guitars guitars, and worth a watch if not simply to hear Maneli play. If you’re considering buying a new travel guitar, or are easily swayed to make an impulse purchase – be careful – watching Maneli play the OF420 may just make you pull the trigger on a new Journey Overhead… next thing you know you’ll be on holiday picking away in a lounge chair overlooking some splendid view! One of the greatest things about my job is the people I get to meet. Before we even launched Journey Instruments, I saw Maneli Jamal’s “Movement III” from his Ziur album on Youtube and I was totally floored. I immediately bought his album and then sought him out for private lessons on Skype (And learned a bastardized version of his ”Most Glorious Day” song from the same album. Ha!). Though I had to quit lessons due to the demands of running two companies and having my second child, I kept in touch and have just loved watching him perform and grow as an artist. Here we are 3 years later, and I’m humbled to have Maneli make such an awesome demo video of our Overhead OF420 travel guitar
Categories // Music 
Added: 3419 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 799 | Comments: 0



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