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Search // 155
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Renault Zoe. Renault has managed to increase the Zoe's range with an impressive 41-kWh battery, called the R90, that gives an official NEDC range of 403 kilometers (250 miles). Sure, the NEDC range is a optimistic fiction concocted by European regulators – something that even Renault admits – but the new Zoe's real-world range should be around 200 km (124 miles) in the winter and 300 km (186 miles) in the summer. Compared to the first-gen Zoe's 250 km (155 mile) NEDC range, this is a tremendous improvement. Keyword : renault zoe ze 40, renault zoe ze 40 review, renault zoe zen, renault zoe 2017, renault zoe review, renault zoe 2016, renault zoe 400km, renault zoe electric car, renault zoe acceleration, renault zoe 2017 review, renault zoe 40, renault zoe crash test, renault zoe review 2016, renault zoe, renault zoe app, renault zoe ad, renault zoe argentina, renault zoe autoweek, renault zoe autonomie
Added: 2786 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 879 | Comments: 3
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Mit einer Weltpremiere vor wenigen Tagen auf der IAA in Frankfurt erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt, war der neue Peugeot 308 nun am Samstag bereits bei den deutschen Peugeot-Händlern zu besichtigen. Nach ersten Erhebungen des französischen Importeurs war das Interesse an den Sonderschauen groß. Dabei stand nicht nur die obligatorische Bratwurst oder der Erbseneintopf im Vordergrund, sondern ebenso der neue Kompakte der Löwenmarke. Interesse fand der Peugeot 308 dabei nicht nur bei den von den Kölner Marketing-Strategen definierten Hauptzielgruppen junge Ehepaare und junggebliebene Senioren, deren Kinder schon lange einen eigenen Hausstand haben, sondern auch bei Familien mit Kindern. Augenscheinlich, dass das klare Design des 308 bei der potentiellen Kundschaft ankommt. Über die weiteren Vorzüge wie effiziente Motoren und moderne Technologien sowie das innovative Innenraumkonzept wird dann wohl erst nach einer Probefahrt entschieden werden.  Zur Markteinführung stehen drei Benziner und zwei Dieselmotorisierungen von 60 kW/82 PS bis 115 kW/155 PS zur Auswahl. Sie sind besonders effizient und verbrauchsarm. So kommt der 1.6 l e-HDi Diesel mit 85 kW/115 PS, STOP & START-System und rollwiderstandsoptimierten Reifen auf einen Verbrauch von kombiniert nur 3,7 Liter je 100 Kilometer. Der CO2-Ausstoß liegt bei 95 Gramm pro Kilometer. Die Preise für die Benzinversionen beginnen bei 16.450 Euro, die Diesel bei 19.550 Euro, jeweils zzgl. Überführungskosten.
Tags // auto 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4168 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 981 | Comments: 2
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Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ: ISLE) today announced the winners of its first charitable social media contest awarding a share of $60,000 to six local nonprofit organizations. “With over 155,000 votes cast in Community Aces Challenge and over 300 applications to participate, we were thrilled with the response to Isle’s first charitable contest on social media,” said Virginia McDowell, Isle’s president and chief executive officer. “As we watched the results and saw how hard all of the charities were working to garner votes, we decided to add a third place prize to the competition.” “The 150 participating nonprofit organizations registered in the fourth quarter of 2014 and coordinated their own individual voting campaigns between Feb. 1 and March 20, 2015,” said McDowell. “We commend the efforts of all the organizations in the Challenge! Each organization has a mission dedicated to enhance the communities we all share and we look forward to seeing the funds put to use.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3610 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m44s | Views: 1019 | Comments: 1
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General Dynamics C4 Systems has received an order from the U.S. Department of Defense for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Handheld, Manpack, Small Form Fit (HMS) Rifleman radio (AN/PRC-154) and Manpack (AN/PRC-155) radio. Following a recent Milestone C decision, the Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) order, which has an initial value of approximately $56.4 million, calls for the production of 6,250 Rifleman and 100 Manpack radios and includes expenses for non-recurring startup costs, accessories, training, related equipment and supplies. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4978 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 6085 | Comments: 0
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Matt McAllister used to hold this record, but we think the Gecko may have beaten him. Well, maybe not.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5800 days ago by itsthegecko
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 9206 | Comments: 1



2017 Long range Renault Zoe EV A practical winner First Drive, That's because Renault has managed to increase the Zoe's range with an impressive 41-kWh battery, called the R90, that gives an official NEDC range of 403 kilometers (250 miles). Sure, the NEDC range is a optimistic fiction concocted by European regulators – something that even Renault admits – but the new Zoe's real-world range should be around 200 km (124 miles) in the winter and 300 km (186 miles) in the summer. Compared to the first-gen Zoe's 250 km (155 mile) NEDC range, this is a tremendous improvement.
Added: 2786 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 900 | Comments: 2
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