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Search // two
Results 61-72 of 1000 for ' two ' (0 seconds) Two little bunnies
Tags // bunny  rabbits  bunnies  cute  awesome 
Added: 5821 days ago by MedicalJob
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 12562 | Comments: 1



Two hipsters become best friends when they get boners over the same things. Written and Directed by Sam Sero.
Tags // boner  buddies  hipsters  comedy 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5738 days ago by oresmas
Runtime: 9m0s | Views: 8175 | Comments: 1



I love this song and yes, this is the second version, I had two ideas for this song, so I made two mvids of a love triangle between Frank/Magenta/Riff Raff. Enjoy! Let me know which version you liked the best!
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5577 days ago by Magenta-Skye
Runtime: 4m55s | Views: 6402 | Comments: 0



Two free-runners demonstrate their physical prowess by tackling a range of obstacles to reach the Aston Martin Cygnet..........
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5562 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 7494 | Comments: 2



This video is a dedication to all my friends at IBS Mumbai who have created a great impact in my life. These two years have really been so special for all of Us. I'm sure we're all gonna miss our college days. Specially those who wont be going for further studies (FURTHER STUDIES!!!!!! INSANE!!!). This would be the last spice of college life they would get....... The video mainly is based of the photos of my close friend circle, particularly Section C. But its dedicated to the whole Batch of 2010... Pardon me if I have missed few faces.. Did this the night of FRM exam... Total time taken... 4hrs. 45 min... But I thought its the last chance. To say thanks.. For being so special!!!!
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5517 days ago by cowboyguy4u
Runtime: 10m-0s | Views: 9226 | Comments: 1



Surmang Foundation has operated a primary care clinic in a remote, poor region of Western China, in partnership with the Chinese Government, Qinghai Province, and Yushu Prefecture, since 1992. The Core Project has treated over 60,000 patients for free, including medicine, since the clinic building was completed in 1996. Its focus is on the maternal and child mortality/morbidity rates of the region, among the highest in the world. It supports two local ethnic Tibetan doctors, Phuntsok Dongdrup and Sonam Drogha. In our catchment area, the average annual income is about $50. Surmang Foundation’s remote site is a test case and a model for all of rural China, because impoverished nomadic Tibetans manifest in the extreme, most rural health and poverty problems. In cooperation with the Chinese Government and several hospitals, Surmang Foundation is currently expanding its mission to address the lack of access to basic services among the 28 million impoverished residents of rural, Western China and the lack of capacity of the local medical providers. The pilot project will create a network of remote providers for IT-based distance medical education and remote diagnosis and referral. The pilot began in 2005 with the promulgation of an archive of all Tibetan and Chinese language health promotion materials and continued in 2006 with the installation of a satellite dish at the Surmang campus. A part of that is the Community Health Worker Project funded by an AmCham grant in Spring 2005. Surmang Foundation has partnered with the Soong Ching-ling Foundation since November 2005.
Tags // surmang  foundation 
Categories // Webcam 
Added: 5508 days ago by yaojia
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 5042 | Comments: 2



These Two Men Will Be Fighting Each Other On 5th May 2010 At The Reid Park Bandstand In Forfar. For Months They Have Been Miscalling Each Other On Facebook,Bebo,Tagged And Myearbook. Davy Laing Goes Into Training For This Fight. Wazza's Time Has Come.
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5404 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 10108 | Comments: 2



Every dog has his day. And yesterday, Atlanta-area dogs sure had theirs, as its first Dream Dog Park was unveiled by Beneful® brand dog food in Johns Creek, Ga. The entire Johns Creek dog-loving community has awaited this day since last September, when their community dog park was awarded a $500,000 renovation from the Beneful® brand after local resident Pat McNeely and his Siberian Husky Koda were named Grand Prize Winner in the Beneful® WagWorld® Dream Dog Park Contest. Since then, Pat and Koda’s dream ideas have served as inspiration for the renovation that was managed by the Beneful Dream Team, led by TV personality and design expert Jason Cameron and pet expert and bestselling author Arden Moore. The Dream Team duo have worked together to transform the Newtown Dog Park into an enviable adventure destination for dogs and owners. Some of the park’s most interactive and unique elements include a giant bone-shaped ramp with tunnels, two water splash pads and a running trail, all of which were put to good use yesterday as local dogs and their best buddies turned out to celebrate at a special unveiling event. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // beneful  dream  dog  park  wagworld  four  legged  friend  dog  food  newtown  dog  park  consumer  multivu  50743 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5015 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 6006 | Comments: 1



