Finally I've got a new one out and it's just the kind of song that I like to write. I love my horror movies and I love my SCARY TUNES !!!!!
Why do I write scary tunes? Cuz I love my scary tunes.
Why do I write scary tunes? Cuz I love howling at the moon.
Why oh why do I write scary tunes? "Scary scary tunes ... Scary scary tunes."
Why oh why oh me oh my, these tunes "Scary scary tunes ... Scary scary tunes."
Why do I keep fantasizing demons, death and doom?
Maybe you're a psychopath who need's a padded room.
Why do I keep fantasizing demons, death and doom?
Maybe you're a sick F*ck .... a BING, BANG, BOOM !!!!!
I'm trying to think of something to say in behalf of this song but nothing come's to mind .... It was a really hard song to work on as with all of my other songs .... I had to save each new version of it on my external hard drive because I was working this song to the maximum capability of my musical program ... A couple of times, it froze up my computer and I wasn't able to save the changes ... I had to perform some extra research through forums on how to deal with the tech problems that I was faced with but in the end, I just took out my trusty hammer and I then had another conversation with my 2007 Intel quad-core computer about who run's this household and who is the boss and who is the bitch in this relationship ..... I first demonstrated my hammer on my coffee cup .... which I always hated the color of anyway .... and then with the most sinister glare that I could muster up, I then turned to my computer and said "If I don't have this song completed and on Youtube before the rise of the new moon .... you will be watching the rise of the new moon from outside .... all crammed up in the recycle bin while wearing this coffee cup on top of whatever is left of your circuitry .... You BUBBLY HEADED BOOBY !!!!! ...... Computers always heed to the voice of reason ..... The song is now done .... and I also now drink my coffee from a beer can.
What do I know about Pokemon? ..... About as much as I know about anything else that I write .... Self taught lessons in song writing A: Don't write anything about your life that pertains to no one else but yourself ... They only want to know about you after you're dead and famous ... so write songs about other people who you know nothing about who are already dead and famous so that you don't feel inclined to kill yourself in the hopes of making it big in the afterlife ... B: Never write about anything that you actually know about because then people who do not know a thing about the subject matter will want to debate your point of view endlessly whereas those who are wiser than yourself will soon discover that there really isn't too much that you actually do know about and thus ... so end's your "How to do and live your life" song writing career ... C: If someone ever approaches me to ask "Hey Steve .... Do you really know all about Pokemon, bro?" ... I then reply back with "Oh yeah man ... That's why I wrote the song ... Every time I see that someone is playing POKEMON ... I know then that it's time for me to GO !!!!"
There's a new dance that's going around. Everyone's starting to talk.
There's no doubt about it, you can scream and shout it. It's the hottest rock on the block.
You can do it anywhere, over here, over there cuz "because" everyone is hopping to the Pokemon Rock.
Shake your head and spin it around. Add a little BE to your BOP.
You don't need to worry if you're in no hurry. You can try again and start from the top.
You can do it anywhere, over here, over there cuz everyone is hopping t the Pokemon Rock.
Wave your hands and fling them around. Take a little spin and then stop.
You don't need to snooze on if you've got no shoes on, you can bare your feet and dance in one sock.
You can do it anywhere, over here, over there cuz everyone is hopping to the Pokemon Rock.
I've been working on a very complex Progressive Trance song for over a month now but after investing so much time into a song that probably won't go over well with a mainstream audience, I become bored with it and so a much quicker and fun song emerged in my mind and so hence, the birth of Hey Terminator .... After that, I went back to work on the Trance song but once again, I became bored with working on that project for so long so once again I veered away from it to compose this new and fun song. This is probably the fastest time it's taken me to complete a song and video after the prior one.
This is my 2nd song for 2017 .... I have a best friend who I go cruising with every weekend and we listen to each others music "What we've accomplished in 1 week" and he believes that this is my best song to date. I guess that I'll find out soon enough what the good people of Youtube think. With my luck, there will surely be some who will think that this is a video about flowers and they'll tell me to next time, include chrysanthemums.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I love you just as everybody do.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I see you as I shout "Peekaboo."
Jenny Jenny lives in the poorest part of town. She has no bike or no way to get around
but when she walk's the streets of the town to buy her bread. lords and kings politely bow their heads to
Jenny Jenny, there's so many fellas after you. Jenny, I'm just one of many boys in love with you.
I confess, I'm so in love with "Little yodel lady who? Little Yodel Lady you.
Little yodel lady, little yodel lady, Little Yodel Lady Hoo.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I love you just as everybody do.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I see you as I shout "Peekaboo."
Jenny Jenny sits on a bench in the square, feeding doves and pigeons everywhere
but when she takes her bread and lays it to the ground, all the doves and pigeons gather round to
Jenny Jenny, there's so many fellas after you. Jenny, I don't think there's anything that I can do.
cuz I'm a mess and so obsessed with "Little yodel lady who? Little Yodel Lady you.
Little yodel lady, little yodel lady, Little Yodel Lady Hoo.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I love you just as everybody do.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I see you as I shout "Peekaboo."
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I love you just as everybody do.
Yo Jenny, know Jenny everywhere you go Jenny, I see you as I shout "Peekaboo."
Ok, this is my brand new slideshow about my absolutely very first, favourite team. The BAU of the FBI. :)) I just love them. I know I always focus on Hotch, but this time its so different. I really focus on the whole team. Especially the bad things they had been through during the 4th season. I hope you all will like it! I worked a lot with it!
Song is Amazing by Janelle
Just an advice! If you want to see the original version of this clip, just turn down the music and listen to Broken by Lifehouse while you're watching my clip! :)))))))
Another Great Video Of The German Artist DJ KopfHoerer Aka Alvin W. M. Van Zweevel. KopfHoerer\'s Awesome Riders On The Storm Cover He Produced For Tube Tech & Udo Niebergall (The Founder Of Cpt. Jack). Right Here 4 You With The Original Video He Made As A Hommage To The Doors. It\'s Rare So Spread The Word. Share As U Like.