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Fancy hats, mint juleps and thoroughbred horses – the three main ingredients to one of the premier sporting events and celebrations in the country. As someone who always brings the fun wherever he goes, Captain Morgan is looking to shake up the festivities by making an unprecedented offer to enter a mule – yes, you read that right – in the elite horse race of the season. Captain Morgan’s newest friend, the Morgan Mule – who is 1 part horse, 1 part donkey and 2 parts Captain – has always wanted to prove his racing chops. The exclusive competition is typically limited to 20, three-year-old thoroughbred horses who qualify based on a tiered point system from a series of races. But as an advocate of fun for all, Captain Morgan is promising that if the Morgan Mule is allowed to compete, he will donate $1 million to charity. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2851 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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