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FAIR Health has launched a groundbreaking website,, aimed at transforming how people in New York State engage in healthcare planning. A next-generation transparency tool, the free site gives New Yorkers unprecedented access to accurate medical and dental costs and comprehensive educational resources, so they can plan financially for a procedure or episode of care. A national, independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing transparency to healthcare costs and health insurance information, FAIR Health developed by building on its existing, award-winning consumer website and mobile app, with the support of the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth). To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2757 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 734 | Comments: 3
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To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, the company announced today a first-of-its-kind art exhibit open to the public. Through the power of visual arts, Giving Gallery: Community in Process will highlight the collective impact of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation and its nonprofit partners in the greater Milwaukee community and beyond. For the past 25 years, the Northwestern Mutual Foundation has driven its communities forward by investing in the people who stand up, tune in and engage every day to ensure that everyone has a chance at a brighter future. “This year, we’re commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, which has improved the lives of children and families in our hometown of Milwaukee and across the country,” said John Schlifske, chairman and CEO, Northwestern Mutual. “We are bringing 25 years worth of stories to life through art, highlighting our commitment to the communities we serve and celebrating the work we’ve done in partnership with outstanding nonprofits.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2673 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 856 | Comments: 2
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The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced the addition of a new category and an increase in the purse value of the Hamdan bin Mohammed Award for Innovation in Project Management. The increase, commences from the second edition of the award, following the huge success and overwhelming global participation for the inaugural edition of the award. HE Mattar Al Tayer, Director General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) cum Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the HBM Award for Innovation in Project Management said, “The Award prizemoney would be increased by 29% equivalent to AED2.6 MILLION (US$710,000). An Academic category has been added comprising two awards: Research in Innovative Project Management Practices Award and Innovative Use of Project Management Practices (Award Category) to engage students, academics and researchers. Winners of the Award would be honoured during the 5th Dubai International Project Management Forum (DIPMF) scheduled in December 2018. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2609 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 988 | Comments: 4
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Epson, the number-one selling projector brand worldwide, today announced LightScene™ – a new category of accent lighting laser projectors for digital art and signage. LightScene is designed to simultaneously illuminate and project dynamic content on virtually any surface or material to engage audiences and provide an immersive experience for commercial signage applications in markets such as retail, hospitality, showrooms and museums. LightScene and other Epson laser projectors will be on display at Digital Signage Expo (DSE) 2018 in Las Vegas from March 28-29 at the Epson booth, #2336. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2559 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 936 | Comments: 6
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LONDON, 23 Jan., 2019 – Dell Technologies (NYSE:DELL) announces new additions to its portfolio of purpose-built technology designed to challenge, engage and inspire K-12 educators and students worldwide. This newest line of products, including an interactive monitor plus intelligently tough Latitude and Dell Chromebook devices and a new charging cart, helps educators integrate technology with new teaching and learning practices, while encouraging students to follow their own path of discovery. “Recent Dell Technologies research on Generation Z – those born in the mid-1990s and later – confirms our belief that for students to be successful now and in the future, educators must empower them to drive their own success and support them with tools and resources that ignite students’ natural curiosities,” said Adam Garry, director of education strategy at Dell. “These new devices enable both educators and students to inquire, create and collaborate seamlessly, wherever learning takes place.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2259 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 978 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated The gig economy represents a free market system in which organizations and independent workers engage in short-term work arrangements. That is the general definition of this topic. But how much do we know about the gig economy and why is it becoming so increasingly popular in the past few years? We have conducted a study to examine all aspects of the gig economy to shed new light on this topic and give guidance to all professionals looking to explore freelancing.
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Added: 1470 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m37s | Views: 678 | Comments: 0
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