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Added: 3833 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 767 | Comments: 0
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While Thanksgiving represents a time of tradition and family, it can also spell S-T-R-E-S-S for those planning a big feast. From figuring out how long to cook the turkey to putting together the perfect table setting, getting it all right can be really hard! To help you celebrate and prepare for your Thanksgiving feast, entertaining expert and cookbook author, Brooke Parkhurst has some great ideas and tips for a trouble-free turkey day. That way, when guests arrive - everyone will be able to relax, gobble, and enjoy! Some of Brooke’s tips include: • THANKS-GRIA- A delicious glass or two of wine is welcomed at any holiday gathering! Even easier? Put it in a pitcher so everyone can serve themselves. Lightly chill red wine and add a few spices and seasonal fruit to make a soon-to-be favorite holiday libation-- Thanks-gria! • FORGET ABOUT FLOWERS, BUT DON’T FORGET YOUR HOSTS- Unless you have your own garden, decorating with fresh flowers can cost more than your meal. Instead, create centerpieces from seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh greenery and berries. After the party’s over, make a meal from your centerpiece! And don’t forget about gift baskets for the hosts. • JUICY WHITE MEAT- Who needs to roast the whole turkey when you can just bake the best part? The turkey breasts and legs cook at very different rates, which means that one will not be properly cooked. Instead, focus on cooking the turkey breast perfectly, roasting it at just the right temperature and saving a lot of time in the process. • FRESH & FAST- It’s chilly out which makes us gravitate towards creamy, cheesy, heavy dishes. Want a little balance? Make your favorite potato casserole but off-set it with a delicious & easy arugula-pomegranate salad or butternut squash and ricotta crostini. Fresh dishes are usually the fastest to prepare!
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Added: 3389 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m52s | Views: 1044 | Comments: 0
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BLACK+DECKER’s new, mobile-friendly website aims to motivate the Do-It-Yourselfer to take charge of their to-do list. This new website follows BLACK+DECKER’s recent rebranding and emphasizes its honest, intuitive, involved, and thoughtful brand values. With these brand values in mind, BLACK+DECKER continues to make DIY more accessible and possible for people of all expertise levels. BLACK+DECKER makes finding the right tools and know-how simple and streamlined. With straightforward category navigation, the new website site makes it easy to find, compare, and register new products. Also available is the Ideas and Inspiration section, a place for DIYers to find projects as well as helpful hints and tips to complete hundreds of DIY tasks at a variety of ability levels. Not only is the website a great resource, but BLACK+DECKER products are also streamlined for a wide range of tasks and ability levels. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3373 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 723 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Quick tips on making online shopping a breeze for your customers. Your customers are more likely to purchase from your site if you make sure your website is quick, safe and easy to use. Follow these tips to keep your customers happy.
Added: 3352 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 681 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated The biggest problem entrepreneurs (and seasoned professionals) have when it comes to succeeding in e-commerce is making the buying experience enjoyable and easy. Here are some tips to making your site so intuitive that visitors will almost have to buy from you. These are some simple, but seldom used techniques to make it easy for people to buy from you. Try them and watch your conversion rate increase!
Added: 3192 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 709 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated If potential customers land on your site and don’t like what they see, are confused or don’t have their attention immediately grabbed, they’ll click off your site in about 15 seconds. Seriously, they’ll leave your site more quickly than you can read this paragraph. So how to make a good first impression that will keep them long enough to check out what you’re offering? In this video are five quick and easy steps to help you improve your ecommerce website.
Added: 3182 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 699 | Comments: 3
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John Deere launches the Easy Change™ 30-Second Oil Change System for quick and easy oil changes on select lawn tractors. With the new system, owners can change oil by simply twisting on a new cartridge that contains both the oil and the filter – no engine oil drainage needed. This revolutionary technology makes changing the engine oil easy, quick, and clean. Changing the filter removes the captured contaminants and replaces about 0.8 qt (0.76 L) of the engine oil. This integrated system is exclusive to John Deere and reduces the skill and effort traditionally required for oil changes – no fuss, no mess. There is no draining required, and it takes one quarter turn to remove the old cartridge and another quarter turn to install a new cartridge. This makes is easy for nearly anyone to change the oil in their lawn tractor, empowering more owners to take tractor maintenance into their own hands. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2574 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 871 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Having problems communicating with your boyfriend? Here are some easy tips that can help you & your boyfriend talk to each other better in no time
Tags // talk  to  boyfriend 
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Added: 1729 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m48s | Views: 578 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated How to make money on classified ads sites - Make Money Posting Adds on Craigslist simple Step by step easy turnkey system that works. Try today with the video tutorials that I will show you how to use the manual.
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Added: 4740 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 8687 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated  Chicken recipes are an important part of any delightful dinner party where it is allowed, and for chicken recipes all the related elements must be added in the proper way to make your chicken meal taste like it was cooked by a real pro. This ebook is loaded with easy chicken recipes and it is quite important that you follow the recipes step by step before you venture out on your own. The chicken recipes are easy to follow and are all layed out in an easy to understand format. It is not possible to make a well known chicken recipe if you’re not aware of all the ingredients needed, the length of time that is needed for cooking and how it it’s to be served, with this report you'll remove all the guess work, you will have a step by step guide to all the necessities of cooking a wonderful chicken meal. For anyone who wants to make a good impression on family and friends in a party or family gathering this ebook is for you, 300 chicken recipes, watch the video then click on the link to get the report. 
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Added: 4415 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 5355 | Comments: 1
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In this video you can see how easy it is to install an ethanol conversion kit onto a car. Afterwards you will be able to drive with ethanol, gasoline or any blended combination of the two.
Added: 4204 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 1516 | Comments: 1
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Sandra Lee is an internationally acclaimed expert in all things food and entertaining and is best known for her cooking made easy approach. By using ready-made store-bought foods, she makes serving up delicious, yet approachable everyday meals and party favorites look easy. To kick off the fall season, Bob Evans has teamed up with the celebrity chef to offer numerous mealtime solutions to busy families on the go made with their collection of side dishes that range from mashed potatoes to macaroni and cheese. Found in the refrigerated section of most local grocery chains, busy families can turn to them as a solution for a simple side dish or use them as a key ingredient when making one of the fun, semi-homemade recipes found at “I’m thrilled to be working with Bob Evans – their grocery food products are delicious and offer quality ingredients like their potato side dishes made with real potatoes, real milk and real butter,” said Sandra Lee. “I appreciate the notion of quality side dishes that save time, taste homemade and go from package to table in a matter of minutes. I’m all about making life easier, so I’m happy to share my newest trick in the kitchen and will be turning to Bob Evans sides as I plan my fall and holiday recipes.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3450 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 988 | Comments: 1
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