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Search // 26
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Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. [] today announced that its epilepsy-focused educational website,, has been expanded to include thought-leader commentary on issues related to Epilepsy and Comorbidities. The newly updated website will make its debut at the 64th Annual American Academy of Neurology Meeting in New Orleans on April 23 – 26, 2012, at the Upsher-Smith exhibit, booth number 128. TO view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4687 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m8s | Views: 4356 | Comments: 0
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The world’s most romantic city, Paris, has been named the most expensive city in the world for a Club Sandwich, according to research released today by The classic chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce and mayo sandwich, available in hotels the world over, has been used as a measure of affordability by the hotel expert. The Club Sandwich Index (CSI) will give holiday-makers an indication of the costs associated with their holiday destination, using one of the most common items on any hotel menu around the world as a barometer. The CSI average price has been calculated by taking the real prices paid by guests for a Club Sandwich in 30 hotels in the capital or major city of each country measured. In total surveyed the Club Sandwich prices in more than 750 hotels in the five, four and three star category across 26 countries. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4686 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 8945 | Comments: 2
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On May 26, 2012, the 22 teams competing for the Solar Decathlon China 2013 made a group appearance to the public in the City of Datong, Shanxi Province, marking the successful close to the team selection process and the official start of the promotion phase. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4666 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 3162 | Comments: 0
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Bello Nock, comedic daredevil and circus star, for the first time ever walked 32 stories above and 360 feet across Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi today. The high wire walk kicks off Beau Rivage’s summer production show FATA MORGANA which will appear in the Beau Rivage Theatre June 26-August 19. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // beau  rivage  fata  morgana  show  bello  nock  tight  rope  high  wire  walk  event  circus  resort  multivu  56744 
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4643 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 5513 | Comments: 0
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Gerber Products Company, part of the Nestlé family, announced today the launch of the Gerber Generation Photo Search III on its Facebook page Starting today, parents of children up to 48 months of age are encouraged to upload their favorite photo of their children for a chance to win the search grand prize – a $50,000 cash prize and the opportunity to star in an upcoming advertisement for Gerber. Photo entries are being accepted through Aug. 26. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4619 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 3754 | Comments: 0
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Velkommen til Kommunikasjonsforeningens høstseminar i Kristiansand. 24. – 26. oktober samles landets kommunikasjonsbransje til faglig og sosialt påfyll. Tema for årets seminar er: Lederskap og kommunikasjonsvalg. Hvordan løfter vi kommunikasjon når vi har tatt plass ved ledelsens bord, og hva er de riktige valgene når en har kommet dit? Hvordan tar en lederskap i sin bransje, på sitt felt eller i sitt prosjekt? Og hvilke kommunikasjonsvalg må en ta for å overbevise noen om noe? Hvordan vinner man med kommunikasjon? To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4587 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 2646 | Comments: 1
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It was January 2012, Isaac dribbled the ball; shot it through the hoop, swish! This was a simple moment the 15-year-old athlete who once participated in cross country, soccer and basketball, thought he’d never experience again. Ten months earlier, Isaac was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He became a patient at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® and through extensive treatment and care, his cancer is in remission and he is able to play the sports he loves. Chili’s® Grill & Bar is helping St. Jude patients like Isaac enjoy their own special, everyday moments through the brand’s ninth annual Create-A-Pepper to Fight Childhood Cancer campaign. Participating Chili’s restaurants nationwide and in Puerto Rico are joining in the fight against childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month and through Sept. 26, Chili’s guests can help the cause by donating at their local restaurants and online. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4569 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 3894 | Comments: 0
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(Sandy-Hook, Connecticut Massacre Tribute) by GIO This song is dedicated to the 20 kids an 6 adults that got killed in the Connecticut school shooting ON DEC 14th 2012 that won't be around for Christmas. May this song bless them and their families. Here are the list of names of those who are now at peace with God: Charlotte Bacon - 6, Daniel Barden - 7, Olivia Engel - 6, Josephine Gay - 7, Ana Marquez-Greene - 6, Dylan Hockley - 6, Madeleine Hsu - 6, Catherine Hubbard - 6, Chase Kowalski - 7, Jesse Lewis - 6, James Mattioli - 6, Grace McDonnell - 7, Emilie Parker - 6, Jack Pinto - 6, Noah Pozner - 6, Caroline Previdi - 6, Jessica Rekos - 6, Avielle Richman - 6, Benjamin Wheeler - 6, Allison Wyatt - 6, Rachel Davino - 29, Dawn Hocksprung - 47, Anne Marie Murphy - 52, Lauren Rousseau - 30, Mary Sherlach - 56, Victoria Soto - 27, We apologize if there was anybody left out due to this horrific event as for it was short notice. Our condolences to the families MERRY  CHRISTMAS to the 26 innocent hearts. To contact GIO email him at
Categories // Music 
Added: 4452 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 3553 | Comments: 0
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On January 26-27, Blu Homes, Inc., (“Blu”) leading nationwide builder of beautiful and green, precision-engineered prefab homes ( invites the public to a weekend-long grand opening event in New York’s Hudson Valley to tour the first Breezehouse® built on the East Coast. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4435 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 2180 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated The 19th annual PHUKET BIKE WEEK 2013 is the biggest motorcycle event in Asia. This event attract over 5,000 motorcycles with more than 30,000 visitors from 26 countries
Tags // phuket  bike  week 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4402 days ago by aastinmekan
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 4114 | Comments: 1
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WebMD Health Corp. (Nasdaq: WBMD), the leading source of health information, announced today the launch of the WebMD Pregnancy app, a free iPhone® app offering expectant moms WebMD’s physician-reviewed pregnancy information that is customizable to fit a woman’s unique pregnancy. The WebMD Pregnancy App is WebMD’s latest addition to its multi-screen platform approach which provides actionable health information when consumers want it most, enabling them to better manage their health. WebMD is the leader in mobile for health information, with WebMD’s mobile apps for consumers having been downloaded over 16 million times.1 To view Multimedia News Release, go to 1appFigures data through December 26, 2012; includes WebMD App, WebMD Baby App, WebMD Pain Coach App
Added: 4385 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 1735 | Comments: 0
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The 11th conference of the Eurasian Media Forum (EAMF) will take place in Astana on 25 and 26 April 2013. This will be the Forum’s second meeting in the capital of Kazakhstan. It moved here for the first time last October, after a decade of annual conferences in Almaty, the country’s commercial hub. Dariga Nazarbayeva, the Forum’s founder and chair of the Organising Committee, will welcome delegates old and new – political analysts, economists and media specialists – to two days of debate on the most pressing issues affecting East-West relations. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4366 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 5400 | Comments: 2
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