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Search // sounds
Results 73-77 of 77 for ' sounds ' (0 seconds) Customer-centric is a key phrase that you’ve probably seen around (yawn, I know.). Customer-centric is one of those things that sounds a lot more complex than it actually is. To simplify, customer-centricity comes down to is this: Put your customer first when doing anything business related and you’ll make more money. It’s easy for merchants to get caught up in their image and forget about the most important people in business: The customer. This is an important concept when it comes to website design.
Added: 3227 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 802 | Comments: 2
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When traveling to San Francisco California, one of the things that you can do is go to ocean beach and enjoy the waves before the sunrises, then listen to the sounds of nature as the sun comes up. 3msucces give you a taste of that experience in this video. 3msuccess likes before the Sunrise at ocean beach with msuccess in San Francisoc california
Added: 3161 days ago by 3Msuccess
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 944 | Comments: 2
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littleBits, the award-winning company that empowers kids to be inventors, today announced the launch of its Droid Inventor Kit, which enables kids to create their own Droid. An integral part of the global launch of Disney and Lucasfilm's Force Friday II, the Droid Inventor Kit brings Droids to life, inspiring imagination and invention for kids around the world. Kids can easily create and power up their own mechanical companion using littleBits electronic Bits--along with the free Droid Inventor app--to send their creation on more than 17 special Star Wars missions, complete with authentic Droid sounds from the Star Wars films. As they unlock new capabilities and level up their Droid Inventor skills, kids can also learn how to create their own custom R2 Units and experiences, combining play with real hands-on learning. “Today we are continuing a global inventor movement that empowers young people to participate in a story that inspires them to be creators, not just consumers of technology,” said Ayah Bdeir, founder & CEO of littleBits. “We’ve created a gender-inclusive product that celebrates kids’ own self-expression and ingenuity, while showcasing the same characteristics of imagination, grit and invention that are embodied in the Star Wars franchise.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2766 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 874 | Comments: 1
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What Could Be Better Than Living In a Fairy Tale World? “Imagine the sweetest and most delectable fairy tale book illustrated with pages and pages of magnificent cakes, complete with characters composed and comprised of delicate details like fairy wings, all manner of flowers, dragons and mermaids and so much more. Not illustrations of cakes, but pictures of nearly eighty “sugar sculptures,” as author and illustrator Crystal Walters described her creations. It sounds incredible, but it’s one of the most unique concepts for a fairy tale book that you will ever encounter. John Kelly, Detroit Free Press I Wish I Were a Fairy Tale Media contact: Scott Lorenz, Westwind Book Marketing, Children's book
Categories // Miscellaneous  Cartoon  Family 
Added: 2212 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1204 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Severe pest control issues should be handled by an expert pest control company for the pest problem to be handled safely and professionally. There are good reasons experienced pest services should be used. Rodents are among the best known hard pests to get rid of. They present a health and safety risk where edible items are located or prepared in your house or any sort of business food company. Since having contacted multiple pest control experts in Essex and all over Britain, this one sounds especially reliable.
Tags // local  rat  pest  control 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1885 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1005 | Comments: 0
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