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Search // oster
Results 1-1 of 1 for ' oster ' (0 seconds) - Amazon Best Buy( 4 out of 5 stars, 283 reviews): Smoothie makerOster have been making blenders for many, many years and they have the design down to near perfection. It is a blender and juicer as well. TheSmoothie maker Oster 4093 has a classic look and a unique beehive design which funnels food down to the blades. Blenders with a large base often cause food to get stuck around the edges but this doesn't happen with the Oster's beehive shaped carafe. Smoothie maker Oster 4093 powered by a 500 watt motor and has a pulse control for quick blending. It's great for chopping ice, mixing drinks, chopping fruit and veggies and blending other ingredients.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4804 days ago by johngeltkn
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