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Search // houston
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a new single from Houston leaked to the internet titled "Like I Never Left". The single, Houston's first since 2003, features Akon, who also produced the song.
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6064 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 10990 | Comments: 0



Vayama (, a leading online travel agency uniquely focused on international travel, is crossing the United States as part of the Vayama Go Somewhere Tour. This 12-market U.S. campaign is designed to inspire people to think about where in the world they’d like to travel and help them get one step closer to making that dream a reality. The centerpiece of the Go Somewhere Tour is an 18-foot custom-designed truck that serves as a hub for global discovery and travel inspiration at each event along the way. The next stop on the Go Somewhere Tour is Houston, TX on May 9. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4321 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 1050 | Comments: 1



Music lovers, surfers, thrill seekers and thousands of young people across the country will be able to experience the fun, potentially life-saving messages of the nation’s largest youth smoking prevention tour. truth® begins its 14th annual summer tour on Friday, June 13 in Houston, Texas, with its first stop on the Vans Warped Tour. truth’s crew of young adult “tour riders” will interact with teens and young adults across the country – providing them with facts and information about the marketing tactics of the tobacco industry and the health effects, addictiveness and social consequences of tobacco use. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3919 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 1160 | Comments: 1
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An international coalition of cities is calling for an ambitious global goal to prevent more than 100 million new cases of diabetes by 2045. The target is set out alongside new research in a report launched today by the Cities Changing Diabetes partnership at a global summit in Houston, Texas. The report comes with the stark warning that achieving the goal requires cutting rates of obesity by a quarter. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2680 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 678 | Comments: 2
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We are the best in Temporary Kitchen Facilities Los Angeles, Temporary Kitchen Facilities New York, Temporary Kitchen Facilities Houston, nationwide, Benefits of Temporary Kitchen Facilities Dallas, How Temporary Kitchen Facilities works Miami, Temporary Kitchen Facilities Appliances Orlando, San Francisco, What is a Temporary Kitchen Facilities, San Diego, San Jose.
Added: 4627 days ago by familyentertainment
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 4293 | Comments: 2
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The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has begun enrollment for the first Phase I safety study approved by the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the use of a child’s own umbilical cord blood stem cells for traumatic brain injury in children. The study is being performed in conjunction with Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, UTHealth’s primary children’s teaching hospital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5166 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6250 | Comments: 0
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The holidays are quickly approaching and this time of year we are all looking for inspiration to make our dishes extra special. According to award-winning Chef Robert Del Grande of Houston’s highly-acclaimed RDG + Bar Annie Restaurant, California Dried Figs should be a pantry staple to create simple and delicious recipes to spice up the holidays and all year long. “Great cooking is easy with the right ingredients on hand,” says Del Grande. “That’s why I always have California Dried Figs in my pantry to add a twist to holiday dishes and recipes year-round. Figs truly elevate simple dishes to extraordinary. So the next time you are in the market be sure to pick up California Dried Figs for your pantry. And, remember: When you think delicious, think figs. And, when you think figs, think California!” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3395 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 913 | Comments: 0
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The US federal government, which touts its historic 54.5 miles-per-gallon fuel-efficient standard for 2025 model year autos, might want to rethink that mark. It’s downright puny compared to what a team of students from Quebec’s Université Laval achieved today as its vehicle traveled a mind-boggling 3,587 miles on a single gallon of gasoline at the 7th annual Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2013 competition. It was the highest mileage ever achieved for both Université Laval and the Americas challenge. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4349 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 1503 | Comments: 2
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Going the farthest distance might sound like a foot race. But this past weekend, it meant stretching the boundaries of fuel efficiency as student teams competed in the fifth annual Shell Eco-marathon® Americas, a challenge for students to design, build and test fuel-efficient vehicles that travel the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. High school and university students from Canada and the United States competed in the two-day street course challenge in downtown Houston. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5070 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 7341 | Comments: 0
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As most high school and college students are busy tackling tests or taking it easy during spring break, student teams from across the Americas are preparing for the ultimate extracurricular activity – designing, building, and testing a vehicle that travels the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. After months of coordinating designs and constructing vehicles, 43 student teams – among 9 high schools and 29 universities – are putting the finishing touches on their vehicles for the 2010 Shell Eco-marathon Americas energy challenge. These leaders of tomorrow, and their fuel-efficient creations, will soon take to the streets of downtown Houston, March 26-28 around Discovery Green Park. We’ll find out if these students can beat the 2,757.1 miles per gallon (1,172.2 kilometers per liter) achieved in 2009 by Laval University, but more than that, the students will grant us a glimpse into the fuels, technologies and transportation of tomorrow. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5465 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 8138 | Comments: 2
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While many students spent the weeks and months leading up to spring break preparing for midterm exams, an ambitious group of students geared up for another important test. They are the 70 teams from 18 high schools and 31 universities across North America — including Canada, Mexico and the United States — participating in Shell Eco-marathon® Americas 2011. The test? To push the boundaries of fuel efficiency and see which team can go the farthest using the least amount of energy at Shell Eco-marathon Americas, taking place April 14-17, 2011 on the streets of downtown Houston. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5084 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 8109 | Comments: 0



Ray Dogg feat. Baby Bash
Tags // ray  dogg  baby  bash  don  rey  ronnie  bay  area  texas  houston  lil  wayne  jayz  drake  wiz  mac  dre  mc  magic  radio  hits  pop  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4641 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 7237 | Comments: 0
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