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Search // reports
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More than 15,000 injuries involving holiday decorating resulted in emergency room visits in 2012, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 230 home fires each season involving Christmas trees. In light of these statistics, UL, a global safety science leader, is sharing tips about tree safety, decorating safety and home entertaining safety during the holiday season, including ways that consumers can safeguard their homes and loved ones. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Howto and DIY 
Added: 3756 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m33s | Views: 893 | Comments: 2
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Subaru of America, Inc. (SOA) has reported record sales of 513,693 vehicles for the 2014 calendar year. This is an increase of 21 percent over the previous record of 424,683 vehicles, which was set in 2013. This sixth consecutive record also represents the largest ever single–year increase in volume for the brand. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3735 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1086 | Comments: 0
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Spring is around the corner, and it won’t be long before it’s prom and graduation seasons for many high schoolers. Rites of passage for many, these are times for teens to celebrate, but can also be times of poor decision-making, especially when vehicles are involved. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 2,524 teen drivers and passengers were killed and 177,000 were injured in 2013. Twenty-seven percent of these fatalities occurred between April and June, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). “The statistics are staggering, especially when you consider that most of these accidents and fatalities are preventable,” said Randy Petro, Mercury Insurance’s chief claims officer. “We don’t want any families to suffer through the loss of a child, so Mercury is taking action with the launch of the ‘Mercury Insurance Drive Safe Challenge.’” The Mercury Insurance Drive Safe Challenge kicked off with a free defensive driving program, which included hands-on driving skills training and classroom material. An interactive website provides teens with detailed instruction, as well as gives parents the tools to shape responsible driving behavior. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3307 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 988 | Comments: 0
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Recent reports of fraudulent extra virgin olive oil in the marketplace have made finding truly authentic EVOO more important than ever. Consumers are seeking ways to identify the real from the fake. Bellucci and its parent company Certified Origins, headquartered in Grosseto, Italy, is offering a solution in the form of the Bellucci App, which traces any bottle of Bellucci EVOO back to the mill where it was produced and the area in which the olives for it were grown. As EVOO consumption increases worldwide and many new competitors are entering the market to meet demand, Bellucci is committed to offering precise, detailed information to ensure the authenticity of their product at all levels of production and to empower customers in selecting truly authentic EVOO. 66% of Bellucci is owned by cooperatives of Italian growers, who work with agronomists to identify when their olives are at their peak flavor for oil production. Within hours of harvest, they press their olives in cooperative mills local to their groves. The oil is tested to confirm that it is without defects and that the standards for EVOO are not only met but also exceeded. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3301 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m45s | Views: 982 | Comments: 0
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After much speculation and hype, Helper’s iconic white glove, Lefty, dropped his first mixtape today, featuring five original tracks and two music videos. Initial reports: it’s lit. Collaborating with Twin Cities hip hop artists and a group of young, hungry up-and-comers, Lefty stays true to the streets in creating a soundscape that’s both authentic and hilarious. Seriously, this isn’t a joke. You can listen to the greatest mixtape of all time about Helper here and watch the music videos below. Helper collaborated with McNally Smith College of Music students, along with Twin Cities artists, Dequexatron X000 (DJ Tiiiiiiiiiip & Bobby Raps), and Twitter, Vine and Snapchat rising star, Retro Spectro, to produce rhymes and beats that encapsulate Helper’s cunningly entertaining and relatable brand. The Helper mixtape, titled Watch the Stove, gives up-and-coming artists like the students at McNally Smith a platform to share their original music. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3284 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 959 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Alarming newspaper and industry reports show that no one, including small businesses, is immune from a potential data security breach. The best way to protect yourself is with a comprehensive security protection plan and knowing some of the tricks hackers use that can cost you time, money and spur mistrust from your customers. Here are four risks that could make you a target for hackers – and how you can fix them.
