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Search // 400
Results 1-12 of 61 for ' 400 ' (0 seconds)
SunPower (NASDAQ:SPWR) has once again raised the bar by introducing the highest-power solar panels available today for the residential market. In the United States, the company has launched its Next Generation Technology home solar panel called A-Series, delivering 400 and 415 watts of power. In Europe and Australia, homeowners can also now order a 400-watt solar panel from SunPower called Maxeon® 3. Each is the first home solar panel to deliver more than 400 watts in its region and is designed to deliver 60 percent more energy in the same amount of roof space over the first 25 years compared to conventional solar. “SunPower is introducing the world’s first 400-watt residential solar panels as most in the industry are just crossing the 300-watt threshold for home solar,” said Jeff Waters, CEO of the SunPower Technologies business unit. “Our record-breaking cell technology and innovative research and development efforts have enabled us to fit more power capacity on rooftops than we ever have before. Our growing panel portfolio is delivering unprecedented value across global markets that goes unmatched by any other residential solar technology currently available.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2211 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 1042 | Comments: 0
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Ivan Ivanov, a 28-year old lifeguard from Svishtov Bulgaria, has won a global Bushmills Irish Whiskey® competition with a prize described as 'the whiskey lover's ultimate dream'. Ivan was chosen from finalists from nine countries as the winner of the Make it at Bushmills challenge at a gala dinner this evening (Thursday) in the village of Bushmills on Ireland's north coast. The historic area has a history of whiskey production stretching back more than 400 years. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5324 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 5892 | Comments: 2
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Ivan Ivanov, a 28-year old lifeguard from Svishtov Bulgaria, has won a global Bushmills Irish Whiskey® competition with a prize described as 'the whiskey lover's ultimate dream'. Ivan was chosen from finalists from nine countries as the winner of the Make it at Bushmills challenge at a gala dinner this evening (Thursday) in the village of Bushmills on Ireland's north coast. The historic area has a history of whiskey production stretching back more than 400 years.
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 5321 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 9251 | Comments: 2
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For the first time in the 80-year history of the brand, Wheaties will offer America the opportunity to select the next elite athlete to be featured nationally on the iconic Wheaties box. Kicking off today is the Wheaties NEXT Challenge powered by the leader in Connected Fitness, MapMyFitness. Five world-class athletes from five emerging sports will compete for this honor in an innovative way—by asking their fans to get out and move. Challenge participants will vote for their favorite athlete by logging workouts through the MapMyFitness platform – either manually documenting online, recording through any of the apps (MapMyFitness, MapMyRun, MapMyRide, MapMyWalk) or by connecting any one of the 400+ compatible devices. The Wheaties NEXT Challenge runs through August 31, and the athlete with the most votes via workouts logged will appear on the Wheaties box in early 2015. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport 
Added: 3920 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 1614 | Comments: 3



Building on the results of the largest behaviour change study on physical activity, Vitality and its global network of insurers have collectively committed to improving the health of millions over the next seven years. This is in line with the World Health Organizations’ Global Action Plan on Physical Activity, which aims to address the dramatic growth in lifestyle diseases, caused in part by a lack of exercise. Incentives and Physical Activity, conducted by leading independent research institute, RAND Europe, found an average 34% increase in activity levels of participants using Vitality Active Rewards with Apple Watch. The study examined the behaviours of over 400 000 people in the UK, US and South Africa. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2300 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m52s | Views: 840 | Comments: 1
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The Story takes place somewhere in Europe with Semi-Retired Jewel Thief (Dutch Franklin) while composing music on his spare time at his home; one day randomly notices thru his Telescope, a Beautiful young woman (Masha Rechman) burglarizing his neighbor’s safe. The Thief that falls in love with the thief saga begins to unfold as their romance is challenged by her not wanting to give up her passion of becoming the best jewel thief of all time. Will Dutch Franklin convince her otherwise? Will she give it all up for their romance? Who can say? Dutch Franklin is the- “Thief Of Hearts” ART MUSIC FASHION Visit us at: WWW.DUTCHFRANKLIN.COM WWW.7030MUSICGROUP.COM WWW.MASHARECHMAN.COM 70/30 Music Group Inc. 2520 Coral Way Suite 2-400 Miami, Fl. 33145 US Offices: (786) 254-7165 **We Do Not Accept Unsolicited Material All Rights Reserved. 70/30 Music Group Inc. 2013-2015.
Tags // dutch  franklin  masha  rechman  7030  music  group  inc  epic  music  video  models  miami  russia  atlanta  kiev  new  york 
Categories // Music  Sexy  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4418 days ago by dutchfranklin
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 2434 | Comments: 1



