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Search // pro
Results 73-84 of 174 for ' pro ' (0 seconds)
British body armour firm PPSS Group have announced the set-up of their PPSS Canada branch, based in Toronto. Having received global recognition especially for their ultra-thin and light high performance bullet resistant vests in 2011, PPSS Group are equally well respected for their super tough stab resistant vests, offering unmatched protection from blunt force trauma. Helping to effectively protect frontline professionals from firearms, edged weapons and human bites is precisely what PPSS Group is all about. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4438 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m47s | Views: 2640 | Comments: 1
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Shandi wants to know how big Johnny Chans is...Watch Poker Pro and Blackjack stars Phil Hellmuth and Johnny Chan as they bet Miss USA Shandi Finnessey 500 bucks on who can spit gum the farthest
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Games 
Added: 6248 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 9092 | Comments: 3
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Phil Hellmuth and Kasey Thompson go at it again. This time the stakes are 20,000 bucks to win or lose. Watch these guys hit balls from the hotel, over the pond to the green. Lots of side bets as other pro gamblers like Antonio Esfandiari, Johnny Chan, Phil Laak and Jennifer Tilly get in on the action.
Tags // golf  phil  hellmuth  poker  blackjack  21  texas  holdem  wsop  wpt  bet  clububt  las  vegas  casino  cash  win  lose  prop  wsop  wpt  cbs 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Games 
Added: 6213 days ago by ClubUBT
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 8511 | Comments: 2
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The GRC is the ruffest & tuffest Pro/Am Streetball Event in Germany. For more info go to: and Do or Die!
Categories // Event and Party  Street  Sport 
Added: 6125 days ago by BOOM
Runtime: 4m26s | Views: 9471 | Comments: 1
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A beautiful young Caucasian sports groupies wildest dreams come true when she falls for a married African American pro-basketball star. But the fantasy soon ends when her affair with the athlete results in an extraordinary court battle for custody of their mixed-race son. Staring Jennifer Finnigan and Doug Savant. Premieres Sunday January 18th at 8pm ET on Lifetime Movie Network.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5897 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m14s | Views: 11572 | Comments: 2
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A beautiful young Caucasian sports groupies wildest dreams come true when she falls for a married African American pro-basketball star. But the fantasy soon ends when her affair with the athlete results in an extraordinary court battle for custody of their mixed-race son. Staring Jennifer Finnigan and Doug Savant. Premieres Sunday January 18th at 8pm ET on Lifetime Movie Network.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5894 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 10386 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Eric Jones PGA Pro and World Long Drive Champion provides golf swing tips and golf instruction on how to play your most consistent golf. This golf FAQ discusses the importance of a pre-shot routine.
Categories // People and Blog  Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5885 days ago by LDChamp
Runtime: 4m8s | Views: 13446 | Comments: 1
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This tutorial will show you how to create a Left Side Border stationery in WikMail using Painshop Pro and the WikMail Stationery Creator.
Tags // stationery  left  side  border  wikmail 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5879 days ago by FattyArbuckle
Runtime: 9m12s | Views: 5449 | Comments: 0
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Promotional video for our Pro Mod VW Sedan
Tags // busterjohn  drag  race  vw  bug  pra 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5635 days ago by Busterjohn
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 7364 | Comments: 2
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Based on its recent analysis of the Satellite Network Management market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Spacenet Inc., a leading provider of broadband network solutions, with the 2011 North America Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation. The company is commended for developing the innovative Prysm Pro. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5103 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m-0s | Views: 6703 | Comments: 0
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Jockey International, Inc. announces the launch of their new television spot featuring pro quarterback, Heisman trophy winner and Jockey spokesman, Tim Tebow. Tebow is the face of Jockey® staycool, Jockey’s newest collection of innovative underwear, designed to help regulate skin temperature and keep you cool and comfortable. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5086 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 8844 | Comments: 2
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Solta Medical, Inc. (Nasdaq: SLTM), the pioneer in fractional resurfacing and non-invasive skin tightening, is pleased to serve as a returning sponsor of the Fresh Express Classic™ at TPC Stonebrae. A Nationwide Tour™ event, the Fresh Express Classic will be held from Tuesday, April 12 through Sunday, April 17, at one of best new golf courses in the U.S., with breathtaking views of the San Francisco Bay. The tournament will include a series of on-site events for fans, including a pro-am led by Pro Football Hall of Fame member Jerry Rice to raise more than $250,000 for Bay Area charities. The event will be televised nationally on The Golf Channel. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Sport  Business 
Added: 5074 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 8496 | Comments: 3
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