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To help amp up your beauty routine and smile for the holiday parties to come, Andrea Brooks of @AndreasChoice and Colgate® Optic White® released Episode 7 of the seven part online video series, “The Smile Show™,” today. Hosted via the Colgate Optic White YouTube channel, the latest installment features Andrea’s exclusive tips and tricks for looking and feeling your best while celebrating this holiday season. She shares her winter beauty routine and tips for achieving a whiter, brighter smile just in time for the holidays. “The holidays are full of photo-ops, so I always want to make sure my smile is bright,” said Andrea Brooks. “I use the Colgate Optic White Toothbrush + Whitening Pen because my busy holiday schedule requires a whitening product that is easy to use, convenient and effective.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3379 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m22s | Views: 1013 | Comments: 0
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A rite of passage for many families is packing up the car and heading to a relative’s house to celebrate the holidays. Whether you’re flying part of the way or driving the entire distance, keeping the kids quiet and entertained is paramount to a stress-free trip. Just as important as going over your safety check list is packing your children’s favorite snacks, as well as activity bag chock full of mini board games, coloring books and puzzles. Wearing comfy clothes and bringing cozy blankets can also make a long (and sometimes COLD!) trip much more comfortable. Travel expert and self-defined “über-busy working mom,” Amy E. Goodman is a pro when it comes to traveling with her family. She is available for live interviews to share with your viewers how to put together a stress-free, relaxing winter getaway – whether to the relative’s or a much needed winter escape!
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Added: 3379 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 1039 | Comments: 1
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The people behind have just announced a new photograph competition for their readers. They are asking people to share their favourite hug picture for a chance to meet Dhoni and Gayle. It is hoped this competition will help to celebrate friendship and bring some enjoyment for website users who frequent the site. Getting to meet some of their most loved celebrities is a great way to ensure lots of people get involved. Celebrate your ‪#‎No1Yaari with a hug. Please visit and ‪#‎ShareAHug, you and your yaars. Anyone who wants to take part can share their images via the LiveInStyle Facebook page. Simply log into the social network, upload the photographs, and start tagging. Hugs are one of the best ways to let someone know you care, and capturing the moment on camera will mean it lives forever. All uploaded images will get converted to the McDowell’s No.1 Soda embrace before you share them with friends. Readers are encouraged to ask their closest and dearest associates to get involved too. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3373 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 771 | Comments: 0
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HMR Weight Management Services (HMR), a subsidiary of Merck, has been named a No. 1 Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Diets of 2016 rankings. This is the first year U.S. News has published the Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet category. HMR also held its position as the No. 2 Best Weight-Loss Diet in the annual rankings list for the second year in a row. HMR Programs focus on helping people lose weight quickly while teaching the healthy lifestyle skills needed for long-term weight management. “HMR programs excel at providing the jump start many people need when beginning a healthier lifestyle program,” said Carol Addy, M.D. MMSc, Chief Medical Officer at HMR. “A common misconception is that losing weight quickly is not healthy, not sustainable, and will just lead to future weight re-gain. To the contrary, numerous clinical studies demonstrate that following a lifestyle change program which promotes fast initial weight loss can result in better long-term success.” Addy added, “On the HMR Program, people can lose weight without feeling hungry. Our programs achieve fast weight loss in a livable way by encouraging people to eat more and stay satisfied, which makes it easier to stick to the program in the short-term, and over the long haul.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3351 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 1020 | Comments: 0
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Clayton Homes, one of America's largest builders and retailers of manufactured and modular homes, today announced its Shut the Front Door promotion, an event for potential homebuyers looking to get the most from their tax return this year. From Jan. 1 through March 31, Clayton is offering its popular The Breeze II model at the discounted price of $69,995*. This special price will be available at most retailers. At just over 2,000 square feet, with four bedrooms and two bathrooms, The Breeze II is a spacious home with modern, beautiful features. Homebuyers can also select the optional Energy Smart Home upgrade package, allowing its owners to save money on their monthly utilities. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3351 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1026 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Email isn’t the most organized method for business communication. There are better alternatives that are more efficient. The problem with email is that it’s difficult to keep track of things. Project collaboration can easily result in one-hundred to two-hundred emails per day, thousands per week, and before you know it you’re spending three hours just looking for one attachment, you’re missing meetings, and you’re confused about the goals. Is there a better way? YES!
