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Search // parties
Results 1-12 of 57 for ' parties ' (0 seconds)
PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR OTHER QUALITY AUDIO STREAMS , HAUNTED MANOR - , SCARY HORROR MUSIC FOR HALLOWEEN - , ARE YOU READY FOR THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? Download Audio:, Halloween music for Media projects and Halloween parties. Download the bundle at or get the tracks from itunes,,,
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4450 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 2210 | Comments: 0
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Catch up on all the action from the first 10 episodes as 6 young music lovers travel around Europe to the summer’s biggest festivals and parties. But there's a twist…come late September, one will be dead, one will be a killer. Just Who Killed Summer?
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5685 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 7795 | Comments: 0



The country’s No. 1 catering-specific education and trade event, the 2013 Catersource Conference & Tradeshow is celebrating its 21st year. Presented by UBM Catersource, this year’s event will take place on March 10-13, 2013 at the Mirage Resort and Casino in Las Vegas with the corresponding Tradeshow on March 12 and 13 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Featuring the breakthrough education, trendsetting parties, contests and ideas that Catersource is famous for, this show is a can’t-miss event for caterers, event planners and suppliers in the foodservice industry. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4503 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m5s | Views: 2298 | Comments: 1
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The funny surprise for the newlyweds in Italy Organize a funny parties with the italian dj Gianpiero Fatica Mobile or whatsapp: +393283334184
Categories // Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 380 days ago by romadj
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 248 | Comments: 1



The holidays are a busy time filled with shopping, parties, travel and family gatherings. But for some, the holidays can trigger stress and depression, or worsen existing mental health issues. Financial strain, renewed grief over the loss of a loved one, being away from family or spending time with difficult family members may all contribute. This holiday season, offers five important tips for managing stress and depression from Michael Fitzpatrick, executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and one of the experts featured in a series of videos at Be Smart. Be Well. Mental Health. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4496 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 2973 | Comments: 0
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Sage, a leading provider of business management software and services to more than 6 million small and midsized businesses worldwide, today announced the inaugural Sage Listens RV Tour, a 50-day, nationwide tour where Sage executives will meet with more than 50 Sage customers and bring attention to the importance of shopping locally in order to support the economy. Additionally, the Sage Listens RV tour will give the company an opportunity to gain a better understanding of how to develop features and services to better support its customers. The tour will feature lively and engaging customer visits, parties and special events – all while promoting the “Shop Local” concept. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4271 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m48s | Views: 882 | Comments: 1
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In her newest YA novel, VASSA IN THE NIGHT, Sarah Porter has merged the dark, forested world of Russian folklore with the gritty, urban streets of Brooklyn to vibrant and dramatic effect. In the enchanted kingdom of Brooklyn, the fashionable people put on cute shoes, go to parties in warehouses, drink on rooftops at sunset, and tell themselves they’ve arrived. Babs Yaga, the owner of the local convenience store, has a policy of beheading shoplifters—and sometimes innocent shoppers as well. So when Vassa’s stepsister sends her out for light bulbs in the middle of night, she knows it could easily become a suicide mission. But Vassa has a bit of luck hidden in her pocket, a gift from her dead mother. Erg is a tough-talking wooden doll with sticky fingers, a bottomless stomach, and a ferocious cunning. With Erg’s help, Vassa just might be able to break the witch’s curse and free her Brooklyn neighborhood. But Babs won’t be playing fair…. Find out more at YA/Fantasy
Tags // vassa  in  the  night  tor  teen  sarah  porter  magic  brooklyn  ya  book  trailer  cos  productions 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3074 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1006 | Comments: 0



Nul naura la chance de découvrir la toute nouvelle S60, le dernier projet révolutionnaire de Volvo, avant son lancement lannée prochaine. Si ce nest cet automne, puisque Volvo a invité en avant première un artiste aveugle aux talents des plus remarquables: Eşref Armağan. A cette occasion, Mr Armağan rejoindra le siège social de Volvo à Göteborg pour découvrir de ses mains la Volvo S60 et la peindre par la suite. Et, il ne sarrêtera pas là puisquil répondra également aux fans de Volvo sur Facebook et dessinera les parties de la voiture quils auront spécifiquement demandées.
Tags // volvo  s60  peintre  artist  voiture  aveugle 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5636 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 6879 | Comments: 2
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The first animation of UN1325: the first formal and legally binding instrument from the United Nations Security Council that requires parties at war to respect women\'s rights. Animation Pippo Lionni + Produced by Ingrid Quinn. Non-profits, Activism, Women, People, Animations, etc
Tags // un1325  united  nations  un  human  rights 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5260 days ago by sinsymonds
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 4795 | Comments: 0
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jay professional male stripper based in Watford -Strip o grams-kissograms-strippergrams-kiss o grams for your parties HEN NIGHTS-BIRTHDAYS-LADIES NIGHTS-GAY SHOWS ANY PARTY so If you are organizing a party cal Jay. Costumes: Policeman, British airway's airline captain, Bulder, Business man, Officer and Gentlman, Gangster.. call 07876471923 OR VISIT (you can see my video on youtube-jay vesuvio male stripper-
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6181 days ago by malestripperuk
Runtime: 3m-0s | Views: 7193 | Comments: 1
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With the start of the holiday season comes the start of party season! Getting glammed up for parties can be tricky and time consuming: thought must be given to everything from how to style your hair and what to wear to how to apply makeup to look fun and festive.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3753 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 740 | Comments: 0
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The spring and summer entertaining season has arrived. From Mother’s Day brunches and Father’s Day barbecues to bridal showers and graduation parties, people host an endless string of events in their homes during this time. However, busy schedules can often make it difficult to prepare for guests and give the house a thorough cleaning from top to bottom. To help hosts get their homes in order, BISSELL partnered with home and lifestyle expert Evette Rios to share quick and easy tips that will have a house guest-ready and fresh in no time. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4355 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 2716 | Comments: 1
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