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A Haunting Journey to Destiny- A Fictional Look at the Early Life of King David One of the most prominent names in the Bible is that of King David, who is a significant spiritual figure in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The story of “David and Goliath” has become one of the most recognizable tropes in our culture. The Leper Messiah, by Robert M. Levinson, takes a dark, often mystical walk through the life of this iconic figure. Levinson’s book explores the forces, both human and magical, that molded a shepherd boy into a king destined to unite the tribes of Israel. This is not a religious book. It’s a work of historical fiction that reimagines the life of King David on multiple levels. Media contact: Scott Lorenz Westwind Book Marketing 734-667-2090 Historical Fiction/Religion
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Added: 2261 days ago by cosproductions
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