Added: 3345 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 915 | Comments: 1
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Extremely painful and destructive, gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis with elevated serum uric acid (sUA) a root cause of the disease. Even with the growing incidence of gout, recent research from the Gout & Uric Acid Education Society (GUAES) found that just 16 percent of Americans overall know the target sUA number for gout (6 mg/dL or below) – and just 38 percent of people with gout had their sUA levels checked within the past six months, the timeframe recommended by the American College of Rheumatology. Additionally, the majority of gout sufferers don’t understand the importance of taking daily uric acid-lowering medications, with four in 10 incorrectly believing that they can stop taking medications when they aren’t experiencing flares. Seeking to increase recognition of the severity of gout and need for routine sUA testing and management, GUAES hosted a professional roundtable discussion on October 3, 2015. The roundtable brought together several experts – rheumatologists, a family care physician, and representatives from the American Association of Diabetes Educators, the National Kidney Foundation and CreakyJoints – to explore how to more effectively educate about gout and improve access to public education and treatment. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3344 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 1023 | Comments: 0
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Today, Pardee Homes, a member of TRI Pointe Group, announced the completion of the Responsive Home project, in partnership with BUILDER Magazine, to design, build and sell the ideal home for today’s young home buyers. The two, new concept homes will be unveiled during this week’s NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) in Las Vegas. Located in suburban Henderson, Nevada, just a few minutes away from the urban conveniences of the Las Vegas strip, the 2,145-square-foot Contemporary Farmhouse and the 3,194-square-foot Contemporary Transitional cater to Millennials’ desires for design and performance at a price point that young buyers can appreciate. Built in partnership with architect Bassenian Lagoni; landscape architects, AndersonBaron; along with celebrity interior designer Bobby Berk, the project’s Creative Director and fellow Millennial; the Responsive Homes maximize new home owners’ financial investment by increasing the longevity of the home’s lifespan. The concept homes are located within the master-planned Inspirada community and will be available for purchase in spring 2016. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3337 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 823 | Comments: 0
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Snack bar maker Larabar is launching a movement inspired by the brand’s foundational belief to make simple and wholesome food accessible for all and joining Feeding America® in the fight to end hunger along the way. The partnership is part of a larger integrated marketing campaign titled “Food Made From Food” that challenges consumer misperceptions of packaged food. According to a recent survey commissioned by Larabar, 72 percent of participants responded that there is a difference between packaged food and real food. However, the majority also believe that primary Larabar ingredients fruits and nuts are real food at 90 and 78 percent, respectively. By highlighting the whole, simple ingredients within each bar, Larabar aims to show consumers just how easy it can be to choose real food. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3328 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 728 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Have a blog but find creating new content is depleting your resources or eating your time? Or maybe you’d just like to see new, fresh voices on your blog. If you’re weary of cranking out new posts on your own, maybe you should look into finding guest bloggers. We share here seven ways get a guest blogger for your site.
Added: 3327 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 921 | Comments: 2
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This February, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) is celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month by hosting the Tournament of Tooth Care, showcasing how parents and caregivers can help their kids fend off the Mouth Monsters –a.k.a. tooth decay. Parents and caregivers can tune in to the Mouth Madness to learn how to help little teeth take on the Mouth Monsters one big game at a time. “Tooth decay in children is a major health epidemic for adolescents across the country,” said Dr. Robert Delarosa, AAPD President. “National Children’s Dental Health Month is a great time for parents to keep their children’s dental health top of mind. Make it a priority this month to find a Dental Home – or home base – for your child’s oral health needs and be sure your next check-up is on the calendar.” Tooth decay is one of the top chronic infectious diseases among children in the U.S. About 60 percent of children will have had tooth decay at some point by age five. More than 50 million school hours are missed every year by school-aged children in the U.S. due to dental visits or problems. And tooth decay isn’t just bad for oral health; children who develop tooth decay at a young age are at a greater risk for developing problems with oral and general health, as well as with educational and social development. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3324 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 852 | Comments: 0
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From finding a date to your boss’ dinner party to being more brilliant at the office, there’s one thing that makes it all easier: a fake British accent. That’s why, on the heels of its new “British Businessman” digital spot launch, belVita Breakfast Biscuits is providing nutritious steady energy all morning long to help people everywhere adopt a fake British accent so they can get ahead in life. After watching belVita’s new short-form video featuring Brad, the quintessential role model for accent faking at the office, those looking to put extra pep in their step can listen to the brand’s just-released self-guided audio tape series, “Learn to Speak Fake British and Get Ahead in Life,” at To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3322 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 840 | Comments: 0
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