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Search // movements
Results 1-12 of 25 for ' movements ' (0 seconds) Whitney Vandell’s debut record takes its namesake from that same title, one that has been hard-earned by Vandell over years of intense work. The African-native instrumentalist has released one of the more intriguing and eclectic instrumental records thus far this year on the indie scene. What makes the ‘One-Girl Symphony’ so interesting is Vandell’s hand over a vast array of genres. The record style-hops with ridiculous tact, shifting from classical influences to rock and roll and blues in seamless movements. Speaking of which, there actually are movements. Her debut album is broken into four autobiographical sections of three songs each: Teenage Turbulence, The Formative Years, Return to Innocence & Hope, and Empty Promises to Broken Hearts.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3518 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 1013 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Weighted Bench Dips | Tricep Muscle Exercise - If you're looking for a great exercise for your triceps you need to add weighted bench dips to your routine. The bench height should allow for full range of motion. If a spotter is not available, place weight on lap sitting on floor or edge of bench. Try not to lean forward. That way your triceps do all the work and not your pecs. Also, keep your legs straight, but don't lock your knees. It is best to attempt this exercise without any weights at first in order to get used to the movements required for good form. If that variation also becomes easy, then you can have a spotter place plates on top of your lap. Make sure that in this case the spotter ensures that the weights stay there throughout the exercise. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4689 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 4758 | Comments: 2



The Tai Chi Sword. Video of the Yang Tai Chi Sword 30 Movements Form with the names of the moves included.The Yang Style Tai Chi Jian 30 Form is a form we learned from Sifu Max Tack of Max Tack Tai Chi Apeldoorn. Max Tack is a famous teacher of the internal Chinese Martial Arts. In this video you see Jean Luc Grandjean from Shaolin Kungfu Apeldoorn He Yong Gan vechtsport is performing the form.
Tags // peter  ralston  max  tack  tai  chi  jian  sword  taiji  tai  ji  wushu  kungfu  martial  arts  vechtsport  he  yong  gan  shaolin  kungfu 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 1312 days ago by Shaolin_Martial_Arts
Runtime: 3m-0s | Views: 806 | Comments: 0
     - Stiff Leg Deadlifts | Leg Workouts - The is a super exercise for your hamstrings and lower back. As with all weight training exercise proper form/technique is essential for not only getting the most out of the exercise but also to avoid injury. As you lower the bar towards the floor make sure to keep your eyes/head up as this will facilitate keeping your back straight. And as shown in the video do not bend you knees - remember you are targeting your hamstrings and lower back. Because technique/form is so essential to the stiff leg deadlifts start off with a lower weight and concentrate on performing the exercise correctly. Do not sway as you lower the weight but try to keep slightly more than 50% of your weight on your heals. And as with all weight training exercises keep your movements slow and steady - again concentrate on form not reps. You will get more out of the exercise with proper form and fewer reps than more reps with incorrect form. After you have performed the stiff leg deadlift with the correct technique successfully you can increase the weight. Don't make too large a jump in weight but move the weight up slowly. You should not be in a rush to max out the weight. I'll say it again proper form with fewer reps will yield greater results that incorrect form and more reps. A word of caution - do not perform the stiff legged deadlift if you have lower back problems or are dealing with a lower back injury. And as with any weight training exercise if you begin to experience pain you should discontinue the exercise. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4689 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 4503 | Comments: 1
      - Standing Barbell Curls - Biceps Workout - A fantastic exercise for isolating the biceps muscles. Everyone wants to show off their guns and the standing barbell curl is a great way to pump up your biceps. As with all exercises to get the maximum results you need to perform the exercise correctly. The single biggest mistake people make when performing the standing barbell curl is swinging the body back. This defeats the whole purpose of the exercise which is to isolate the biceps muscle. Your body should remain fixed and only the biceps muscles used to lift the weight. If you can't lift the weight without swinging your body back then you need to use less weight until you can effectively perform the exercise. Another mistake people make is not keeping your elbows tucked into your sides. You should not let your elbows leave your side. Again, we are going for the isolation of the biceps and you do not want to use any other muscles or movements to lift the weight. The third most common mistake when performing the standing barbell curl is to drop the weight too quickly. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise you need to slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. If you can't lower the weight slowly you need to reduce the weight until you can. By isolating the biceps on the way up and on the way down you will get amazing results with the standing barbell curl. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4689 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 4120 | Comments: 2



