With through this series of very short films, it was a question above all of making a exercise of style: an idea, a sequence shot, a range, a recurring character. A whole program thus...
The absurdity thus comes to be grafted with this exercise and makes it possible these three a little eccentric ideas to become small well shifted films.
A film by Cyril Cohen
Cyrial Legaucher
Written & Directed by: Cyril Cohen
Production : Barbecue Films
Executive Producers: Cyril Cohen / Didier-Victor Cohen / Emmanuel Murat
Photography: Ami Cohen
Sound : Barbecue Films
Editing : Didier-Victor Cohen
Music : Ch?teau Flight
Skate Jam 2008: Worapoj 'Note' Boonnim, the world ranked Thai skater came to Hong Kong. Alex Cheung, Hong Kongs 3 event record holder in swimming, interviews the maniacs on wheels. The rollers dodged rabbits and wrestlers to fly high fly and fall hard all day long. But smooth was the order of busines as these skaters caught air and slid fine into the evening. The event organised by O22Y.com's Alan Mak was held at Mei Fu, Hong Kong. Chinese with English subtitles.
Jill Robinson, internationally renowned champion of Asia's Moon Bears tells a tragic tale of pain and abuse. These bears are kept caged for most of their life in inhumane conditions only for the farming of their bile. Through love and education Animals Asia is making a difference by saving these bears one by one and educating the world on the pointlessness and cruelty of this activity. Changes in the attitude of government and cultural will bring change over time. But it is the action of the individual that will be most immediate. http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?id=617
Do you remember Pickle? So-U.TV filmed him a couple of month ago after his rescue. He was in a dreadful state. Check for yourself: http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?contestid=&id=563. Our team went back to see him and what a transformation. Watch this fantastic before and after transformation at http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?contestid=&id=1266
So-U.TV this time brings you the story of Fox. A new born puppy contained with Parvovirus inflection when Sally Anderson first found her. Fox has been taken care by HKDR for seven months. Today Fox find new home and begin her new life. This is a heart warming moment that all animal lover don't want to miss, see it all at http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?contestid=&id=3425
Do you still remember Pickle? He was the hairless puppy abandoned on the street after spending the first 7 months of his life in a cage. We saw him been nursed by Sally Andersen. He has now found a permanent home with Angie Chen, the director of the movie "This Darling Life�. Listen to Angie describe how she fell in love with Pickle at http://www.so-u.tv/playVideo.php?contestid=&id=4180