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Results 1-12 of 20 for ' prestige ' (0 seconds)
In diesem Video sehen Sie genug Gründe weniger Erdöl zu benutzen und auf alternative Kraftstoffe zu greifen. Erdöl verursacht nur Unheil auf dieser Welt.
Added: 4282 days ago by simongreen
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 890 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated -- EVP videos is prestige in Chicago Wedding videography and wedding photography, capturing cinematic beauty in weddings. Choose EVP videos for a lifetime of beautiful wedding photography and videography. Official video source
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4719 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 4059 | Comments: 1
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Solide, zuverlässig und preiswert. Mit diesen Attributen verschaffte sich Skoda seinen Ruf, für Sparfüchse und Menschen, denen das problemlose Vorwärtskommen wichtiger als Prestige ist, die richtige Adresse zu sein. Eine Philosophie, die die tschechische VW-Tochter auch 20009  bei der Einführung ihres ersten Kompakt-SUVs, dem Yeti, konsequent weiter verfolgte. Nur der vom mystischen Fabelwesen aus dem Himalaya geborgte Name versprühte ein wenig Extravaganz. Ansonsten gab sich der Allradler bewusst bodenständig und glänzte – typisch für Skoda eben – mit hohem Nutzwert. Eine Grundeigenschaft, die bei dem jetzt grundlegend überarbeiteten Modell natürlich beibehalten wurde. Der fast kantig modellierte Yeti dürfte zwar trotz neuer Front und neuem Heck nach wie vor keinen renommierten Designer-Auto-Preis erringen, wirkt jedoch auch dank der neuen Leuchtengrafik und stärker ausgeformter Radhäuser freundlich und dynamisch. Die unterhalb der Front, an den Seiten und am Heck angebrachte Kunststoffverkleidung, die das Blech vor Beschädigungen beim Ausritt ins Gelände schützt, erzeugt zudem Off Road-Look, ohne übertrieben zu wirken. Die erstmals angebotene Outdoor-Variante unterscheidet sich dabei gegenüber dem Stadt-Yeti dadurch, dass diese Teile in schwarz gehalten sind. Das sieht nicht nur urig aus. 
Tags // skoda  offroad  outdoor 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4148 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 973 | Comments: 2
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Autos von Skoda galten auch noch lange nach der Übernahme durch den VW-Konzern als bieder, zuverlässig und preiswert. Ein Tipp also für Sparfüchse und Menschen, denen das problemlose Vorwärtskommen wichtiger ist als Prestige. Mit dem seit viel Jahren genutzten und vor allem auch in die Tat umgesetzten Slogan „Simply Clever-Lösungen“ und natürlich auch mit den neuen, absolut wettbewerbsfähigen Modellen schaffte es die VW-Tochter, nicht nur von Verkaufserfolg zu Verkaufserfolg zu eilen, sondern sich auch allmählich einen Namen bei einer qualitätsbewussten Klientel zu machen. Lediglich in puncto Sportlichkeit – trotz großer Motorsport-Erfolge in der Vergangenheit - schien ein Skoda unverdächtig. Doch inzwischen stellen die Skoda-Verantwortlichen der kühlen Kosten-Kalkulation eine wohl-kalkulierte Leidenschaft in Form eines Octavia RS zur Seite. Das erste Modell (2000 bis 2005) tat sich noch schwer, doch bereits die zweite Generation wurde sowohl als Limousine als auch Kombi ein Erfolg, den nun die dritte Auflage des Octavia RS fortsetzen und möglichst ausbauen soll.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4237 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m28s | Views: 1864 | Comments: 1
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Supergoop!® announces its partnership with entrepreneur and international tennis sensation Maria Sharapova, welcoming her to the Supergoop! team as a co-owner with Founder and CEO Holly Thaggard. Supergoop! is the first and only multi-functional skincare line in prestige distribution with a foundation in UV protection and 100% dedication to sun safety. This partnership will be a vehicle for Supergoop! to spotlight the brand’s mission to elevate skin cancer awareness alongside the many skincare and beauty benefits attributed to applying UV protection every single day. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 3992 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 1054 | Comments: 1
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SEPHORA, the leader in global prestige beauty retail announces the launch of two new bot-powered beauty tools available now exclusively on Messenger. As one of the first beauty retailers to introduce a bot earlier this year, Sephora continues to pioneer fast, easy and fun mobile-first technologies that integrate beauty into their clients’ daily routine. Sephora Reservation Assistant is an appointment booking bot to reserve a makeover at Sephora stores across the United States. Color Match for Sephora Virtual Artist is a shade matching addition to the Sephora Virtual Artist bot that scans any photo and instantly provides the closest lipstick color match from Sephora’s entire assortment. “Our two new bots for Messenger offer enhanced ways for our clients to engage with Sephora by streamlining how they access relevant service and product information on their mobile devices,” said Mary Beth Laughton, SVP of Digital for Sephora. “We’re excited to leverage the Messenger platform to create quick and natural conversational interactions that are client-led. This allows us to provide richer, more varied conversations that ensure clients get exactly what they want out of the experience.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3067 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 861 | Comments: 0
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Following the successful integration of eyeshadow try-on earlier this spring, Sephora, the leader in global prestige beauty retail, continues to drive mobile engagement with the launch of even more augmented reality-based features to Sephora Virtual Artist on its award-winning iOS and Android apps. New today are Cheek Try On, which allows users to virtually try on over 1,000 shades of cheek color, an expanded library of Looks, and a Color Match for Virtual Try On feature, which uses Artificial Intelligence to detect and accurately estimate the shade in any photo and match it with a lip, eyeshadow or cheek products available at Sephora. Available in the Sephora app, these new features for Sephora Virtual Artist are the latest in a series of digital enhancements powered by the Sephora Innovation Lab to customize the retailer’s expanding beauty experiences. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2850 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m43s | Views: 842 | Comments: 0
