SO-U.TV presents the second Body Synergy of Hong Kong professional training episode.Professional trainers introduce themselves and explain the importance of the body trainning.A heart pumping exercise routine done in the beautiful outdoors help maximise the health benefits.The team emphasises the importance of health balanced training for maximum results.
Hosted by Carson Kressley (Queer Eye For The Straight Guy) How To Look Good Naked teaches women of all shapes and sizes how to go from self loathing to self loving without resorting to interventions like extreme dieting or cosmetic surgery. Premieres Friday, January 4th at 9pm EST. The Warrior Within is a movie about Martial Arts, about their beauty and their lethal potential, their history and their present status.
Pets Central, one of Hong Kongs larger veterinarian, is fighting a redundant law prohibiting dogs entering restaurants and cafes in Hong Kong. The fight started when Hong Kongs Food and Environmental Health Department denied Pets Central to open a cafe at their flagship clinic. www.SO-U.TVs Pet Channel was at the press conference organised in December by Peter de Krassel, board member of the Pet Parents Cafe. Check out the highlight of the press conference.
This video is a must see and will keep you mesmerized throughout its entirety Where Angels Fly was written by Grammy Nominated songwriters Wayne Perry and Randy Boudreaux. This video will give you a reality check.
Allan Rich s testimony: divination, voyance, third eye opening, spells casting, Near death experience, occult, black magic, were the pratices I speak about and their dangers. The complete non edited video on
Plumeria tattoo designs are a great Hawaiian and Mayan flower that is very symbolic. These ancient cultures believed that the plumeria flower represented Spring, life and procreation. THis makes a great tattoo design for men and women aloke. There are many Hawaiian tribal designs that look great when combined with plumeria flowers.