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Search // 2012
Results 73-84 of 611 for ' 2012 ' (0 seconds)
In 2012, PR Newswire saw no shortage of exciting and impactful content, captivating press releases and creative headlines; and with hundreds of press releases crossing our desks on a daily basis, some were sure to stand out and make us take notice. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4434 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 3812 | Comments: 1



Robert Johnson Project From: 2012 ERJA LYYTINEN - Songs From The Road
Categories // Music 
Added: 4273 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 511 | Comments: 0



Robert Johnson Project From: Twelve Bar Blues Band - Life is hard 2012
Tags // twelve  bar  blues  band  robert  johnson  me  and  the  devil 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4095 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 5m36s | Views: 724 | Comments: 0



Se acerca el 2012 y una ola de alarma y especulación sobre la destrucción del planeta se ha apoderado de millones de personas, gracias a una profecía prevista, supuestamente, por la antigua civilización Maya. ¿Pero predijeron esto realmente los Mayas? ¿Cuáles eran sus verdaderas creencias sobre el 2012? En su nueva producción original Apocalipsis Maya, Discovery en Español hace un viaje al corazón de este fenómeno extraordinario para descifrar qué fue lo que vieron realmente los mayas y explorar las diferentes creencias actuales sobre el fin del mundo. La serie de tres episodios, comienza el domingo 4 de diciembre a las 9 PM E/P en Discovery en Español. Para mas, va a
Added: 4850 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 9069 | Comments: 0
     Aaron Parsons is a hot new rapper from Winnipeg Manitoba. After many years of writing and bustin' rhymes in his basement, he is ready to share his infinite wisdom in a world of love and chaos.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4506 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 5373 | Comments: 0



With the next generation of Hyundai buyers eagerly awaiting the upcoming launch of the 2012 Veloster, Hyundai fuels the excitement by teaming with Rhys Millen Racing (RMR) and Red Bull to campaign the car in the high-energy sport of rallycross. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5132 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 6024 | Comments: 2



In February 2012, Sydney’s iconic Manly Beach will be swimming with surfers and buzzing with tourists and spectators as it hosts the inaugural Australian Open of Surfing event from February 11-19. The Australian Open of Surfing will go far beyond the traditional boundaries of a surfing event, creating a significant experience that promotes the energy of Sydney’s outdoor lifestyle, with a nine-day festival of surfing, skate, music, fashion and art specifically aimed at the youth traveler (18 to 30 year olds). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4946 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 8944 | Comments: 0



Reed Street Productions, creators of the zombie-infested 5K adventure race, Run for Your Lives, announced today that the race will expand beyond its inaugural location outside of Baltimore into 12 cities across the country, starting with the Atlanta area on March 3, 2012. The inaugural race launched in Darlington, Md., last October with more than 10,000 participants and spectators. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Games 
Added: 4779 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 5403 | Comments: 1



\\\'Wide Awake\\\' is the second single from MENEW\\\'s new album \\\'Wide Awake Hello\\\' - in stores Feb 21, 2012. Pre-Order the NEW album today or get a free download on
Tags // menew  wide  awake  alternative  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4773 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 4370 | Comments: 0



Filmed by Change for Balance Productions, Creative Makers and Best Coast Productions. Edited by Andrew L. Anthony. Directed by Marley D Williams and Change for Balance Productions. New triple disc album PEACE OF MIND available now. Includes full length Acoustic and Dub album versions. 43 Date headlining tour around the USA Jan-March 2012.
Tags // rebelution  sky  is  the  limit  reggae  rock  dub  summer  surf  skate 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4746 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m6s | Views: 6003 | Comments: 0



Music video by Zayne performing My Hero (C) 2012 CushMoney Music.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 4487 days ago by reggaerelease
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 5646 | Comments: 0



Oakley today launches a pan-European integrated brand campaign featuring motorsport icons Fernando Alonso, Valentino Rossi and Sebastien Loeb. The “Change Perspective” campaign rolls out across brand, media and retail channels in the UK, Spain, France, Germany and Italy, and builds on the “Beyond Reason” campaign concept launched with great success prior to the London 2012 Olympic Games. Oakley continue to explore the “Beyond Reason” mindset of their elite athletes and are now inviting consumers to share their unique vision and approach, with the central premise “In order to change the game, you need to look at the world differently”. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4351 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 3170 | Comments: 1



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