Greg Laurie discusses the mystery of Heaven and talks about what it will be like there, whether people there are watching us now and sheds scriptural light on stories about people who go to Heaven and come back. Find the book at and find out more about Greg Laurie at As It Is in Heaven How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters by Greg Laurie. Video provided by NavPress. Christian
Welcome to the introductory video for the Get Piano video series. If you have ever wanted an easier way of learning the piano, these fun instructional videos will show you how to begin developing your skills on the keyboard without boring you to death with a bunch of musical jargon. Best of all, each online lesson is free. Just go to: for complete details.
A twisted honeymoon road trip about a young couple on their way to Niagara Falls. Silias Parker (Franco) is a moody petty-thief. He marries his parole officer's niece, believing that he can use the romantic honeymoon to escape to Canada. Camille Foster (Miller) is the sweetest girl you can ever hope to meet. She truly believes that Niagara Falls will change Silas for the better and won't let anything stop the honeymoon, not even her death.