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Losing weight and being healthier are at the top of everyone’s New Year’s resolutions. But, despite the best intentions, work, kids, and social events often push lifestyle changes to the bottom of the list. While many are familiar with type 2 diabetes, fewer are aware of prediabetes, a serious health condition that affects 86 million Americans (more than 1 in 3) and often leads to type 2 diabetes. People with prediabetes have higher than normal blood glucose (sugar) levels, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. To raise awareness and help people with prediabetes know where they stand and how to prevent type 2 diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have partnered with the Ad Council to launch the first national public service advertising (PSA) campaign about prediabetes. The PSA campaign, featuring first-of-its-kind communications techniques, was developed pro bono by Ogilvy & Mather New York for the Ad Council. Nearly 90 percent of people with prediabetes don’t know they have it and aren’t aware of the long-term risks to their health, including type 2 diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Current trends suggest that, if not treated, 15 to 30 percent of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within five years. The good news is that prediabetes often can be reversed through weight loss, diet changes and increased physical activity. Diagnosis is key: research shows that once people are aware of their condition, they are much more likely to make the necessary lifestyle changes. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // health  diabetes  ada  weight  loss  exercise  ad  council  cdc  diat  multivu  7731551 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3309 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 769 | Comments: 1
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University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS), a leading graduate institution that emphasizes health and rehabilitative sciences education through innovative classroom education, is pleased to announce the installation of SafeGait 360° Balance and Mobility Trainer® on its Austin, Texas campus. The device, which was designed in collaboration with experts in physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT), works to mitigate the risk of injury from falls, protecting both the patient and therapist. In addition, SafeGait 360°’s dynamic fall protection (DFP) distinguishes between a patient’s intentional downward movement and when a patient is actually falling, which allows therapists to easily modify fall protection sensitivity to accommodate and challenge patients at varying stages of independence. USAHS is one of the first higher education institutions in the nation to install this innovative body-weight support and fall protection system. In addition to conducting ground breaking research with patients and students, faculty members with extensive experience in body-weight treatments aim to open a clinic which will provide new treatment options to patients in the Austin community, and will begin seeing patients in October of this year. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3057 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 742 | Comments: 0
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HMR Weight Management Services Corp. (HMR), a subsidiary of Merck, held its position as a No. 1 “Best Fast Weight-Loss Diet” in the 2017 Best Diets rankings released today by U.S. News & World Report. It’s the second year in a row HMR earned the top spot in the category, which was added to the annual rankings list last year. “HMR’s highly structured diet and lifestyle change program is designed to help people lose weight quickly while learning the skills they need to keep it off,” said Carol Addy, M.D. MMSc, Chief Medical Officer at HMR. “Fast weight loss without lifestyle change isn’t sustainable. HMR gets fast weight loss, but our true expertise is helping people learn realistic ways to incorporate new healthy behaviors into their everyday lives.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2960 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 633 | Comments: 0
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Today, the newly-developed Body Volume Indicator (BVI)™ was revealed as a modern day measure of body composition and weight distribution following a 10-year collaboration with Mayo Clinic experts who led extensive research on fat distribution, the importance of fat assessment and the limitations of the current standard of Body Mass Index (BMI). In conjunction with the development of BVI, BVI America LLC, a subsidiary of 3D measurement pioneer Select Research, announced the launch of the revolutionary BVI Pro tablet application, which will provide an easily accessible and affordable means for the professional community to use the new BVI measurement in everyday clinical use to assess health risks. The potential benefits of using Body Volume as a new indicator of risks were presented on April 27 by Mayo Clinic researchers, BVI America and the University of Westminster. It draws on 10 years of rigorous research, testing and validation using several potential Body Volume indices. Now BVI, calculated as a ratio between total volume and abdominal volume, can be used as a supplement to the current measurement standard of BMI, which is based solely on height and weight. BVI is considered to be a more precise means of estimating weight distribution and the fat around the organs, which is not visible to the human eye and can lead to serious health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. The medical and professional community at large is invited to contribute to the continued development of BVI by downloading and using the BVI Pro tablet application with their patients and clients; anonymous data collected will be analyzed by Mayo Clinic, whose research and validation of BVI will continue. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2843 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 681 | Comments: 0
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Jenny Craig, a leader in the weight loss industry, announced today their 2019 ad campaign, which focuses on actual Jenny Craig members and weight loss experts, and their stories of finding health and wellness on the program. Jenny Craig’s mission of helping real people find real results is harnessed in their new campaign, launching digitally and on TV this week. The campaign exclusively features members from across the country who have achieved their weight loss goals using the scientifically proven program. Jenny Craig hosted a contest this year, which yielded more than 500 applicants, to find authentic stories from members to inspire others on their path to achieve better health. The contest winners were flown to Jenny Craig’s 2019 commercial shoot in Los Angeles for a week and took part in a professional photoshoot as well as received cash and prizes totaling up to $10,000 each. The contest winners shared their experience together and were celebrated for their achievements throughout the week. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // jenny  craig  2019  weight  loss  health  diet  wellness  food  tv  campaign  multivu  8469551 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2245 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 986 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Former obese twenty something gives a dukan diet review. Visit for the rest of the story.
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Categories // Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 4770 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 4916 | Comments: 0
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after boggling out a way to keep the ship in balance, they try to observe a map which is watched by a DEAD PIRATE
Tags // johnny  depp  pirates  of  the  caribbean  on  stranger  tides  lol  funny  jump  doll  crazy  guns 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4278 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1595 | Comments: 2
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I love to share my strategies with others because it has dramatically improved my quality of life. In this video, you'll learn about intermittent fasting, eating protein for breakfast, balancing gut bacteria, and more!
Tags // healthy  foods 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1176 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m7s | Views: 598 | Comments: 0
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Watch these bodybuilding guys and muscles before you go to the gym . You'll be in the fitness mood for an awesome workout.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5867 days ago by jerette09
Runtime: 7m25s | Views: 10039 | Comments: 1
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Info on how to lose fat from the diet solution program:
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Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5418 days ago by briancolborne
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 6633 | Comments: 0
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Info on how to lose fat from Synergy:
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Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5418 days ago by briancolborne
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 5570 | Comments: 1
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See how you can burn 10 - 20 percent of your belly fat in 10 days:
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Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5368 days ago by dedediddle
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 6389 | Comments: 0
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