This music video revolutionizes the art form. An extraordinary song with exquisite animation coalesces into one of the most talked-about videos of the year. Go to ITunes to purchase the single.
Cities all over Europe will be invited to embrace electric driving and encourage their communities to support Nissan’s campaign – ‘The Big Turn On’ – in a bid to win 30 quick chargers from Nissan.
The quick chargers are part of a wider initiative from Nissan to get one million consumers switched onto electric driving, in just 100 days. The basis of ‘The Big Turn On’ campaign is to engage the public and support their cities’ bid to win a new electric driving infrastructure from Nissan.
These chargers improve the speed of charging electric cars and help improve the infrastructure for a new zero-emissions future. A quick charger, which complies with the international CHAdeMO standard, can recharge an empty battery to 80 per cent capacity in just 30 minutes, as opposed to the standard charger type, which takes approximately eight hours.
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Breath of God Song Video
Have you ever wanted to get a picture in your mind what God’s Creation might sound like in music?
Here is a video that can create talking points for the unbeliever in Jesus Christ.
Some are afraid to speak the gospel to the unsaved so this video is for you!
You can simple ask an unbeliever to view the video and then you can try to answers their questions.
Summary of Video:
Creation of God as described in Genesis:
Day 1 - The earth is void (empty). God speaks Light into existence! This is not light of the Sun Moon and Stars,
Day 2 - Creation of Expanse or the Sky,
Day 3 - Creation of Dry land, and Vegetation,
Day 4 - Creation of Sun, Moon and Stars,
Day 5 - Creation of Sea creatures,
Day 6 - Creation of Animals and then as a Grand Finale, Man is created like no other being with a soul to communicate with God!
Other Events:
1. Satan then ruins Gods creation by introducing sin to mankind as a fallen angel (Serpent),
2. Man (Adam and Eve) rebel against God,
3. God has a plan of salvation for mankind in Jesus, God’s Son,
4. A Call for Repentance!
Tell me what you think and make a comment!
Appreciate, may the Lord Bless YOU! Jerry
Mobeam®( today launched an innovative new music video to showcase what will happen when the more than 165 million Point of Sale (POS) laser scanners in use today are capable of scanning barcoded content on a smartphone using mobeam’s technology. While many companies tout their products as the solution in mobile commerce, no company has been able to crack the code of scanning a barcode at checkout – until now. Mobeam has patented technology that will revolutionize the way we all shop by enabling smartphones to be scanned by POS scanners, unlocking new potential for marketers and providing consumers the ability to seamlessly redeem coupons, gift cards and loyalty cards from their smartphone.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
GRP Guitar Lessons is an online Guitar Music School that offers professional jazz guitar lessons with a special system for a very low price. We provide easy ways to learn guitar notes, chords and how to use them in different styles and help to build your own solos.
An irreverent and contagious thriller from debut author Joshua Alan Parry. Virus Thirteen a Novel. Find our more at Thriller
Ann Taylor is thrilled to announce the debut of the Kate Hudson for Ann Taylor exclusive collection for summer 2013. The limited-edition collection of chic, white summer pieces and rose gold accessories was inspired by Hudson’s red-carpet glamour and her love for fashion. To celebrate Hudson’s first fashion collaboration, Ann Taylor will host a White Party at Ann Taylor stores nationwide on Wednesday, May 22 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. where guests will be invited to shop the collection. The first clients to purchase a piece from the capsule collection during the in-store event will receive an Ann Taylor gift card, courtesy of InStyle.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Auch wenn es diesmal bei uns nur einen milden Winter gab, einige Tonnen Streusalz und Splitt mussten dann doch auf die Straßen gestreut werden und haben ihre unerwünschten Spuren bis in die entlegensten Winkel an den Autos hinterlassen. Jetzt, wo auch die Blumen ihre Knospen aus der Erde recken, ist die richtige Zeit, sein Auto checken zu lassen. Eine gründliche Reinigung und Durchsicht in der Fachwerkstatt schaffen Sicherheit, denn die Spezialisten wissen am besten, was das Fahrzeug wieder frühlingsfit macht. Da außerdem bei verlässlichen Außentemperaturen über sieben Grad wieder die Sommerreifenzeit anbricht, können bei dieser Gelegenheit auch gleich die Winterräder demontiert werden. Eine gute Möglichkeit hierzu bieten die Marken-Werkstätten, die auch gleich Reifenprofil, Laufbild, Luftdruck und eventuelle Unwuchten kontrollieren. Verfügen die Sommerräder nicht mehr über die Mindestprofiltiefe, halten die Experten ein umfangreiches Angebot an passenden Reifen bereit. Wer möchte, kann aus einem großen Sortiment passender Kompletträder auch ein neues Design oder breiteres Format für sein Modell auswählen. Denn schließlich beginnt im Frühjahr auch die neue Modesaison. Besonders praktisch ist, dass die Winterpneus gleich in der Werkstatt eingelagert werden und so weder im eigenen Keller noch in der Garage Platz wegnehmen. Schließlich sollen dort besser die Fahrräder einsatzbereit stehen.
I've just decided to upload this one since I created it back in 2007. One way of knowing that one of my songs is older is if there's any guitar in it. Although I still have my guitar, my Fender Sidekick started to short out back in 2011 and still serves me well as a coffee coaster or an ashtray table. Even the original warranty never told me that this baby would last me for a lifetime as a vital tool for my everyday living needs as I still need a nearby coffee or smoke to work on my more recent ventures.