Potty Training the animals is a top quality interactive book app for toddlers and -kids from 1 to 4. It is perfect for potty training time with sweet and relaxing music and stunning 2D interactive illustration that will delight both parents and children. Potty Training the animals allows children to take an active role in taking them to potty thus getting them ready for their own potty time … Brilliant! All around the farm the animals are interested to go to the potty, the animals make those funny potty dancing movements and even feel butterfly's in their stomach. But who takes them to the potty? Who Flushes? That is the task for small children. Watching all the animals go to the potty is a lovely way to set the mood for potty training. set the mood for potty training: You've conquered so many challenges in your parenting life, but there is still a bit of unfinished business that can bring you and your toddler to tears. Potty training the animals!! Luckily, there's an app for that—turn frustrating into fun with these potty training app. turn frustration into fun: You've conquered so many challenges in your parenting life, but there is still a bit of unfinished business that can bring you and your toddler to tears. Potty training the animals!! Luckily, there's an app for that—turn frustrating into fun with these potty training app.
Tags // potty  training  app  apps  pottytraining  boys  girls 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4352 days ago by taton
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1000 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated - One Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extensions | Tricep Exercises - Another fantastic workout for your ticeps. So many people tend to focus on their biceps but the triceps makes up over 50% of your arm and building them up is a great way to look good at the beach. Using free weights vs weight machines always carry more risks so it's important to always begin with a lighter weight and work you way up. This will reduce the risk of injury because you will know your limits and not select a higher weight from the start. For maximum results make sure to extend your arm fully - do not cut the movement short. And as with all weight training exercises slow and steady movements will allow you to work all of the targeted muscles to their fullest. Resist the temptation to move up in weight until you can perform the exercise with the proper technique. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4689 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 5198 | Comments: 2



modern Chinese dance Melanie Zhang (8YR) Choreography by: Teacher King King's Art & Dance Studio Bartle School Talent Show To Benefit Kier's Kids NJ New Star This modern Chinese dance is based on the original song named "New Star" in a very popular Chinese TV series. In this dance, the dancer acts as a rising new star in the sky right after a thunderstorm. Using complex Chinese dancing skills and elegant movements, the performer expresses how beautiful and shining the new star is.
Tags // modern  chinese  dance  kid 
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6308 days ago by dancenw
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 15033 | Comments: 2
      Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment When you have hemorrhoids, you need to do something about the way you have bowel movements. Your stools need to be softer and you need to have at least one bowel movement each day. If you have hard stools or if you strain to have a bowel movement, you will have a hard time getting rid of your hemorrhoids.
Categories // Family 
Added: 1541 days ago by rss41
Runtime: 4m6s | Views: 673 | Comments: 0
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Moon Hoax -Astronaut's Movements Should Be Quicker Not Slower Because of No Atmosphere & 1/6 Lighter Gravity
Added: 1260 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 652 | Comments: 1
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Disney used Fake Miniature Astronauts in The Apollo Photos -Faking Astronauts TV Movements -Faking The Appearance of Large Moon Landscapes. The NASA photos as you see them, can be downloaded from NASA's Apollo Image Gallery: Classical music in this video is copyright free public domain, available to download and use from: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 - I. Allegro con brio ALL NASA PHOTOS USED IN THIS VIDEO ARE PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Categories // Funny  Comedy  News and Politics 
Added: 5504 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 4m59s | Views: 6814 | Comments: 1
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check out our new website: The Krav Maga In No Time home study video course consists of 27 high quality HD format videos teaching you how to react and get out unharmed from a violence situation. You will learn to use the natural movements of your body to defend yourself and move to a counterattack.
Categories // People and Blog  Sport  Business 
Added: 4467 days ago by 972KravMaga
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 1101 | Comments: 1
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