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Sephora, the leader in global prestige beauty retail, announced the launch of new exclusive features on its Sephora Virtual Artist application, adding a new false lash virtual try on to its immensely popular lip function, as well as a new way to teach beauty with step-by-step virtual tutorials using augmented reality technology. Available today for download on the Sephora App, it is the latest in a series of digital enhancements powered by the Sephora Innovation Lab to customize the retailer’s expanding beauty experiences. “Sephora Virtual Artist has been an unprecedented success, with Sephora clients trying on over 70 million lip shades digitally since launching earlier this year,” said Bridget Dolan, VP of Innovation. “Live Tutorials are a revolutionary new way to learn new application techniques and trends, on your own face, one step at a time. The ability to leverage this exclusive augmented reality technology to mirror our Sephora store makeover experience on your own device is a game changer for our users.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3187 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 1153 | Comments: 0
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Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, but the biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers’ increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion. This Barometer is conducted amongst the wealthiest Chinese women, and is about the 30 luxury brands in ready-to-wear/handbags/shoes/accessories that have invested the most in communication (source: Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise and BNP Exane already conducted the same survey amongst French women in May 2015 ( ”This barometer in association with BNP Exane reflects our determination to move closer to the marketing and cross-section financial analysis. Our Monitoring Brand Assets® approach itself features very complementary analyzes with those conducted by BNP Exane’s experts. Hence, the obtained results from our joined barometer are based on two different angles of expertise, marketing and financial, which brings a unique added value to the managers and decision-makers in the Luxury sector. More concretely, our measure of the exclusivity of a brand takes into account the upper and more constant quality of products, the strong and unique valuation of the customer, the brand’s prestige, but also a matchless “savoir-faire” that justifies a very high price premium associated with top luxury. Finally, our measure of desirability synthesizes the dimensions of attractiveness of an intimate, social and symbolic nature, which are the strengths of exclusive brands, and characterize the particular relation that they maintain with their customers. In this respect, our Barometer synthesizes, in two proven scales, the numerous criteria to establish a ranking between the high-end brands from their customer’s point of view", states Pr. Philippe Jourdan, Promise’s CEO. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3342 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 987 | Comments: 0
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Crosstex International, a subsidiary of Cantel Medical Corp. (NYSE:CMN), and Prestige Ameritech, the only two major U.S.-based medical mask manufacturers have joined forces to bring attention to a glaring void in public health research and policy – that, if addressed, has the potential to more quickly provide a simple, effective tool to mitigate the spread of influenza and other respiratory borne viruses. The awareness campaign comes in response to a new study, “ Exposure to Influenza Virus Aerosols During Routine Patient Care,” published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, showing that influenza viruses may spread as far as six feet from a person coughing or sneezing, and that some people, referred to as “super spreaders,” may be more likely to spread the virus. The study, supported by the Department of Health and Human Services with a $600,000 research grant, pointed specifically to concerns for healthcare workers being exposed to coughs from sick patients. Yet government research and policy continues to overlook face masks as a feasible protection measure for both the healthcare industry and the general public. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4397 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 1988 | Comments: 1
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Chloé hosted a cocktail party last night at apicius, the renowned Parisian restaurant, for the launch of its new women’s fragrance ‘Love, Chloé’. Ralph Toledano, CEO of Chloé, and Michele Scannavini, President of Coty Prestige, welcomed 200 guests, celebrities and journalists from all over the world, for an exclusive event entertained by dj and music producer Seb Chew. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5397 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m6s | Views: 6243 | Comments: 2
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This year Krakow will host the UNESCO World Heritage Committee session, the European Lotteries Congress and the European Congress of Transplantology Nurses. Adding prestige to Krakow are industry awards, with no other venue receiving the Meetings Star Award two years running. This year’s event schedule will determine the fortunes of Krakow in years to come. According to a Polish Tourism Organisation study, Krakow is the #1 location in Poland in terms of the number of congresses and conferences. At the heart of the meetings industry is the ICE Kraków Congress Centre, which has just won its second consecutive title of best congress centre of New Europe. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2970 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 675 | Comments: 0



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