Kane is a war dog, working alongside Captain Tucker Wayne. The two are loyal, to their country and to each other. When they rescue a mysterious woman they get more than they bargained for. A terrible treasure, a lost cemetery and a secret going back to the fall of Nazi Germany. Meet James Rollins newest Sigma heroes in this unforgettable short story exclusive. Tracker by James Rollins. Experience courage unleashed. Suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4656 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 3278 | Comments: 0



Software just changed the way of our work. First, computer came and changes the technology. Then, Internet changed our way to look for anything and now, hundreds of software launched each day to make our work easier on computers. Number of IT companies from all over the world just keep on developing kind of software which human beings had dream last night and what he got next day. In latest software release news, the software already available on Internet and many of users already gone through all its working. Advanced technology and much explore of human brains made this thing look very easy. Software somehow makes our work much easier on our working machines. Internet becomes the source to get any software instant if available. Most of the software on the Internet available without any cost and some of them want you to pay before use. Among most of the categories, we mostly come up with two kinds, Commercial and Open Source software. Now, what these kind of software? Let me to explain about these software types:- Open Source Software:- Open Source software are those kind of software which requires no cost to use them and anyone seek any kind of improvement software need can improve it and again, launch with its improved version on Internet. Again, another user can add some extra features to that software and launch on the Internet. Programming code for open source software easily available on Internet. Commercial Software: - Open Source software can also be commercial software. Commercial software used as commercial purposes. Some of this software is available on the Internet for free, while some named software you can also get for free but on a trial period maximum of 30 days. After 30 days of use, you have to purchase the software license. Microsoft, Adobe etc all among these commercial software production companies. Some of the best commercial software made by these multinational companies are MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash player etc. Take Linux as most appropriate example. Linux was first launched in 1991 and now, a number of improved versions available on the Internet. Linux is completely open source operating system software. If you have some knowledge about software and want to add some extra features, you can easily do it. Most of the companies currently have Linux as there operating system rather than Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 because Linux is much easier to operate and occupied less space, light in use. Now, take a look on Adobe Photoshop. You want to make an image, website, background image with some special effects etc, you need to have knowledge about Adobe Photoshop and its various features. This commercial software somehow available without any cost on Internet but you just cannot go for all its features. You want to use all its features, go and purchase a license. But you do not need to pay for open source software.
Added: 4620 days ago by michealmellis
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 4297 | Comments: 1



This is PinkleTank\'s Music Video for their new song Cool To Be Cool. Look for PinkleTank\'s new EP to be released soon! PinkleTank released Get Tankled last year and it is available on and in your favorite music store. PinkleTank is now filming a new pilot show in Nashville, TN, and it will be release early next year. Eight-year-old Pinkle\'s two favorite colors were pink and purple, so she combined the two to create her stage name. Tank has been called Tank since birth, so it is easy to see how this band came up with its name.
Tags // pinkletank  cool  to  be  cool  live  kids  band  music  video  concert  pop  rock  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4602 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 7178 | Comments: 0



M@gic$imp$on1 Production$ 2012 Undercover police officers, Magic Simpson and Chad Holland attend a blood member funeral who was killed in a gang driveby shooting at White Rock Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas on Darien Street. They were hired as the funeral security and must protect the church from the crip gang. Drae and Charlie respond to a street fight in process between two gang members. A blood and crip. Jenny whose partner was killed in a shootout with car theft suspects save a three month year old baby after a truck was on fire. The mother has died and the baby was rushed to Texas children memorial hospital for medical treatment where he almost died from his injuries. The war between bloods and crips will never end. If you are interested in reading what the characters are saying watch it on YouTube.
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4547 days ago by Magic123
Runtime: 7m2s | Views: 3578 | Comments: 1



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