Added: 3199 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 799 | Comments: 2
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Nintex, the leader in workflow automation, today announced the upcoming release of Nintex Hawkeye, a new cloud-based workflow analytics service. For the thousands of global companies that have collectively deployed more than a million Nintex workflows, they can now capture, monitor, measure, and assess workflow analytics that provide actionable intelligence to understand and improve their business processes. Nintex Hawkeye automatically captures people and process data and then generates reports and dashboards with analytics to help business and IT decision makers understand important, yet often unanswerable, questions like: which processes are automated, what functions do they perform, when and how often do processes run, who’s involved in the process, what content is accessed, how effective are the processes and how might the processes be improved? To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3188 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 685 | Comments: 0
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Ascensia Diabetes Care today announced the availability of the CONTOUR®NEXT ONE blood glucose monitoring system (BGMS) in the United Kingdom, one of the next steps in the evolution of self-monitoring of blood glucose. As part of the system, the CONTOUR®NEXT ONE meter and CONTOUR®DIABETES app seamlessly connect, which makes capturing blood glucose results effortless for people with diabetes. The system enables patterns and trends to be revealed that can help people understand their diabetes, and may help to improve diabetes management. The system features an easy-to-use wireless-enabled smart meter that links to a smart mobile device via Bluetooth® connectivity. The CONTOUR®NEXT ONE meter gives immediate feedback and also seamlessly connects to the CONTOUR®DIABETES app, which collects, stores and analyses patient blood glucose results received from the meter. The app combines these results with other data recorded by the user, to provide detailed information about their condition that can help them understand how their everyday lives may impact their blood glucose readings, including alerts for critical high or critical low readings. Through the app, meter users can also share with their healthcare professional the reports of their blood glucose results and patterns, either in advance or on the day of their appointment, helping to create more informed discussions. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3082 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 687 | Comments: 0
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Judicial Crisis Network reports the follow update regarding the nomination process of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the high court: Leonard Leo, an adviser to President Donald J. Trump on the Supreme Court, said today the President’s high court nominee, Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, will be confirmed by the end of the week despite the gridlock strategy being employed by Senate Democrats. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2913 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m24s | Views: 791 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated More businesses are taking their products and services online than ever before. Consumers, for the most part, are feeling safer about completing online transactions – especially with businesses they trust. But some entrepreneurs in the e-commerce world have never started their own business. Many are unfamiliar with how to run an e-commerce store. There’s no doubt that this is an exciting time to explore the e-commerce marketplace – especially for people who are testing it out while keeping their full-time jobs. Having said that, business owners new to the online world should understand from the get-go that the e-commerce industry is one of the most lucrative targets for cyber criminals. News of the recent eBay hack is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities associated with online businesses. But big businesses aren’t the only ones getting hacked. More than 20 WordPress sites are hacked every minute of every day. But there are a few basic things you can do to help prevent losing control of your website and your customer’s private information. Choose a Secure eCommerce Platform More than two third of all active e-commerce sites are using either Magento or WordPress’ WooCommerce. Why? Mainly because of their sophisticated security features. There are other factors as well, but what makes them stand apart is the extensive security. PrestaShop can be yet another choice with a proven security framework. Keep your software up-to-date and, it should go without saying, keep your passwords unique and secure. Educate your clients, as well as your workforce, about your information security practices. Let them know how you are protecting customers’ credit card information and what they should do from their end to keep the financial information secure. Implement SSL Certificates SSLs (secure socket layers) are the de facto standard when it comes to securing online transactions. An SSL certificate authenticates the identity of users and encrypts data while at store and transit. Implementing SSL is essential for E-commerce websites to establish secure connectivity between the end-user systems and your website. For tech-savvy buyers, the padlock icon with HTTPS in the address bar is an essential prerequisite for providing their personal details and credit card information. If the consumers believe that a vendor is doing everything possible to secure their transactions, they are more likely to do business with them. Scan Your Site for Security Vulnerabilities Although SSLs protect your transactions, they don’t protect your website. No matter which platform you decide to use, ensure that your server maintains PCI compliance requirements by running PCI scans on your server to validate whether you are compliant or not. Companies like Trust Guard not only scan your site for more than 75,000 known vulnerabilities, giving you detailed reports about its safety, but they also provide users with trust seals. These small, digital images, when placed on your home page and checkout page, have been proved to drastically increase sales and conversion rates. They show potential buyers through accompanying certificates that you are serious about their privacy and security. It gives them the peace of mind they need to make the buying decision. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just are getting started, you should understand that keeping your site safe is your most important endeavor. Hackers can (and do) cause economic, legal and reputational damage every day. Keep your site safe and protected by following these three simple website security tips for your online business.
Added: 2901 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 879 | Comments: 2
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Today, the American Federation of Government Employees released a microsite site to raise awareness of the threat of privatizing the VA, and the negative impact it will have on veterans. The site, The Fight Against VA Privatization, can be accessed at and offers viewers reports, data, photos, footage, and information about the largest health care system in the country tailored to the unique needs of our nation’s veterans. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2720 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 856 | Comments: 2
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Flooded vehicles have finally stopped arriving at the Royal Purple Raceway east of Houston. Some 23,000 now await processing and retitling to be auctioned off for parts or to be scrapped. That is just one of several insurance industry salvage locations where more than 422,000 insured vehicles damaged by Harvey have been taken for processing. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), these totals surpass the number of claims that resulted from Hurricane Katrina (approx. 300,000) and from Superstorm Sandy (250,500). In addition, more than 215,000 claims have been filed following damage to vehicles from Hurricane Irma in Florida. These insured vehicles will be processed and rebranded with a salvage title and sold at online auctions to dismantlers who will save usable parts or have the vehicle crushed and sold for scrap. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2718 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 857 | Comments: 2
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