Who Killed Summer? is a groundbreaking new show from Vodafone, featuring footage from the summer’s best music events, that follows the story of six music lovers having one dream summer on the road. But there's a twist...come late September, someone will be dead, and one of them will be the killer. The only question is... Who Killed Summer?
It is the year 2021 and Kaela is twenty-three years old when her father shares his secret about an extraordinary event that changed his very existence some fifteen years earlier. She was taught many lessons in moral principles growing up, but it’s rare that the most profound of them would be put to the test. A convergence of events gives her father the opportunity to teach her one of the greatest lessons of all.
No matter how hard we try, life doesn’t always go as we plan. Just as Harry begins to pick up the pieces of his life, emotions once hidden away must be dealt with as old wounds are exposed. Although he finally meets a woman who understands and truly loves him, the cosmos takes a different path. He discovers that what goes wrong in life sometimes matters as much as what goes right.
Me playing the 2 manual Peter Conacher & Co pipe organ at Richmond Methodist Church in Penzance, Cornwall. Im playing the hymn "City of God" to the aptly named tune "Richmond". The organ features a beautiful Trumpet stop which I use in the 3rd verse.
Me on the organ at the beautiful Mousehole Methodist Church just outside Penzance, Cornwall. Im playing "If" which demonstrates the soft sounds on this fine organ. Mousehole (pronounced "Mouzel") is a very picturesque seaside village and well worth a visit! The organ here was originally built by Heard & Co of Truro in about 1903 and rebuilt in the 1940s by Hele & Co. It was overhauled in the 1980s by Lance Foy and electric action installed.
Penzance has some beautiful chapels and one of these is High Street Methodist Church. Here I am playing the hymn "Christ is alive, let christians sing" to the tune "Truro" on the 2 manual Norman & Beard pipe organ - very apt being in Cornwall!
Me playing the tune "Do you know the way to San Jose" on the 3 manual organ at Chapel Street Methodist Church in Penzance, Cornwall. This instrument is the result of combining the small previous organ here with that originally installed at nearby St John's Hall in the 1950s. The organ is the largest in Cornwall and one of the largest to be found in a British Methodist Church.
Me at Centenary Methodist Church in Newlyn, near Penzance, Cornwall playing the hymn "Just as I am". The present church was built in 1928 and the organ was built by Hele & Co.