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Just wanted to share a piece that was taught by faculty member Ryan Ramirez while we were in Kansas City at Jody Phillips Dance Company! Please Enjoy all the creativity in the room!
Tags // dance  rogue  2012  ryan  ramirez  playing  house  combo 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4544 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 2769 | Comments: 0
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Just wanted to share a piece that was taught by faculty member Ryan Ramirez while we were in Kansas City at Jody Phillips Dance Company! Please Enjoy all the creativity in the room!
Tags // dance  rogue  2012  melissa  sue  ritual  unions  combo 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4544 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 2821 | Comments: 0
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According to the National Fire Protection Association, nuisance alarms or “false” alarms, are the leading cause for intentionally disabled smoke alarms in America. Unfortunately, each fire season also brings reports of serious injuries and deaths, and roughly two-thirds of home fire deaths happen in houses with no smoke alarms or working smoke alarms. A recent study from the University of Maryland’s School of Fire Protection Engineering shows that consumers now have a better choice when it comes to reducing nuisance alarms in their home. The new, patented IoPhic® smoke and fire alarm from Universal Security Instruments using smart microprocessor technology was proven to be more resistant to false or nuisance alarms than competitors. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4544 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 2443 | Comments: 1
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Just wanted to share a piece that was taught by faculty member Keon Nickie while we were in Kansas City at Jody Phillips Dance Company! Please Enjoy all the creativity in the room!
Tags // dance  rogue  2012  keon  nickie  sweet  dreams  combo 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4539 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 2637 | Comments: 0
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She had no idea her fate was sealed. Her destiny chosen. Her abilities could save them all, or cost her her life. But first, she had to survive him. Imprisoned in a volcano with an enemy like no other he was about to be set free. Now, possessed by a being older than himself, he was something else now. More than a Carpathian. Their lives are destined to be together if they can survive the Dark Storm. Dark Storm by Christine Feehan find out more at romance/fantasy
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4538 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 3599 | Comments: 0
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The European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA) has launched the third and final booklet in its Life with Parkinson’s series. This latest edition concludes a four-year awareness campaign, which aims to highlight the lack of understanding and knowledge concerning Parkinson’s that exists throughout Europe today. The booklet’s launch, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, was one of the many activities in a weekend dedicated to celebrating the organisation’s 20th anniversary year and its commitment to improving the lives of people with Parkinson’s (PwPs). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4532 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 1464 | Comments: 1
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The 2012 Christmas Book was unveiled today by luxury retailer Neiman Marcus in Dallas. The 86th edition of this legendary book continues Neiman Marcus’s unmatched tradition of offering its customers a selection of spectacular and unique holiday gifts sure to make even their wildest dreams come true. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4531 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2241 | Comments: 0
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On Grand Final Day, September 29 2012, there was another team putting it all on the line. The NAB Stand-Ins. A dedicated team of NAB men and women tackling the game day duties for fans across the country so they could go to the 2012 Toyota Grand Final. Extended version coming soon.
Tags // nab  stand-ins  grand  final  day  highlights  2012  toyota  grand  final 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4530 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 3073 | Comments: 0
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How do you know when a step stool is safe for a senior to use? This video shows how the Senior Step Stool by Shure-Step was designed with the help of retirement community executive directors.
Tags // senior  step  stool  safe  bus  bed  suv  truck  pick  up  train  sturdy  passenger  heavy  duty 
Categories // Family 
Added: 4529 days ago by shurestep
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 2243 | Comments: 0
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In its 150th anniversary yearlong celebration, Bacardi celebrates its tremendous success as the world’s largest privately-held spirits company and the incredible drive and perseverance it took to get there following the illegal confiscation of its assets in Cuba on October 15, 1960 – 52 years ago. While that event was an extraordinary event in the Company’s history after nearly 100 years of being in Cuba, it became a critical turning point to propel the family-owned Company and its namesake BACARDÍ® rum brand to take on a greater international profile. This turned BACARDÍ into the globally recognized brand it is today. In fact, within 20 years following the loss of the Company’s assets in Cuba, BACARDÍ rum became the number-one premium distilled spirits brand in the United States. Less than a year after that, it was the number-one selling spirit brand in the world. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4525 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 1527 | Comments: 1
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Riot From Wrong is a remarkable feature length young people made, documentary; filmed across the breadth of the United Kingdom in the aftermath of the London Riots. The documentary was created by 14 Passionate young people from across London to bring you one of the most anticipated documentary of 2012. The documentary includes key witness statements, interviews with those involved, and some of the best London Riot footage available, which was independently sourced from a vast network of contacts. I went to one of the screenings in London, I loved it so much, that I had to re-upload the trailer! The BBC need to watch this! Official Channel:‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4525 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 1371 | Comments: 0
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Transcript: “That's a great question. What is MechanicSpeak? We are experienced mechanics and we do automotive repair consulting for individuals such as yourself. So in the old scenario, your car breaks down, which often leads to some financial panicking. You bring yoCan I really save money with an auto repair consultation? ur car to a shop, you have them diagnose it, you have them provide you with an estimate. Now, based on your limited understanding of the situation, you can accept their diagnosis and their estimate, or you can leave, not knowing how bad the problem REALLY is or what to do next. In the new scenario, you call MechanicSpeak, which is a service you can pre-subscribe to or purchase on the fly when you need us. And what you get is an instant, one-on-one telephone consultation with an experienced, knowledgeable mechanic that is hand-picked based on their ability to communicate. And we provide you with an assessment of the situation; we have no financial affiliation with any shop, so we have nothing to gain by you paying any more than is absolutely necessary for your automotive repair. We also know how the service works from the inside and we can often provide you with options that you may not know that you have. We will listen to your side of the story, get as many facts as possible, we will even talk to your mechanic if you want us to. We will gather all the information possible about the situation and then we will provide you with an assessment. We can let you know if the diagnosis was thorough enough, we can let you know if the estimate is an appropriate price to be paying for that repair. Check out our website. There's tons of information on how to use our service and how it works. It's a low price and it's a wonderful experience to have, very new for some people, a feeling of good about their car, good about their mechanic, and good about what they just paid to get their repair done. In conclusion, what you get with your one-on-one telephone consultation with the automotive experts at MechanicSpeak is an honest assessment of your mechanic's credibility, you get an unbiased opinion of the diagnosis and the estimate, you get to make an informed decision and have peace of mind.” youtube:
Tags // auto  repair  mechanic  advice 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4523 days ago by MechanicSpeak
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 1550 | Comments: 4
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