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Results 697-708 of 1000 for ' us ' (1 seconds) The Scenic is probably the best example of why Renault has been the pioneer in the MPV (multi purpose vehicle) segment. Not only does this car offer a sense of sporty dynamism but it delivers a lot of cabin space and makes it the perfect vehicle for tall people. And of course, it offers multiple storage solutions and is perfect for those who travel with several pieces of luggage. Comparably sized vehicles in the USA are Nissan Rogue, Toyota Matrix. Visit to save up to 20%* on Car Rentals in Europe & France. Join us on Facebook!: Follow us on Twitter:
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4391 days ago by adrianbert
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 1083 | Comments: 1
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LeVeL ( also known as LeveL561 is an American band that originated in West Palm Beach, Florida. The group's musical style primarily has elements of classic rock, punk, funk, jazz, acoustic rock, dance music and heavy metal into a truly unique musical experience. Live, they incorporate many aspects of jam rock due to the improvised nature at some of their performances. Although LeVeL's musicians hail from vastly different backgrounds, they share a deep love and passion for there music. They invite you to check out the bands music and videos as well as the News Page to stay up to date on upcoming concerts and recording projects. You can also get up to the minute news by liking LeVeL on Facebook at To contact the band, please e-mail us at Studio@ or by clicking on our Contact page. Thanks again for stopping by and prepare to get Levelled!
Tags // cherish  the  moment 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4390 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m20s | Views: 1014 | Comments: 0
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BREAKING POINT is the sequel to Kristen Simmons breathtaking debut, Article 5 (2012). Fans have been anxiously awaiting the next book in this thrilling and heart-wrenching trilogy. Fans dystopian fiction will find plenty to keep them on the edge-of-their-seats in Simmons’ thought-provoking and cautionary take on the future United States. Find our more at or Breaking Point by Kristen Simmons YA/fantasy/romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4389 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 1945 | Comments: 0
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Sixteen year old Dusty Everhart breaks into houses late at night, but not because she is a criminal. No, she is a Nightmare. Literally. Being the only Nightmare at Arkwell Academy, a boarding school for magickind, and living in the shadow of her mother’s infamy, is hard enough. But when Dusty sneaks into Eli Booker’s house, things get a whole lot more complicated. He’s hot, which means sitting on his chest and invading his dreams couldn’t get much more embarrassing. But it does. Eli is dreaming of a murder. Then Eli's dream comes true. Now Dusty has to follow the clues—both within Eli’s dreams and out of them—to stop the killer before more people turn up dead. And before the killer learns what she’s up to and marks her as the next target. Find out more at YA/Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4389 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 3090 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Build your child's reading and math skills with the K5 Stars Class, featuring an online learning center that helps every child become a star learner. We believe that mastering the basics such as Sight Words, Reading and Elementary Math is the foundation of success from elementary school through college and beyond. Let us help your kids play their way to an education with over 300 fun online games. 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4387 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 955 | Comments: 0
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4/5/12 ADAM WEST (orig BATMAN) DAY, HOLLYWOOD STAR CEREMONY***********“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7
Tags // batman  adam  west  hollywood  celebrity  movies 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4382 days ago by vanderKOK
Runtime: 0m22s | Views: 1359 | Comments: 0
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11/28/10 DONNA MILLS, KNOTS LANDING STAR, HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS PARADE ***** “For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Tags // donna  mills  hollywood  christmas  parade 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4381 days ago by vanderKOK
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 1749 | Comments: 0
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It is time for a new New Testament. In February of 2012, a council of scholars and spiritual leaders, convened by religious scholar Hal Taussig, came together to discuss, debate, and reconsider which books belong in the New Testament. They talked about dozens of newly found texts, their lessons, and how they inform the previously bound books. Reading the existing New Testament alongside these new texts—The Gospel of Luke with The Gospel of Mary, Paul’s letters with The Letter of Peter to Philip, The Revelation to John with The Secret Revelation to John—offers the exciting possibility of understanding both—the new and the old—better. What were early Christians’ concerns? What was daily practice? What was a woman’s place? How was Jesus remembered and his message promoted? In this imaginative reframing, Taussig presents explanatory introductions and additional historical background alongside the traditional New Testament books and ten newly included scriptures, all bringing us closer to a full appreciation of these documents and their impact on spiritual life. Learn more at Religion
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4376 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 1192 | Comments: 0
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Freestyler Group fitness: - One functional training fitness device - endless possibilities - Supreme core workout with multi-axis movements - Online & offline instructor education support - Step by step programs supported by Video center Fitness instructors are amazed with endless workout possibilities The Freestyler group workout system contains a set of different classes which are constantly updated with ever new workouts. In this way instructors and fitness clubs are able to pick from variety of workouts which best suit their clients' needs. Connect with us online! Youtube: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Facebook: Visit our shop:
Tags // functional  fitness  workouts 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4363 days ago by Freestyler
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1038 | Comments: 1
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An app for hiding your private notes and photos on your phone! There are some things that you just want to keep private. While there are plenty of apps that let you store information on your phone, very few of them take their own steps to ensure the privacy of your information. Once a person gets past your lock screen, your life is wide open, including the private things you’ve saved for yourself. With this app, you can access your private notes and photos by drawing your secret signature on the screen. No password prompts or buttons that would give away the existence of your secret area. Even your most private information remains safely locked away from prying eyes. You can store passwords, banking information, ID numbers, intimate photos and more. Only you can access the hidden content by drawing your signature shape anywhere on the screen. Once unlocked, your notes are readily available to you. Anyone that doesn’t know your signature will simply see a list of “dummy” public notes with zero indication that a password is even required. There is no password prompt. Only you know that a special signature is needed.
Tags // secret 
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4363 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 4m11s | Views: 1200 | Comments: 1
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AgeMe has the best tool that can be customized according to your requirement. We provide you such type of services that will make you look older by the software online Contact us for more information
Tags // best  photo  age  aging  myself 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4356 days ago by LISAJACKSON
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 727 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated the hot new single by Riff Action Family is on iTunes now. Make sure you grab a copy today.
Tags // rock  music 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4349 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 560 | Comments: 0
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