The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) has celebrated the XXXV World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress in San Diego. From May 30th until today, more than 1,400 delegates have participated in the only and largest international event dedicated to the nut and dried fruit industry that this year’s edition has broken previous records of attendance. The INC Congress featured a stimulating three-day program to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences. Attendees had over 16 sessions, among round tables, seminars and keynote speakers’ presentations ranging in topics from market dynamics, crops and production forecasts, agricultural and water resources, new findings in health and nutrition, and product innovations. Steve Junqueiro, Co-president and COO of Save Mart Supermarkets, shared his vision on the future of American supermarkets. He outlined a market featured by a more digital consumer driven by food transparency, convenience, connectivity, emotional connection and local and sustainable supply. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3217 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 756 | Comments: 1
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The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) has celebrated the XXXV World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress in San Diego. From May 30th until today, more than 1,400 delegates have participated in the only and largest international event dedicated to the nut and dried fruit industry that this year’s edition has broken previous records of attendance. The INC Congress featured a stimulating three-day program to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences. Attendees had over 16 sessions, among round tables, seminars and keynote speakers’ presentations ranging in topics from market dynamics, crops and production forecasts, agricultural and water resources, new findings in health and nutrition, and product innovations. Steve Junqueiro, Co-president and COO of Save Mart Supermarkets, shared his vision on the future of American supermarkets. He outlined a market featured by a more digital consumer driven by food transparency, convenience, connectivity, emotional connection and local and sustainable supply. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3214 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 827 | Comments: 1
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Highlights from America's Got Talent Season 4 with The Texas Tenors completing the season in 4th place making them the highest ranking vocal group in the show's history. Since then The Texas Tenors have performed more than 400 concerts wooing and wowing audiences around the world!
Tags // america  got  talent  the  texas  tenors 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4503 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m54s | Views: 856 | Comments: 0
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Als 1988 Audi den ersten A8 vorstellte überwogen die Stimmen der Skeptiker – das kann doch gar kein Erfolg werden. Als die Ingolstädter 1994 mit der zweiten Generation erstmals in der Großserie die selbsttragende Aluminiumkarosserie einführten, mokierte sich teilweise der Wettbewerb – das ginge gar nicht, das sei viel zu teuer und nach Unfällen würden die Reparaturkosten immens sein. Nun man irrte sich. Nach anfänglichen Akzeptanz-Schwierigkeiten mauserte sich das Audi-Flaggschiff zum Erfolgsmodell. Die jetzt gründlich überarbeitete vierte Generation, die im November beim Händler steht, soll dies möglichst noch toppen. Der Einstiegspreis beträgt 75.400 Euro. Mit 5,14 Meter Länge, 2,99 Meter Radstand, 1,95 Meter Breite und 1,46 Meter Höhe ist der A8 in seinen Abmessungen gleich geblieben; beim A8 L kommen in Radstand und Länge je 13 Zentimeter dazu. Beibehalten wurde natürlich auch der Leichtbau. Die Karosserie besteht nahezu komplett aus Aluminium und wiegt – in der Audi Space Frame-Bauweise konzipiert – lediglich 231 Kilo und auch das Gesamtgewicht des A8 3.0 TFSI stellt mit 1.830 Kilo einen Bestwert unter den Wettbewerbern mit Allradantrieb dar. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch zahlreiche optionale Assistenzsysteme, die das Fahren im A8 noch souveräner machen. Die adaptive cruise control mit Stop&Go-Funktion ist mit einer Ausbaustufe des serienmäßigen Sicherheitssystems Audi pre sense basic gekoppelt, das Gleiche gilt für den Audi side assist. Neu im A8 sind der Audi active lane assist, der die Lenkungsrichtung gegebenenfalls leicht korrigiert, und der Parkassistent mit Umgebungsanzeige, der die Lenkarbeit beim Parken übernimmt. Das ebenfalls neue Head-up-Display projiziert wichtige Informationen im Sichtbereich des Fahrers auf die Windschutzscheibe und der Nachtsichtassistent kann neben Fußgängern jetzt auch größere Wildtiere erkennen.Da bleiben also kaum noch Wünsche offen – allerdings bewegt man sich dann in Preis-Regionen von weit über 100.000 Euro. Muss man ja nicht alles haben. Für die Ingolstädter ist ein derartiges Angebot aber wichtig, um die Ansprüche betuchter Käufer zum Beispiel im Nahen Osten oder in China erfüllen zu können.
Tags // audi  limousine  matrix  led 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4173 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1126 | Comments: 1



Startup or big player – which is more flexible, more agile, better? Over 400 startups have come to Hannover to link up with big multinational corporations. We visited them at the CeBIT show to find out who is learning from whom, and what new initiatives are emerging.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3291 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 998 | Comments: 1
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Three presidents, two prime ministers and dozens of senior ministerial officials, over 75 Fortune 1000 top executives, and over 400 Russia’s leading business and finance figures were among the 5,000 all gathered at the Sixteenth St. Petersburg International Economic Forum from June 21–23 to discuss, debate and network what it takes to have “Leadership that Works.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4649 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 5395 | Comments: 1
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