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Search // site
Results 61-72 of 413 for ' site ' (0 seconds) One of the key elements to simple online shopping is making sure that your company’s website is compatible with mobile devices. In this video you will learn the importance of keeping your mobile site simple for your customers. So, what exactly does this mean? And, why should you care? Here are some quick tips on how to make your website a breeze for your mobile customers.
Added: 3371 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 671 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated If you’ve got an ecommerce site, you need a Terms of Service Agreement. A Terms Of Service Agreement essentially states the rules for using your website. While it’s not a legal requirement to have one on your site, it offers a lot of legal protection. A Terms of Service Agreement can limit your liability if you end up in court, something that happens a lot more frequently than you might think.
Added: 3266 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 737 | Comments: 2
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Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), announced today that its first doses of the Fluzone® (Influenza Vaccine) portfolio for the 2017-2018 influenza (“flu”) season have been released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Sanofi Pasteur has begun distributing initial shipments, representing the first of nearly 70 million total doses of seasonal influenza vaccine manufactured by the company for this upcoming influenza season. Widespread shipment of Fluzone Quadrivalent, Fluzone High-Dose and Fluzone Intradermal Quadrivalent vaccine to health care provider offices, pharmacies and other immunizers will begin in early August to support fall immunization campaigns. “As we enter the Swiftwater site’s 120th year, it reminds us of our innovation and growth as we came to understand the science of influenza and its impact on human health,” said David P. Greenberg, M.D., Associate Vice President and Regional Medical Head North America, Sanofi Pasteur. “Influenza can be especially severe for the most vulnerable populations, including the elderly, young children and those with compromised immune systems; however, it can also have a serious health impact on otherwise healthy individuals. Sanofi Pasteur is and always has been deeply committed to improving public health by continuously striving to develop new vaccines and on improving existing ones.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2785 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 826 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated, the dating community exclusively for good-looking people, has launched “REALLY?” a 90 second movie in response to a sustained assault on the site’s concept. Since launched in 2002, the dating site which is founded on the principle that everyone wants to be with someone they are attracted to, has come under fire for being prejudiced, unfair, and even for misunderstanding human nature. In the words of renowned social psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall, former lecturer and researcher at Cardiff University, it has been “lambasted for telling the truth.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4875 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 6113 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated EventPermits helped secure the following permits for this event: DOB permits, crane and derrick permits, private site license, champion parking permits, event security permits, generator permits, health permits, film permits and production parking permits.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4600 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 7063 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated La refonte du site web c’est une modification de la structure et du design d’un site web, qui peut être soit partielle ou totale. Le web évolue vite, très vite. Peu de domaine évolue plus vite actuellement que les technologies Internet. Beaucoup de ce qui est populaire sur le web aujourd’hui n’existait pas il y a peu de temps, et n’existeras plus dans quelques années. Les médias sociaux par exemple, qui aujourd’hui sont partout, était à peine présent il y a quelques années. Ce changement rapide du web est une variable que les entreprises doivent considérer tant pour leur site Internet que pour leur stratégie de marketing Web.
Tags // refonte  site  web  refonte  de  votre  site  web  refonte  site  internet 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4477 days ago by oolongmedia
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 1210 | Comments: 1
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Cliquer ici pour plus d'information: Créer un site Internet n'est pas si simple que ca. Il y a beaucoup de chose à préparer et à planifier et on commence souvent avec beaucoup de fausses informations sur la question. C'est pourquoi il est important de comprendre les implications de la création d'un site web ainsi que l'objectif de celui-ci.
Tags // creation  de  site  internet  creation  de  site  web  conception  site  web 
Added: 4400 days ago by oolongmedia
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 1087 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Dans notre monde moderne où les gens passent de plus en plus de temps sur Internet, avoir un site Web pour une entreprise n’est plus une question, mais une nécessité. Pourtant il existe encore un certain pourcentage d’entreprise qui n’a pas encore de site Internet même si cela est presque aussi indispensable qu’avoir un numéro de téléphone. Souvent, c’est soit par manque de temps ou d’informations ou que le domaine du web n’est pas la tasse de thé des propriétaires. Dans cet article nous allons donner 10 raisons pour lesquelles toute entreprise devrait créer un site web, qu’elles soient en démarrage ou établis.
Added: 4287 days ago by oolongmedia
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 1087 | Comments: 0
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AARP Travel (, a new travel website launching today, offers a one-stop online experience that helps users take their travel ideas from dream to destination. With personalized trip planning tools like Trip Finder and Map Explorer, website visitors can put together the type of trips they want, get travel tips from noted travel expert and AARP Travel Ambassador Samantha Brown and read hundreds of articles and information on enticing destinations near and far. AARP\'s free site is designed to help consumers get the most out of every trip. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4003 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1173 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Website security experts for Arkansas and the world, protection from hackers and malware. Arkansas may be the Natural State, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be on top of the tech world and have amazing website security too. Trust Guard has your security needs covered, whether you’re creating a website to raise money for conservation for its 50 state parks or establishing an online site to educate people on the history of the fiddle. Trust Guard makes sure that your website is PCI compliant. We’ll protect your website and increase your conversion rate! Trust Guard can make sure your online security is sharper than a Razorback!
Categories // Business 
Added: 3358 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 772 | Comments: 1
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Moon Hoax -Number 51 on TV Screen at Houston -Area 51 Nevada Test Site where The Moon Bay Located
Tags // moon  hoax  number  51  on  tv  screen  at  houston  -area  51  nevada  test  site  where  the  moon  bay  located 
Added: 1275 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 514 | Comments: 0
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Andrianna Christofi was hand picked to be the face of the UK online classified portal adflyer.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 6121 days ago by adflyer
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 10687 | Comments: 3
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